Amend CSSB 359 as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 16 of the bill, added Section 40.068, Human
Resources Code, by striking "child's" (page 18, line 14) and
substituting "client's".
      (2)  In SECTION 24 of the bill, added Section 42.0461(a),
Human Resources Code, by striking "250,000" (page 24, line 14) and
substituting "300,000".
      (3)  In SECTION 24 of the bill, added Section 42.0461(f),
Human Resources Code, by striking "that is located in a county with
a population of less than 250,000 and" (page 26, lines 17 and 18).
      (4)  In SECTION 24 of the bill, added Section 42.0461(f),
Human Resources Code, by inserting "that is located in a county
with a population of less than 300,000" between "home" and "that"
(page 26, line 19).
      (5)  In SECTION 31 of the bill, amended Section 42.073, Human
Resources Code, by striking all of subsection (d) (page 34, lines
21 through 24) and substituting the following:
      "<(d)  The suspension of a license and the closure of the
facility and the appeal from that action are governed by the
procedures for a contested case hearing under Chapter 2001,
Government Code.>"
      (6)  In SECTION 74 of the bill, amended Section 264.009(a),
Family Code, by striking "(b) or (c)" (page 78, line 16) and
substituting "(b), (c) or (f)".
      (7)  In SECTION 74 of the bill, amended Section 264.004,
Family Code, by inserting the following between lines 18 and 19:
      "(f)  In a county with a population of 2,800,000 or more, in
an action under this code, the department shall be represented in
court by the attorney who represents the state in civil cases in
the district or county court of the county where the action is
brought. If such attorney is unable to represent the department in
an action under this code because of a conflict of interest or
because special circumstances exist, the attorney general shall
represent the department in the action."