Amend CSSB 370 as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 7.23 of the bill by striking Section
366.251(d), Transportation Code, as added by the bill (committee
printing page 47, line 44), and substituting:
      (d)  Two directors appointed by the governor must have
resided in a county of the authority for at least one year before
the person's appointment.  One director appointed by the governor
must have resided in a county adjacent to a county of the authority
for at least one year before the person's appointment.  Each
director appointed by a commissioners court must have resided in
that county for at least one year before the person's appointment.
      (2)  In SECTION 7.25(c)(1) of the bill (committee printing
page 52, line 10), by inserting the following after the word
"governor": ", two of whom must have resided in a county of the
authority for at least one year before the person's appointment and
one who must have resided in Parker County, Ellis County, or
Johnson County for at least one year before the person's