Amend CSSB 623 as follows:
      (1)  On page 2, line 47, strike "The" and substitute "To the
extent the following services or types of creative work meet this
definition, the".
      (2)  On page 2, line 49, between "testimony" and "testing",
insert "engineering for".
      (3)  On page 2, line 58, between "property" and
"preparation", insert "engineering for".
      (4)  On page 2, line 59, between "and" and "review", insert
"engineering for".
      (5)  On page  13, strike SECTION 31 and SECTION 32 and
substitute a new SECTION 31 to read as follows:
      "The importance of this legislation and the crowded condition
of the calendars in both houses create an emergency and an
imperative public necessity that the constitutional rule requiring
bills to be read on three several days in each house be suspended,
and this rule is hereby suspended, and that this Act take effect
and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so