Amend SB 644 as follows:
      (1)  On page 1, line 7, after "stretcher", insert "and that
holds itself out as an air ambulance service";
      (2)  On page 1, line 22, following the period, insert:
      "This subsection does not prohibit an air ambulance company
with multiple locations from listing those locations in
advertising, provided that the air ambulance company meets all the
provisions of this Act."
      (3)  On page 1, after line 22, insert new subsections (e) and
(f) to read as follows:
      (e)  An air ambulance company that is not located in this
state and that advertises within this state must have at least one
physical location in this state.
      (f)  This section does not require an air transportation
provider to be licensed if, in addition to the company's normal air
transportation service, the air transportation company provides
only voluntary, mercy-flight transportation at the company's own