Amend CSSB 758 by adding appropriately numbered SECTIONS to
read as follows and by renumbering existing SECTIONS accordingly:
      SECTION ____.  Section 53.03, Family Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (g) to read as follows:
      (g)  If the child is alleged to have engaged in delinquent
conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision that violates
Section 28.03(a)(3), Penal Code, deferred prosecution under this
section may include:
            (1)  voluntary attendance in  a class with instruction
in self-responsibility and empathy for a victim of an offense
conducted by a local juvenile probation department, if the class is
available; and
            (2)  voluntary restoration of the property damaged by
the child by removing or painting over any markings made by the
child, if the owner of the property consents to the restoration.
      SECTION ____.  Chapter 54, Family Code, is amended by adding
Section 54.046 to read as follows:
WITH GRAFFITI. (a)  If a juvenile court places on probation under
Section 54.04(d) a child adjudicated as having engaged in conduct
in violation of Section 28.03(a)(3), Penal Code, in addition to
other conditions of probation, the court may, with consent of the
owner of the property, order the child as a condition of probation
to restore the property by removing or painting over any markings
made by the child on the property.
      (b)  In addition to a condition imposed under Subsection (a),
the court may require the child as a condition of probation to
attend a class with instruction in self-responsibility and empathy
for a victim of an offense conducted by a local juvenile probation