Amend CSSB 841 by adding a new section appropriately numbered
to read as follows and renumbering the other sections accordingly:
      SECTION ____.  Subchapter B, Chapter 23, Tax Code, is amended
by adding Section 23.129 to read as follows:
RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY.  (a)  This section applies only in a county
with a population of less than 150,000, and applies only to land
constituting a platted subdivision primarily for residential
purposes, including the individual lots or parcels of land platted
or designated for individual sale or already sold to another person
by the developer of the subdivision.
      (b)  On application of the developer at any time after the
plat is filed, the governing body of a taxing unit by official
action may prohibit the reappraisal of the land for purposes of
taxation by the taxing unit from any year designated by the
governing body of the taxing unit after the plat is filed until a
later year agreed to by the governing body and the developer.
During that period, the market value of the land, including the
individual lots or parcels, is determined using the market value
per acre of the entire subdivision in the last year in which the
land was appraised before the prohibition on reappraisals took