Amend SB 844 as follows:
      Strike SECTION 1 and substitute a new SECTION 1 to read as
      "SECTION 1.  Section 2306.589, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
      Sec. 2306.589.  COLONIA SET-ASIDE FUND.  (a)  The department
shall establish a fund in the department designated as the colonia
set-aside fund.
      (b)  The department by rule shall provide that an application
for assistance in paying for residential service lines and hookups
associated with being connected to a water supply or sewer service
system may be submitted after construction of a water supply or
sewer service system begins.  Money in the fund may not be used to
pay for indoor plumbing facilities and fixtures.  The department
shall approve or disapprove a timely application before
construction of the water supply or sewer service is completed in
order to eliminate delay in hookups once construction is completed.
The department and the Texas Water Development Board shall
coordinate the application process for hookup funds under this
subsection and under Subchapter L, Chapter 15, Water Code, and
shall share information elicited by each agency's application
procedure in order to avoid duplication of effort and to eliminate
the need for applicants  to  complete different forms with  similar