Amend SB 898 as follows:
(1) In Section 6.04 of the bill (introduced version, page
72, line 17), strike "6.04-6.83" and substitute "6.05-6.84".
(2) In Section 30.19(d) of the bill, strike amended
Subsection (b) and added Subsection (c), Section 361.282,
Transportation Code (introduced version, page 628, lines 3-10), and
substitute the following:
(b) The authority, the commission, and the governor must
approve the transfer of the turnpike project as being in the best
interests of the state and the entity receiving the turnpike
project <county>.
(3) In Section 30.26(a) of the bill, proposed Section
451.3015(b), Transportation Code (introduced version, page 639,
line 2), strike "After August 31, 1996, at" and substitute "At
<After August 31, 1996, at>".
(4) In Section 30.26(a) of the bill, strike proposed Section
451.3015(b-1), Transportation Code (introduced version, page 639,
lines 5-8).
(5) In Section 30.30(a) of the bill, proposed Section
452.2515(b), Transportation Code (introduced version, page 646,
line 1), strike "After August 31, 1996, at" and substitute "At
<After August 31, 1996, at>".
(6) In Section 30.30(a) of the bill, strike proposed Section
452.2515(b-1), Transportation Code (introduced version, page 646,
lines 4-7).
(7) In Section 30.33(a) of the bill, proposed Section
453.2515(b), Transportation Code (introduced version, page 650,
line 22), strike "After August 31, 1996, at" and substitute "At
<After August 31, 1996, at>".
(8) In Section 30.150(a) of the bill, proposed Section
643.001(4), Transportation Code (introduced version, page 849, line
5), strike "10102" and substitute "13102".
(9) In Section 30.150(a) of the bill, proposed Section
643.153(a), Transportation Code (introduced version, page 858, line
24), strike "1056" and substitute "375".