1.  Amend Section 1 of SB 1158, Section 8.003(e), page 1,
line 64, by adding the following after the period:
      "Subject to approval of the board of directors, regional
education service centers shall offer programs and activities to
school districts and campuses under 8.051, 8.052 and 8.053."
      2.  Amend Section 1 of SB 1158, page 2, lines 24-33, by
striking Section 8.007 and inserting the following:
      "Sec. 8.007.  TRANSFERABILITY OF LEAVE.  (A)  A regional
education service center shall accept personal leave accrued by a
center employee as sick leave under state law by an employee who
was formerly employed by the state.  (b)  A school district or the
state shall accept the sick leave accrued by an employee who was
formerly employed by a regional education service center not to
exceed five days per year for each year of employment."