Amend SB 1304 by inserting the following new SECTION 3 on
line 9, page 2 of the bill and by renumbering each subsequent
SECTION of the bill appropriately:
      SECTION 3.  Chapter 117, Local Government Code, is amended by
adding Section 117.003 to read as follows:
      Sec. 117.003.  Compliance With Federal Tax Law for Funds Held
Under This Chapter.  (a)  If any funds deposited under this chapter
are placed into an interest bearing account, any person with a
taxable interest in funds deposited to such account must submit
appropriate tax forms and provide correct information to the
district or county clerk so that the interest earned on such funds
can be timely and appropriately reported to the Internal Revenue
Service.  The information and forms provided to the district or
county clerk under this section is not subject to public disclosure
except to the extent necessary to effectuate compliance with
federal tax law requirements.
      (b)  The district or county clerk is authorized to pay any or
all of the interest earned on funds deposited under this chapter,
without court order, to the Internal Revenue Service to satisfy tax
withholding requirements.