Amend CSSB 1486 by adding the following appropriately
numbered sections and renumbering the existing sections as
      SECTION ____. Section 5, Article 6675d, Revised Statutes, is
amended by amending Subsection (a)  and adding Subsection (c) to
read as follows:
      (a)  A rule adopted under this article may not:
            (1)  prevent an intrastate operator from operating a
vehicle up to 12 hours following eight consecutive hours off;
            (2)  require a person to meet the medical standards
provided in the federal motor carrier safety regulations if the
                  (A)  was regularly employed in this state as a
commercial motor vehicle operator in intrastate commerce before
August 28, 1989; and
                  (B)  is not transporting property that requires a
hazardous material placard;  <or>
            (3)  require a person to maintain a government form,
separate company form, operator's record of duty status, or
operator's daily log for operations within a 150-mile radius of the
normal work-reporting location if a general record of an operator's
hours of service can be compiled from:
                  (A)  business records maintained by the owner
that provide the date, time, and location of the delivery of a
product or service; or
                  (B)  documents required to be maintained by law,
including delivery tickets or sales invoices, that provide the date
of delivery and the quantity of merchandise delivered; or
            (4)  impose during the planting and harvesting seasons
maximum driving and on-duty times on operators of vehicles
transporting agricultural commodities in intrastate commerce for
agricultural purposes from the source of the commodities to the
first place of processing or storage or the distribution point for
the commodities, if the place is located within 150 air miles of
the source.
      (c)  In this section, "agricultural commodity" means an
agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, silvicultural, or
vegetable product, bees or honey, planting seed, cottonseed, rice,
livestock or a livestock product, or poultry or a poultry product
that is produced in this state, either in its natural form or as
processed by the producer, including woodchips.
      SECTION ____. Section 522.004(a), Transportation Code, is
amended to read as follows:
      (a)  This chapter does not apply to:
            (1)  a vehicle that is controlled and operated by a
farmer and:
                  (A)  used to transport agricultural products,
farm machinery, or farm supplies to or from a farm;
                  (B)  used within 150 miles of the person's farm;
                  (C)  not used in the operations of a common or
contract motor carrier;
            (2)  a fire-fighting or emergency vehicle necessary to
the preservation of life or property or the execution of emergency
governmental functions, whether operated by an employee of a
political subdivision or by a volunteer fire fighter;
            (3)  a military vehicle, when operated for military
purposes by military personnel, including:
                  (A)  active duty military personnel; and
                  (B)  members of the reserves and national guard
on active duty, including personnel on full-time national guard
duty, personnel engaged in part-time training, and national guard
military technicians;
            (4)  a recreational vehicle that is driven for personal
use; <or>
            (5)  a vehicle that is owned, leased, or controlled by
an air carrier, as defined by Section 21.155, and that is driven or
operated exclusively by an employee of the air carrier only on the
premises of an airport, as defined by Section 22.001, on service
roads to which the public does not have access; or
            (6)  a vehicle used exclusively to transport seed
cotton modules or cotton burrs.