H.B. 99
By: Gray
Committee Report (Substituted)


The Texas Legislature created the Contingency Fund during the 70th Regular
session.  The fund was part of the Executive Branch overhaul of SB 894.
Any unexpended balances in the fund are reappropriated for the next
biennium.  Article I-53 of the General Appropriations Act outlines the
payments of claims arising prior to the convening of the next Legislature
by the Governor in accordance with Article 4351, V.T.C.S.  The purpose of
that provision is to empower the Governor to leverage grants-in-aid for
certain types of disasters.  Currently, these funds must be reappropriated
each biennium, and there is no self-funding mechanism to perpetuate
revenue into the fund without prior appropriation of additional funds, or
from a previous unexpended balance. The devastating natural disasters
(e.g. flooding, hail storms, fires, hurricanes, drought, tornadoes, and
acts of terrorism) that have occurred in Texas coupled with the shortfalls
in federal funding means that Texas does not have adequate funding to
match federal aid, help pay for disaster management during
non-presidential declarations, and provide loans and assistance to local
communities and state agencies. 

This legislation would amend Section 418, Government Code to create the
Disaster Management Fund as a dedicated fund in the State Treasury.  The
new fund would provide funding and operation of certain emergency
management and disaster relief programs when the costs of such exceed the
funds regularly appropriated to state and local agencies. 

It is the committees opinion that there is express rule-making authority
granted to the Governor in SECTION 6 of the bill (Section 418.024,
Government Code). 

SECTION 1. Amends Sec. 418.004(1), Government Code, as follows:
 Sec. 418.004(1).  Defines "Disaster" to include terrorist activity. 

SECTION 2. Amends Sec. 418.021, Government Code as follows:
Sec.418.021.  FEDERAL AID.  Authorizes the governor to request federal
assistance in order to save lives, protect property, avert catastrophe,
supplement local effort, provide compensation, and preserve public health
as a result of a disaster. 

SECTION 3. Amends Section 418.022, Government Code as follows:
Sec. 418.022.  AID FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES.  Authorizes the governor
to provide grants to political divisions where federal assistance was not
granted to families limited to financial assistance for property repairs,
funeral, dental, medical, transportation and other related expenses not to
exceed $5,000 per individual or family.  Designates the Texas Department
of Human Services as the lead agency for providing financial aid to
families or individuals. 

SECTION 4. Amends Sec. 418.023, Government Code, by adding Subsection (e)
as follows: 
Sec. 418.023(e).  Authorizes the governor to provide grants to political
subdivision for the clearance of debris where federal assistance was not

 SECTION 5. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 418, Government Code, by adding
Section 418.0231 and 418.0232 as follows: 
STREETS; WATER CONTROL STRUCTURES.  Authorizes the governor to provide
grants to political divisions where federal assistance was not granted  in
order to repair or replace damage highway, street, or water control
structures if no other financial assistance is available.  The governor
may withdraw assistance after one year from the date the disaster

Sec. 418.0232.  HAZARD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE.  Authorizes the governor to
provide funds for hazard mitigation where federal assistance was not
available in an amount not to exceed 50% of the cost and not to exceed 20%
of the estimated aggregated amount of grants.  

SECTION 6. Amends Sec. 418.024, Government Code, as follows:
Sec. 418.024.  RULES.  The governor may adopt rules necessary for
establishing criteria for evaluating/awarding the applications for
financial assistance. 

SECTION 7. Amends Sec. 418.045, Government Code, as follows:
Sec. 418.045.  TEMPORARY PERSONNEL.  Authorizes the division of emergency
management to contract for temporary personnel. 

SECTION 8.  Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 418, Government Code,  by
amending Sec. 418.073 and adding Sec. 418.0731 as follows: 
Sec. 418.073.  DISASTER MANAGEMENT FUND.  Establishes the Disaster
Management Fund.  Renames the Disaster Contingency Fund as the Disaster
Management Fund. 

Sec. 418.0731.  USE OF FUND.  In addition to the grants authorized, the
governor may approve 10% for administrative expenses, 15% for emergency
training, reimbursement for developing/implementing a statewide mutual aid
plan, and 4% for statewide notification system.  

SECTION 9. Amends Subtitle J, Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 (PURA
1995) by adding Sec. 1.3531 as follows: 

Sec. 1.3531.  ASSESSMENT FOR DISASTER RELIEF.  Imposes an assessment
one-thirtieth of one percent of the gross receipts on each public utility,
interexchange telecommunications carrier, and municipally owned electric
utility. The assessment shall be deposited into the disaster management

SECTION 10. Amends Sec. 1.354(a), PURA 1995, as follows:

Sec. 1.354(a).  Revenue generated by the assessment shall be collected by
the comptroller and deposited into the disaster management fund. 

SECTION 11. Establishes an effective date of September 1, 1997, and
abrogates the disaster contingency fund by transferring any remaining
unexpended balance into the new fund. Authorizes assessment on utility
gross receipts after January 1, 1998. 

SECTION 12. Emergency Clause. 


The substitute incorporates the following major changes from the original:

1.  Adds and renumbers accordingly, sections that authorize the governor
to offer financial  assistance for disaster-related expenses when federal
assistance has not been granted for the following assistance: a) aid for
individuals and families; b) clearance of debris; c) assistance for repair
or replacement of highways or streets and water control structures; and d)
hazard mitigation.  SECTIONS 2, 4, AND 5 of the bill respectively. 

2.  Deletes the provision that authorizes the governor to determine the
amount needed to restore, or resume, a local government's function. 

3.  Deletes the provision that authorizes the governor to recommend to the
federal government cancellation of part or all of the repayment of the
grant if local funds are insufficient to meet the operating expenses and
disaster-related expenses for the first full three fiscal years following
an disaster. 

4.  Adds "And Families" to the type of disaster-related assistance the
governor my grant to individuals.  SECTION 4 of the bill. 

5.  Deletes the governor from the provision which establishes that the
grants may not exceed an aggregate amount in excess of that amount
established by federal statute for an individual or family in any disaster
declared by the president of the United States. 

6.  Deletes the insurance surcharge of $2.00 per homeowner, $4.00 per
commercial property lines, and $1.00 per automobile policy.  Removes the
fund's ceiling and suspension of assessment. 

7.  Authorizes the governor to adopt rules necessary to establish
standards for eligibility, procedures for administration, and appeals for
persons of political subdivisions applying for assistance.  SECTION 6 of
the bill. 
8.  Incorporates in addition to the types of grants authorized by the
governor for disaster-related assistance, use of the fund not to exceed
10% for administrative expenses, 15% for emergency training, reimbursement
for developing/implementing a statewide mutual aid plan, and 4% for
statewide notification system.  SECTION 8 of the bill. 

9. Creates an assessment of 1/30 of 1% of public utility, interexchange
telecommunications carriers, and municipally owned electric utility gross
receipts.  Revenue generated by the assessment shall be colleted and
deposited by the comptroller into the disaster management fund after
January 1, 1998.  SECTION 9 of the bill.