Senate Research Center   H.B. 156
By: Driver (Shapiro)
Criminal Justice


Under current law, a parole panel may, but is not required to, prohibit
contact with a victim as a condition of a defendant's parole or mandatory
supervision.  Prohibition of contact typically occurs when the victim
requests the parole panel to apply this condition.  When this condition is
not required, the criminal may continue to have unlimited contact with the
victim.  H.B. 156 would require the parole panel to prohibit contact with
the victim as a condition of parole or mandatory supervision for certain
offenders; however, this legislation provides for contact between the
victim and the defendant if the victim makes this request and the panel
concurs.  This bill also establishes provisions which facilitate
victim-offender mediation when a victim or a victim's close relative or
guardian requests mediation with a person released to parole or mandatory


As proposed, H.B. 156 provides for prohibiting contact with the victim as
a mandatory condition of parole or mandatory supervision for certain
offenders, and establishes provisions which facilitate victim-offender
mediation in certain circumstances. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 8(o)(1), Article 42.18, Code of Criminal
Procedure, as added by Chapter 10, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular
Session, 1993, to require a parole panel, in addition to other conditions
imposed, to require as a condition of parole or release to mandatory
supervision that an inmate serving a sentence for the offense of stalking
not communicate directly or indirectly with the victim or go to or near
the victim's residence, place of employment, business, or facility where a
dependent child of the victim is in attendance.  Deletes a provision
authorizing a parole panel to require the same.  Makes conforming and
standard recodification changes. 

SECTION 2. Amends Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Section 8C, as follows: 

Sec. 8C.  NO CONTACT WITH VICTIM.  Requires a parole panel which releases
a defendant on parole or mandatory supervision to require as a condition
of release that the defendant not communicate directly or indirectly with
a victim of the offense or go near a residence, school, place of
employment, business, or other location frequented by the victim.
Authorizes a victim of the offense to petition the panel for a
modification of the conditions of the defendant's parole or supervision
allowing the defendant contact with the victim under certain
circumstances.  Sets forth the terms by which a condition imposed under
this section prevails over an existing court order granting possession of
or access to a child.  Authorizes a defendant, notwithstanding Subsection
(a), to participate in victim-offender mediation on the request of certain
persons.  Defines "victim." 

SECTION 3. Amends Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Section 30, as follows: 

Sec. 30.  VICTIM-OFFENDER MEDIATION.  Requires the pardons and paroles
division  (division), upon receiving notice that a victim of the
defendant, or the victim's guardian or close relative, wishes to
participate in victim-offender mediation with a person released to parole
or mandatory supervision, to cooperate and assist the person.  Prohibits
the division from requiring the defendant to participate, and from
rewarding the person for participation by modifying conditions of release
or levels of supervision, or by granting any other benefit. 

SECTION 4. Amends Article 26.13, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Subsection (g), to authorize a court, before accepting a plea of guilty or
a plea of nolo contendere and on the request of the victim of the offense,
to assist the victim and the defendant in participating in a
victimoffender mediation program. 

SECTION 5. Effective date:  September 1, 1997.

SECTION 6. Emergency clause.