Senate Research Center   H.B. 259
By: West (Duncan)


Currently, in order to establish a municipal court of record, the 
City of Odessa must hold an election. 
The city wishes to establish a municipal court of record without 
holding an election, and to appoint, 
rather than elect, judges to preside over this court.  The city 
charter provides that municipal court 
judges be appointed since the cost of conducting a campaign would 
discourage many attorneys from 
running for the position.  This bill will provide new regulations 
regarding municipal courts of record 
in Odessa.


As proposed, H.B. 259  provides new regulations regarding 
municipal courts of record in Odessa.


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a 
state officer, institution, or agency.


SECTION 1. Amends Section 30.352(a), Government Code, to delete a 
reference to the municipal 
court of the City of Odessa (city).

SECTION 2. Amends Section 30.353, Government Code, to provide that 
a municipal court of 
record has jurisdiction, rather than exclusive original 
jurisdiction, in all criminal cases arising under 
the ordinances of the city.  Deletes references to traffic 
offenses and the jurisdiction granted to 
municipal courts by state law.  Sets forth the concurrent 
jurisdiction of a court.  Provides that the 
court has jurisdiction over cases arising outside the territorial 
limits of the city under ordinances 
authorized by certain sections of the Local Government Code.  
Provides that the court has 
jurisdiction over Class C misdemeanor cases that are punishable 
by fine only.

SECTION 3. Amends Section 30.354(b), Government Code, to require 
the governing body of the 
city to appoint a municipal court judge and an alternate 
municipal court judge under an ordinance 
adopted by the governing body.  Deletes existing text regarding 
the election of a municipal judge.

SECTION 4. Amends Section 30.355, Government Code, to delete text 
regarding the salary of a 

SECTION 5. Amends Section 30.356(b), Government Code, to authorize 
the governing body of 
the city to appoint qualified persons to sit as alternate 
municipal judges, who shall be known as 
alternate judges.  Requires an alternate judge to meet the 
qualifications prescribed for the municipal 
judge.  Requires the governing body to set the compensation of 
the alternate judges.  Authorizes the 
municipal judge to assign an alternate judge to act for a judge 
who is temporarily unable to act for 
any reason.  Provides that an alternate judge has all the powers 
and duties of the office while acting 
for the municipal judge.  Deletes text providing that a temporary 
municipal judge serves at the 
pleasure of the governing body until the regular judge returns.  
Makes conforming and 
nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 6. Amends Section 30.358(a), Government Code, to require 
the city manager, rather 
than governing body, to provide for the appointment of a clerk of 
the municipal courts of record.
SECTION 7. Amends Section 30.359, Government Code, to require the 
city, by ordinance, to 
provide for the appointment of a court reporter for the purpose 
of preserving a record in cases tried 
before a municipal court of record.  Requires the court reporter 
to meet the qualifications provided 
by law for official court reporters.  Authorizes the city, by 
ordinance, to provide for the use of written 
notes, transcribing equipment, or recording equipment, or a 
combination of those methods, to record 
the proceedings of the court.  Requires the court reporter to 
keep the record for a certain time period. 
Provides that no one is required to record testimony in a case 
unless the judge or one of the parties 
requests a record.  Requires a party's request for a record to be 
in writing and filed with the court not 
less than five days before the date of the trial.  Requires the 
court reporter to certify the official 
record.  Deletes existing text regarding court reporters.

SECTION 8. Amends Chapter 30L, Government Code, by adding Sections 
30.3601, 30.3602, 
30.3603, and 30.3604, as follows:

Sec.  30.3601.  PROSECUTION BY CITY ATTORNEY.  Requires all 
prosecutions in a 
municipal court of record to be conducted by the city 
attorney or an assistant or deputy city 

Sec.  30.3602.  COMPLAINT; PLEADING.  Sets forth 
requirements for a complaint or 
pleading filed in a municipal court of record.

Sec.  30.3603.  JURY.  Sets forth requirements for a jury in 
a municipal court of record.

Sec.  30.3604.  COURT RULES.  Sets forth rules for cases 
before a municipal court of 

SECTION 9. Amends Section 30.361, Government Code, to provide that 
the state has the right to 
an appeal as provided by Article 44.01, Code of Criminal 
Procedure, and for purposes of that appeal, 
the prosecuting attorney is the city attorney or an assistant or 
deputy city attorney.  Requires the 
Ector County courts at law to be initial courts of review for 
appellate review of cases from a 
municipal court of record and to hear all appeals except in cases 
in which the county courts do not 
have jurisdiction of an appeal from a justice court, in which 
case the appeal shall be heard by the 
court that has jurisdiction of an appeal from the justice court.  
Requires the appellate court to 
determine each appeal from a municipal court of record conviction 
on the basis of the errors that are 
set forth in the defendant's motion for new trial and that are 
presented in the transcript and statement 
of facts prepared from the proceedings leading to the conviction. 
 Prohibits an appeal from a 
municipal court of record from being by trial de novo.  Deletes 
existing text regarding appeals from 
convictions of the municipal courts that are not of record.

SECTION 10. Amends Section 30.362, Government Code, as follows:

Sec.  30.362.  New heading: APPEAL BOND.  Sets forth 
regulations regarding filing of an 
appeal bond with the municipal court of record.  Deletes 
existing text regarding an appeal 
from a municipal court of record.

SECTION 11. Amends Section 30.363, Government Code, to set forth 
regulations for perfecting an 
appeal.  Deletes existing text regarding notice of appeal and a 
motion for new trial.

SECTION 12. Amends Section 30.364, Government Code, to require the 
court reporter to prepare 
the record from the reporter's record or mechanical recordings of 
the proceedings.  Requires the 
appellant to pay for the cost of the transcription.  Requires the 
court, if the appellant is the defendant 
and the case is reversed on appeal, to promptly refund the cost 
to the defendant.

SECTION 13. Amends Section 30.365, Government Code, as follows:

Sec.  30.365.  New heading: TRANSCRIPT.  Requires the clerk 
of the municipal court of 
record to prepare under the clerk's hand and seal of the 
court a transcript of the municipal 
court record proceedings after payment of the transcript 
preparation fee required by Section 
30.363, rather than on written instructions from the 
defendant or the defendant's attorney. 
 Requires the clerk to prepare the transcript under written 
instructions from the appellant or 
appellant's attorney.  Requires the transcript to include 
copies of certain items, unless 
otherwise agreed by the parties in writing.  Requires the 
appellant or appellant's attorney to 
file a copy of the written instructions with the clerk and 
to deliver a copy to the appellee or 
appellee's attorney.  Requires the appellee or appellee's 
attorney to file a written direction to 
the clerk if additional portions of the trial proceedings in 
the transcript are to be included. 
Deletes existing text regarding notice of appeal and bills 
of exception.

SECTION 14. Amends Section 30.367(a), Government Code, to make 
nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 15. Amends Section 30.368, Government Code, as follows:

Sec.  30.368.  New heading: TRANSFER OF RECORD; FEE.  
Requires the parties to file 
the transcript and the statement of facts with the clerk of 
the court not later than the 60th day 
after the date on which the transcript preparation fee was 
paid.  Requires the clerk to 
promptly forward them to the appellate court clerk.  Deletes 
existing text regarding filing 
deadlines, and approval of the record.

SECTION 16. Amends Section 30.369, Government Code, to require the 
record and briefs on 
appeal, to avoid unnecessary delay, to be limited as far as 
possible to the questions relied on for 
reversal.  Deletes a provision authorizing the appellate court in 
its discretion to extend the times for 
filing briefs.  Makes nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 17. Amends Section 30.370, Government Code, to delete 
existing text regarding the 
reversal of a case based on mere technicalities and review of 
groundS of error.

SECTION 18. Amends Section 30.371, Government Code, to require the 
court, in each case decided 
by an appellate court, to deliver a written opinion or order 
sustaining or overruling each assignment 
of error presented.  Makes a nonsubstantive change.

SECTION 19. Amends Section 30.372, Government Code, to require the 
municipal clerk, when the 
clerk of the municipal court of record receives the record, to 
file the record and certificate with the 
papers in the case and note the filing on the docket.  Provides 
that, if the municipal court of record's 
judgment is affirmed, further action to enforce the judgment is 
not necessary except to issue an 
execution against the defendant's property, among other actions.  
Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 20. Amends Section 30.374, Government Code, to provide 
that an appeal of a decision 
of the appellate court to the court of appeals is governed by the 
Code of Criminal Procedure, except 
that the transcript, briefs, and statements of facts filed in the 
appellate court constitute the transcript, 
briefs, and statement of facts on appeal to the court of appeals 
unless the rules of the court of 
criminal appeals provide otherwise.  Deletes a provision 
requiring the record and briefs to be filed 
directly with the court of appeals.  Makes nonsubstantive changes.

SECTION 21. Repealers: Sections 30.352(c) and 30.366, Government 
Code (Creation of courts by 
the governing body of the City of Odessa, Bills of Exception).

SECTION 22. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 23. Emergency clause.