H.B. 319
By: Hernandez
Committee Report (Substituted)


Electronic methods could be used to increase the efficiency of the state's
purchasing methods and abilities. 


As proposed, C.S.H.B. 319 would require the Department of Commerce to
publish every proposed state purchase of over $25,000 in a business daily.
The proposed purchase would be published every day for 15 days.  The
Department of Commerce would be required to make the daily available
electronically at cost. 


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is granted to
Texas Department of Commerce in SECTION 1 (Sec. 2155.074(l) Government
Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 2155 of the Government Code by
adding Section 2155.074 as follows: 

Section 2155.074(a) provides that this section applies to all state agency

Section 2155.074(b) defines "department."

Section 2155.074(c) requires the Texas Department of Commerce to
electronically post a business daily that includes the following
 -any proposed purchase by a state agency over $25,000;
 -any other information concerning the business activity of the state the
department  determines is important to the public.  

Section 2155.074(d) requires the department to make the business daily
available on the internet on the Texas Marketplace and requires each state
agency to participate in the posting. 

Section 2155.074(e) allows state agencies to provide public access to the
business daily at cost.  Nongovernmental entities may use the information
in the business daily to sell services that link possible vendors to state
agencies requesting bids. 

Section 2155.074(f) prohibits the Department of Commerce or any state
agency from charging a fee related to the preparing and gathering of the
information placed in the business daily. 

Section 2155.074(g) the information in the business daily must include the
 -a description of the goods to be procured;
 -the last date on which bids will be accepted;
 -the estimated cost of the procurement;
 -the previous price paid for the good or service to be procured;
  -the estimated date of needed delivery; and
 -the name and mailing address of the person at the agency responsible for
making  the decision to purchase the good or service. 

Section 2155.074(h) requires the Department to continue to post the
procurement and entire bid or proposal for 15 days after the notice is
first posted. 

Section 2155.074(i) prohibits a state agency from awarding a contract for
at least 15 days after placing notice of the procurement in the business
daily.  This subsection does not apply in emergency situations. 

Section 2155.074(j) makes any contract or procurement made in less than 15
days void. 

Section 2155.074(k) requires a state agency that intends to make a
purchase of over $25,000 to send the Department of Commerce notice of the
purchase, all required information, and notice of when the agency
completes the purchase. 

Section 2155.074(l) allows the Department of Commerce to adopt rules to
administer this section. 

Section 2155.074(m) provides that this section is in addition to other
laws and does not supersede other law. 

SECTION 2.  Makes this Act prospective.

SECTION 3.  Effective date; June 1, 1998.  The Department of Commerce may
start adopting rules beginning in September 1, 1997. 

SECTION 4.  Emergency clause.

Amends relating clause.

 Amends Section 2155.074(a), Government Code, to delete text which
includes a procurement under this section that will exceed $25,000. 
 (b) Adds Subsection (b) to define "department." Renumbers subsequent
subsections accordingly.  Transfers all responsibilities and duties given
to the General Services Commission in the proposed version to the Texas
Department of Commerce and state agencies in the substitute. Revises the
subsections to reflect the change and adds new Subsections (e), (f), (h),
(i), and (j) and redesignate proposed Subsections (i)-(k) as new
Subsections (k)-(m) while making certain language changes throughout the
substitute. Deletes proposed Subsections (b), (c), and (e) entirely. 
 (c) Deletes proposed Subsection (c) to remove all references to a printed
business daily. 
 (d) Establishes the business daily in an electronic format and makes this
format available over the Internet through certain information services
 (e) Sets forth provisions for certain business, governmental, and
nongovernmental entities that do not have the technical means to access
the business daily. 
 (f) Prohibits the department or other state agency from collecting
certain fees. 
 (g) Sets forth a description of the information a state agency  is
required to post in the business daily. 
 (h) Requires a state agency to continue to perform certain function
relating to the business daily until a certain date. 
 (i) Prohibits a state agency from awarding certain procurement contracts
under certain conditions. 
 (j) Provides that certain procurement contracts are void if they violate
certain requirements. 
 (k) Requires a state agency that awards a procurement contract that
exceeds $25,000  to send the department certain information. 
 (l) Authorizes the department to adopt certain rules, to prescribe
certain forms, and to require certain information to administer this
 (m) Makes conforming changes.

Adds SECTION 2 to make application of this Act prospective.

Adds SECTION 3 to set forth the effective date and authorizes the
department to adopt rules, procedures, and forms by a certain date. 

Adds SECTION 4; emergency clause.