C.S.H.B. 580
By: Coleman
Committee Report (Substituted)


Officials from local law enforcement agencies, volunteer handicap parking
enforcement programs and tax offices have observed a widespread misuse of
disabled parking placards.   

Many disabled license plates and hang tags have been obtained by
applicants filing false doctor's signatures to receive handicap license
plates or placards. 

Many people have also been observed using another person's license plate
or placard to park in spaces reserved for disabled parking. This is
difficult to enforce because no state-wide database exists to verify to
whom the placard belongs. 


This bill will require the Department of Public Safety to maintain a
record of disabled parking placards issued statewide.  In addition, the
requirements by which a person may be eligible for disabled parking
designation are made more stringent.  


The Texas Department of Transportation will have authority to alter the
disabled parking application to include applicant driver's license number
or identification card number and a notarized statement or prescription
made by a licensed physician. 


SECTION 1 Amends Section 681.002, Transportation Code, by adding
Subsection (d), to   require temporary and permanent handicap parking
placards to bear a hologram   designed to prevent reproduction of the

SECTION 2 Amends Section 681.003, Transportation Code, by amending
subsection (c) to   require the first application for blue permanent
handicap parking placards and   license plates to be accompanied by a
notarized written statement or prescription   of a physician. This section
would shift the responsibility for issuance of handicap   parking license
plates and hang tags to the Texas Department of Transportation   (TxDOT)
and limit their validity to 4 years. TxDOT would determine initial
eligibility to receive permanent handicap parking hang tags and license
plates   based on the applicant's complete and accurate presentation of
the application   form, doctor's notarized statement or prescription, and
$5 fee. 

  (d) This subsection is added making information regarding who has been
issued   disabled parking placard or available through the Texas drivers
licence number or   Texas identification number confidential. 

SECTION 3 Amends Chapter 681, Transportation Code to add Section 681.0031
to  require   the applicant to provide their Texas drivers license number
or Texas identification   number on the application and for the
applicant's drivers license number or Texas   identification number to be
attached to parking placard.  The disabled parking   application would
provide a space for this information. 

SECTION 4 Amends Sections 681.004, Transportation Code, as follows:
  (c) States that blue permanent handicap parking hang tags or license
plates are   valid for four years and must then be renewed.  Someone who
has been certified   as permanently disabled is not required to show
evidence of eligibility 
  (d) States that an eligible applicant's red temporary placard expires
after 6 months   and must then be renewed by presenting another doctor's
notarized statement or   prescription certifying to the continued
disability required by Section 681.003(c). 

SECTION 5 This section amends Chapter 681.006(c), Transportation Code to
remove the   exemption provided by Subsection (b) allowing the owner of a
vehicle to be   exempt from payment of fees or penalties imposed by
governmental units from   parking in parking garages or other parking lots
located within the boundaries of   municipal airports.  

SECTION 6 Amends Section 681.006(c), Transportation Code, authorizes
political     subdivisions to appoint persons who will have the authority
to file a charge   against person committing an offense under this
chapter.  Anyone qualified to   participate in this program is required to
take a four hour training course for local   handicap parking enforcement

SECTION 7 Amends Chapter 681, Transportation Code by adding section
681.012 to allow   law enforcement to seize and revoke placards being used
by persons other than the   ones to whom the placards were issued.  

SECTION 8 Conforms the Transportation Code to changes in law made by
Section 1 and   Section 3, Chapter 929, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

SECTION 9 The changes made by Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 apply only to a
disabled parking   placard issued or renewed after the effective date. 

SECTION 10 Effective Date: September 1, 1997

SECTION 11 Emergency Clause


SECTION 1 Replaces original SECTION 1.  Requires all disabled parking
placards to bear a   hologram designed to prevent the production of a
counterfeit placard. 

SECTION 2 Includes a written prescription from a physician as an
alternative to a physician's   notarized statement certifying to the
disability.  Section 2 is further amended by   adding section (d) to
Section 681.003, Transportation Code making the name or   address of a
person to whom a disabled parking placard is issued confidential.  

SECTION 3 Requires any applicant for a temporary disabled parking placard
or permanent   disabled parking placard or license plate to provide their
Texas driver's license   number or Texas Identification number on the
application and that it be affixed to   the placard for enforcement
purposes.  The application will provide for this   information.  

SECTION 4 Requires permanent placards and license plates to be renewed
every 4 years.    Doctor's proof of the permanent disability is only
required for the first application.   It further requires that temporary
placards be renewed every 6 months and be   accompanied by a physicians
notarized statement or prescription certifying to the   continued
SECTION 5  Removes the exemption from parking fees or penalties in
municipal airports. 

SECTION 6    This section is added.

SECTION 7   This section is added.

SECTION 8 Formerly SECTION 4.  Original subsection becomes (a).
Subsections (b) and (c)   are added. 

SECTION 9 This section is added.

SECTION 10 Formerly SECTION 5.

SECTION 11 Formerly SECTION 6.