Senate Research Center   H.B. 710
By: Averitt (Sibley)
Economic Development


In August 1996, the 104th Congress enacted the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act to provide portability and greater
availability to health insurance in the group and individual markets. In
order for state regulation of health benefit plans to not be preempted by
federal law, the legislature is required to make changes to enact federal
health reforms.  This bill would amend the Texas Health Insurance Risk
Pool in order to meet the federal requirements as an acceptable
alternative mechanism for individual market reforms.  Additionally, this
bill would make other changes to the offering of group and individual
health insurance and HMO benefits in order to comply with federal health


As proposed, H.B. 710 amends the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool in order
to meet the federal requirements as an acceptable alternative mechanism
for individual market reforms.  This bill amends statutes relating to the
offering of group and individual health insurance and HMO benefits in
order to comply with federal health reforms.   


Rulemaking authority is granted to the board of directors of the Texas
Health Insurance Risk Pool in SECTION 1.04 (Article 3.77(6)(c), Insurance
Code), and to the commissioner of insurance in SECTIONS 1.03, 1.06, 2.01,
3.02, and 4.01 (Articles 3.77(5)(e), 3.77(8), 3.51-6(1)(d)(3)(A)(ii) and
(B)(ii), 3.70-1A(c), and 20A.09(k)(B) and (l)(D), Insurance Code) of this


SECTION 1.01.  Amends Section 2, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, to define
"benefits plan," "board," "commissioner," "department," "dependent,"
"family member," "health insurance," "health maintenance organization,"
"hospital," "insured," "insurer," "insurance arrangement," "Medicare,"
"physician," "plan of operation," "pool," and "resident."  Deletes
existing definitions set forth in Section 2, Article 3.77, Insurance Code.

SECTION 1.02.  Amends Section 4, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, by amending
Subsections (b)-(e) and (g) and by adding Subsection (h), to require the
commissioner of insurance (commissioner), rather than the State Board of
Insurance (insurance board), to appoint members of the board of directors
(board) of the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool (pool) for staggered
six-year terms. Requires the board to be composed of at least two persons,
instead of one, affiliated with an insurer, rather than insurance company,
admitted and authorized to write health insurance in this state, but no
more than four such persons; at least two persons who are insureds or
parents of insureds or who are reasonably expected to qualify for coverage
by the pool, rather than one person affiliated with a group hospital
service corporation operating under Chapter 20 of this code; and the
remaining members of the board may be selected from certain individuals.
Provides that a representative of the general public does include a person
whose only affiliation with an insurance company or plan, group hospital
service corporation, or health maintenance organization is as an insured
or person who has coverage through a plan provided by the corporation or
organization.  Provides that for purposes of this section, an individual
required to register with the secretary of state under Chapter 305,
Government Code, because of the individual's activities with respect to
health insurance-related matters is a person affiliated with an insurer.
Provides that a member of the board of directors is not  liable for an
action or omission performed in good faith in the performance of powers
and duties under this article, and cause of action does not arise against
a member for the action or omission. Makes conforming changes.  

SECTION 1.03.  Amends Section 5, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, to require
the plan of operation to include procedures for operation of the pool;
selecting an administrator as provided under Section 7 of this article;
creating a fund, under management of the board, for administrative
expenses; handling, accounting, and auditing of money and other assets of
the pool; developing and implementing a program to publicize, rather than
to provide public information regarding, the existence of the pool, the
eligibility requirements for coverage under the pool, enrollment
procedures, and to foster public awareness of the plan; creation of a
grievance committee to review complaints presented by applicants for
coverage from the pool and insureds who receive coverage from the pool;
and other matters as may be necessary and proper for the execution of the
board's powers, duties, and obligations under this article.  Requires the
commissioner, after notice and hearing, to approve the plan of operation
if it is determined that the plan is suitable to assure the fair,
reasonable, and equitable administration of the pool.  Makes conforming

SECTION 1.04.  Amends Section 6, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, as follows:

Sec. 6.  AUTHORITY OF THE POOL.  (a)  Deletes text prohibiting the pool
from providing group insurance coverage.   

(b)  Authorizes the pool to provide health benefits coverage, rather than
individual health benefits coverage, to persons who are eligible for that
coverage under this article; to sue or be sued, including taking any legal
actions necessary or proper to recover or collect assessments due the
pool; to institute any legal action necessary to avoid payment of improper
claims against the pool or the coverage provided by or through the pool to
recover any amounts erroneously or improperly paid by the pool, to recover
any amounts paid by the pool as a mistake of fact or law, and to recover
other amounts due the pool; to employ and set the compensation of any
persons necessary to assist the pool in carrying out its responsibilities
and functions; to contract for stop-loss insurance for risks incurred by
the pool; to recover or collect assessments imposed under Section 13 of
this article; to borrow money as necessary to implement the purposes of
the pool; to issue additional types of health insurance policies to
provide optional coverages which comply with applicable provisions of
state and federal law, including Medicare supplemental health insurance;
to provide for and employ cost containment measures and requirements
including, but not limited to, preadmission screening, second surgical
opinion, concurrent utilization review subject to Article 21.58A of this
code, and individual case management for the purpose of making the benefit
plans more cost effective; to design, utilize, contract, or otherwise
arrange for the delivery of cost-effective health care services, including
establishing or contracting with preferred provider organizations and
health maintenance organizations; and to provide for reinsurance on either
a facultative or treaty basis or both.   

(c)  Requires the board to promulgate a list of medical or health
conditions for which a person shall be eligible for pool coverage without
applying for health insurance.  Requires the list to be effective on the
first day of operation of the pool and may be amended from time to time as
may be appropriate.   

(d)  Requires the board, by June 1 of each year, to make an annual report
to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
representatives, and the commissioner.  Requires the report to summarize
the activities of the pool in the preceding calender year, including
information regarding net written and earned premiums, plan enrollment,
administration expenses, and paid and incurred losses. 

SECTION 1.05.  Amends Section 7, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, by amending
the heading and by amending Subsections (a), (b), and (e), as follows:   

Sec. 7.  New heading:  ADMINISTRATOR.  Authorizes, rather than requires,
the board,  after completing a competitive bidding process as provided by
the plan of operation, to select one or more insurers or a third party
administrator certified by the Department of Insurance (department),
rather than the insurance board, to administer the pool.  Requires the
criteria established by the board for evaluating the bids submitted to
include, among other items, the financial condition and stability of the
insurer or third party administrator.  Requires the administering insurer
or third party administrator to perform such functions relating to the
pool as may be assigned to it.  Makes a conforming change.   

SECTION 1.06.  Amends Section 8, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, as follows: 

Sec. 8.  New heading:  RULES.  Authorizes the commissioner, by rule, to
establish additional powers and duties of the board and to adopt other
rules as are necessary and proper to implement this article.  Requires the
commissioner, by rule, to provide the procedures, criteria, and forms
necessary to implement, collect, and deposit assessments made and
collected under Section 13.  Deletes text granting rulemaking authority to
the board.   

SECTION 1.07.  Amends Sections 9(b), (d), and (e), Article 3.77, Insurance
Code, to authorize, rather than require, the board to consider appropriate
risk factors in accordance with established actuarial and underwriting
practices in regard to rates and rate schedules.  Requires the pool to
determine the standard risk rate by considering the premium rates charged
by other insurers offering health insurance coverage to individuals.
Requires the standard risk rate to be established using reasonable
actuarial techniques, and to reflect anticipated experience and expenses
for such coverage.  Prohibits the initial pool from being less than 125
percent and from exceeding 150 percent of rates established as applicable
for individual standard rates.  Requires subsequent rates to be
established to provide fully for the expected costs of claims including
recovery of prior losses, expenses of operation, investment income of
claim reserves, and any other cost factors subject to the limitations
described in this section.  Deletes text in regard to establishing the
standard risk rate. Deletes text  granting rulemaking authority to the
insurance board.  Makes conforming changes.   

SECTION 1.08.  Amends Section 10, Article 3.77, Insurance Code,  to
require any individual person who is and continues to be a resident of
Texas and a citizen of the United States to be eligible for coverage from
the pool if evidence is provided of certain conditions.  Deletes text in
regard to entitlement to insurance coverage from the pool.  Requires each
dependent of a person who is eligible for coverage from the pool to also
be eligible for coverage from the pool.  Requires resident family members,
in the instance of a child who is the primary insured, to be eligible for
coverage. Authorizes a person to maintain pool coverage for the period of
time the person is satisfying a preexisting waiting period under another
health insurance policy or insurance arrangement intended to replace the
pool policy.  Provides that a person is not eligible for coverage from the
pool if the person, among other conditions, is eligible for other health
care benefits at the time application is made to the pool, except for
coverage conditioned by the limitations described by Subsections (a)(1)(3)
of this section.  Deletes text relating to eligibility for coverage from
the pool.  Requires pool coverage to cease on a certain date under certain
conditions. Deletes existing Subsection (d).  Makes conforming changes.   

SECTION 1.09.  Amends Section 11, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, to require
the pool to offer pool coverage consistent with major medical expense
coverage to each eligible person who is not eligible for Medicare.
Requires the board, with the approval of the commissioner, to establish
the coverages to be provided by the pool; the applicable schedules of
benefits; and any exclusions to coverage and other limitations.  Deletes
text relating to pool coverage of individuals eligible for such coverage
under Section 10.  Requires the benefits provisions of the pool's health
benefits coverage to include all required or applicable definitions; a
list of any exclusions or limitations to coverage; a description of
covered services required under the pool; and the deductibles, coinsurance
options, and copayment options that are required or permitted under the
pool.  Deletes text setting forth expenses not include under Subsection
(a).  Deletes existing Subsections (c)-(e).  Authorizes the board to
adjust deductibles, the amounts of stop-loss coverage, and the time
periods governing preexisting conditions under Section 12, rather than
Subsection (f), of this article, rather than section, to preserve the
financial integrity of the pool.  Requires the board, if it makes such an
adjustment, to report in writing that adjustment together with its reasons
for the adjustment to the commissioner, rather than to the insurance board
and the Legislative Budget Board.  Deletes existing Subsections (f)-(g).
Provides that the pool, rather than the insurer or the pool, has a cause
of action against an eligible person for the recovery of the amount of
benefits paid that are not for covered expenses.  Makes conforming

SECTION 1.10.  Amends Sections 12 and 13, Article 3.77, Insurance Code, as

Sec. 12.  New heading:  PREEXISTING CONDITIONS.  Requires pool coverage to
exclude charges or expenses incurred during the first 12 months following
the effective date of coverage with regard to any condition for which
medical advice, care, or treatment was recommended or received during the
six-month period preceding the effective date of coverage.  Prohibits a
preexisting condition provision from applying to an individual who has
continuously covered for an aggregate period of 12 months by health
insurance that was in effect up to a date not more than 63 days before the
effective date of coverage under the pool, excluding any waiting period,
provided that the application for pool coverage is made no later than 63
days following the termination of coverage.  Requires the pool, in
determining whether a preexisting condition provision applies to an
individual covered by the pool, to credit the time the individual was
previously covered under health insurance if the previous coverage was in
effect at any time during the 12 months preceding the effective date of
coverage under the pool.  Requires any waiting period that applied before
the coverage became effective also to be credited against the preexisting
condition provision period.   

Sec.  13.  New heading:  ASSESSMENTS.  (a)  Authorizes the board to assess
insurers and make advance interim assessments as reasonable and necessary
for the plan's organizational and interim operating expenses.  Requires
any interim assessment to be credited as offsets against any regular
assessments due following the close of the fiscal year.  Deletes text
relating to shortage of pool funds.   

(b)  Requires the excess, if assessments exceed the pool's actual losses
and administrative expenses, to be held in an interest-bearing account and
used by the board to offset future losses or to reduce future assessments.
Provides that future losses includes reserves for incurred but not
reported claims.  Deletes text relating to an assessment imposed by the

(c)  Requires the board, after the end of each fiscal year, to determine
and report to the commissioner the net loss, if any, of the pool for the
previous calender year taking into account investment income and other
appropriate gains and losses.  Requires any net loss for the year to be
recouped by assessments on insurers.  Requires each insurer's assessment
to be determined annually by the board based on annual statements and
other reports required by the board and filed with the board.  Deletes
text relating to collection of assessments by the commissioner.  

(d)  Provides that the assessment imposed against each insurer to be in an
amount that is equal to the ratio of the gross premiums collected by the
insurer for health insurance in this state during the preceding calender
year, except for Medicare supplement premiums subject to Article 3.74 and
small group health insurance premiums subject to Articles 26.01 through
26.76, to the gross premiums collected by all insurers for health
insurance, except for Medicare supplement premiums subject to Article 3.74
and small group health insurance premiums subject to Articles 26.01
through 26.76, in this state during the preceding calender year.   

(e) Authorizes an insurer to petition the commissioner for an abatement or
deferment of all or part of an assessment imposed by the board.
Authorizes the commissioner to abate or defer such assessment if the
commissioner determines that the payment of the assessment would endanger
the ability of the participating insurer to fulfill its contractual
obligation.  Requires the amount by which an assessment is abated or
deferred, if an assessment against an insurer is abated or deferred in
whole or in part, to be assessed against the other insurers in a manner
consistent with the basis for assessments set forth in this subsection.
Requires the insurer receiving such abatement or deferment to remain
liable to the pool for the deficiency.  Deletes text granting certain
rulemaking authority to the insurance board.  Deletes existing Sections
12(f) and 13. 

SECTION 1.11.  Amends Article 3.77, Insurance Code, by adding Sections 14
and 15, as follows:  

Sec. 14.  COMPLAINT PROCEDURES.  Provides that an applicant or participant
in coverage from the pool is entitled to have complaints against the pool
reviewed by a grievance committee appointed by the board.  Requires the
grievance committee to report to the board after completion of the review
of each complaint.  Requires the board to retain all written complaints
regarding the pool at least until the third anniversary of the date the
pool received the complaint.   

Sec. 15.  AUDIT.  Requires the state auditor to conduct annually a special
audit of the pool under Chapter 321, Government Code.  Requires the state
auditor's report to include a financial audit and an economy and
efficiency audit.  Requires the state auditor to report the cost of each
audit conducted under this article to the board and the comptroller, and
the board shall remit that amount to the comptroller for deposit to the
general revenue fund. 

SECTION 2.01.  Amends Section 1(d)(3), Article 3.51-6, Insurance Code, as

(3)  Requires any insurer or group hospital service corporation subject to
Chapter 20, Insurance Code, who issues policies which provide hospital,
surgical, or major medical expense insurance or any combination of these
coverages on an expense incurred basis, but not a policy which provides
benefits for specified disease or for accident only, to provide a group,
rather than a conversion or group, continuation privilege as required by
this subsection.  Makes conforming changes.    

(A)  Requires policies subject to this section to provide continuation of
group coverage for employees or members and their eligible dependents
subject to the eligibility provisions.  Deletes existing Subdivisions
(A)(i)-(ii) and (B)(i).  Requires continuation of group coverage to be
requested in writing within 31 days following the later of the date the
group coverage would otherwise terminate; or the date the employee,
member, or dependent is given notice in a format prescribed by the
commissioner of the right of continuation by either the employer or the
group policyholder.  Deletes existing Subdivision (B)(iii).  Prohibits
continuation from terminating until the earliest of, among other dates,
the date on which failure to make timely payments would terminate
coverage; the date on which the covered person is or could be covered
under Medicare; the date on which the covered person is covered for
similar benefits by another hospital, surgical, medical, or major medical
expense insurance policy or hospital or medical services subscriber
contract or medical practice or other prepayment plan or any other plan or
program; the date the covered person is eligible for similar benefits
whether or not covered therefor under any arrangement of coverage for
individuals in a group; or similar benefits are provided or available to
such person, pursuant  to or in accordance with the requirements of any
state or federal law.  Requires the insurer by a certain date to notify
the employee, member, or dependent that he/she may be eligible for
coverage under the pool, as provided under Article 3.77 of this code and
the insurer shall provide the address for applying to such pool to the
employee, member, or dependent.  Makes conforming changes.  

(B)  Authorizes the insurer to offer to each employee, member or dependent
a conversion policy.  Requires such converted policy to be issued without
evidence of insurability if written application for and payment of the
first premium is made no later than the 31st after the date of
termination.  Requires the converted policy to meet the minimum standards
for benefits for conversion policies.  Prohibits conversion coverage for
any insured from termination until the earliest of certain dates.
Requires the commissioner to issue rules and regulations to establish
minimum standards for benefits under policies issued pursuant to this
subsection.  Makes conforming changes.  

SECTION 3.01.  Amends Section 1(H), Article 3.70-1, V.T.C.S., by adding
Subdivision (4), to  prohibit a preexisting condition provision in an
individual health insurance policy from applying to an individual who was
continuously covered for an aggregate period of 18 months by creditable
coverage that was in effect up to a date no more than 63 days before the
effective date of the individual coverage.  Defines "creditable coverage"
for purposes of this section.  Requires the individual insurance carrier,
in determining whether a preexisting condition provision applies to an
individual, to credit the time the individual was previously covered under
creditable coverage if the previous coverage was in effect at any time
during the 18 months preceding the effective date of the individual

SECTION 3.02.  Amends Chapter 3G, Insurance Code, by adding Article
3.70-1A, as follows:  

INSURANCE POLICIES.  Requires an individual health insurance policy
providing benefits for medical care under a hospital, medical, or surgical
policy to be renewed or continued in force at the option of the
individual.  Authorizes an individual health insurance policy providing
benefits for medical care under a hospital, medical, or surgical policy to
be nonrenewed or discontinued based on certain reasons.  Requires the
commissioner to adopt rules necessary to implement this article and to
meet the minimum requirements of federal law and regulations.   

SECTION 4.01.  Amends Article 20A.09, Insurance Code (Texas Health
Maintenance Organization Act), by adding Subsections (k) and (l), as

(k)  Continuation of Coverage and Conversion.  Requires a health
maintenance organization (HMO) to provide a group continuation privilege
as required by this subsection.  Requires a certain enrollee to be
entitled to such privilege as outlined in this section.  Provides that
involuntary termination for cause does not include termination for any
health-related cause. Requires HMO contracts subject to this section to
provide continuation of group coverage for enrollees subject to certain
eligibility provisions.  Authorizes an HMO to offer to each enrollee a
conversion contract.  Requires such conversion contract to be issued
without evidence of insurability if written application for and payment of
the first premium is made no later than the 31st day after the date of
termination.  Requires the conversion contract to meet the minimum
standards for services and benefits for conversion contracts.  Requires
the commissioner to issue rules and regulations to establish minimum
standards for services and benefits under contracts issued pursuant to
this subsection.  Requires the premium for a conversion contract issued
under this Act to be determined in accordance with the HMO's premium rates
for coverage that were provided under the group contract or plan.
Authorizes the premium to be based on geographic location of each person
to be covered and the type of conversion contract and coverage provided.
Prohibits the premium for the same coverage under a conversion contract
from exceeding 200 percent of the premium determined in accordance with
this paragraph.  Requires the premium to be based on the type of
conversion contract and the coverage provided by contract.   

(l)  Individual Health Care Plan.  Authorizes an HMO to provide an
individual health care plan as required by this subsection.  Defines
"individual health care plan" for purposes of this subsection.  Authorizes
an HMO to limit its enrollees to those who live, reside, or work within
the service area for such network plan.  Requires an individual health
care plan or a conversion contract providing health care services to be
renewable with respect to an enrollee at the option of the enrollee, and
may be nonrenewed based on certain reasons.  Authorizes the commissioner
to adopt rules necessary to implement this article and to meet the minimum
requirements of federal law and regulations.   

SECTION 5.01.  Makes application of this Act prospective to July 1, 1997. 

SECTION 5.02.  Requires coverage available under the Texas Health
Insurance Risk Pool as provided in Part 1 of this Act to be made available
no later than January 1, 1998.  Makes application of Section 1(d)(3),
Article 3.51-6, Insurance Code, as amended by this Act, prospective to
January 1, 1998. 

 SECTION 5.03.  Effective date: July 1, 1997.
SECTION 5.04.  Emergency clause.