H.B. 727
By: Van de Putte
Committee Report (Amended)

The massage therapy profession, which includes the practice of massage
therapy and massage therapy education, is regulated by the Texas
Department of Health (TDH) as prescribed by Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).  To
become registered as a massage therapist, a person must successfully
complete the required state-approved 300-hour course of instruction as
offered at private and junior or community college massage schools and by
independent massage therapy instructors. A registered massage therapist
must also pass a written and practical exam administered by TDH.   


H.B.727 updates the regulations concerning the practice of massage therapy
and massage therapy education and their oversight by TDH. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill expressly grants rulemaking
authority to the Texas Board of Health (board) in SECTION 3 (Article
4512k, Sec. 2(c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)  
Additionally, the board's rulemaking authority is referenced in SECTION


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 1, Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as

Sec. 1. DEFINITIONS.  Expands the manipulation of soft tissue definition
of "massage therapy" to also include techniques such as: direct pressure,
shaking, rocking, assisted stretching, skin lubricants, hydrotherapy,
cryotherapy, balneotherapy, and bodywork, but specifies that massage
therapy does not constitute physical therapy or athletic training
activities. Clarifies the term "massage therapist" to be an individual
registered under this Act, as specified. Redefines the terms, as
specified, for "massage therapy instructor," "massage school,"
"instructor," "applicant," and "internship program." Introduces
definitions for "commissioner," "advanced program," "advanced program
presenter," and "independent massage therapist instructor". Omits the term
"advisory council." Makes conforming changes.  

SECTION 2.  Amends Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) by adding
Section 1B as follows: 

Sec. 1B.  REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Prohibits practicing or representing to
practice massage therapy or using a title such as "massage therapist"
without being registered under this Act or exempt. 

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 2, Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as

requirements for an applicant for registration as a massage therapist to
be submission  of a written application, evidence of responsibility
required by Section 11, and appropriate fees to TDH. Omits language
concerning the individual as a massage therapist and any reference to the
performance of massage at sexually oriented businesses. 

Subsection (b) Requires an applicant for examination to present evidence
of completion of 300-hours of approved instruction as specified, be
licenced, certified, or registered to practice massage therapy in another
jurisdiction, or  to have practiced as a professional in another
jurisdiction for at least five years as specified.  

Subsection (c) Requires the Texas Board of Health to adopt rules that
specify general course content, as specified, and minimum number of hours
required for each subject in the 300-hour course of instruction required
for registration. Included within the 300 hour course instruction
requirements is at least 40 hours of a hands-on internship.  

Subsection (d) Stipulates certain qualifications for course work as

Subsection (e) allows enrolled students, as specified, to perform massage
therapy for training purposes and exempts them from registration under
this Act. Makes conforming changes. 

Subsection (f) is added to prohibit a massage therapist from practicing in
or for a sexually oriented business regardless of compensation. 

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 2A, Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as

INTERNSHIPS.  (a) Specifies that any person who seeks to offer the
300-hour course of instruction required for registration as a massage
therapist or advanced programs must register as a massage school or an
independent massage therapy instructor. Establishes that a school or
independent instructor must meet standards as prescribed by board rule and
requires that the 300-hour course be approved by TDH.   

Subsection (b) clarifies that massage therapy instructors, who are
employees or retained by a massage therapy school, must also register with

Subsection (c) clarifies that school massage therapy instructors must meet
minimum requirements as prescribed by board rule. 

Subsection (d)  adds language to allow an independent massage therapy
instructor to also oversee an internship program. 

Subsection (e) stipulates that a student must successfully complete the
education as specified at the school or with an independent massage
therapy instructor before entering an internship. 

Subsection (g) clarifies that a participant in an internship conducted by
a massage school must be under supervision as specified. Adds that a
student in an internship program conducted by an independent instructor
must be under supervision as specified. 

Subsection (i)  omits language referring to the advisory board in regards
to internship program qualifications. 

Subsection (j)  requires TDH to regulate all of the 300-hours of course
instruction provided by a massage school or an independent massage therapy
Subsections (k) through (m) are revised to include references to
independent instructors as well as massage schools. 

Subsection (n) is added to require a massage school or independent massage
therapy instructor to give prior notification and submit the credentials
of the advanced program presenter to TDH before offering advanced

Subsection (o) is added to stipulate that an advanced program  presenter
be experienced and credentialed, as specified. Provides that an advanced
program presenter is not required to be a registered massage therapist
under this Act. 

SECTION 5.  Amends Section 4, Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as

Sec.  4.  EXEMPTIONS.  Adds exemptions to an employer sponsoring a course,
as specified, for its own employees and to trade, business, or
professional organizations sponsoring free courses at meetings and
conventions. Removes language referring to schools being approved by the
Central Education Agency and the exemption for instructors who are
otherwise approved to teach in one of the required subject areas. 

SECTION 6. Amends Section 7(a), (b), (d), and (f), and deletes 7(e) of
Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature, Regular Session, 1985 (Article
4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as follows: 

Subsection (a) eliminates references to the advisory council which no
longer exists and updates statutory reference to Chapter 2001, Government
Code, rather than the Administrative Procedures and Texas Register Act, as
providing the manner of the board's rule adoption procedure.  

Subsection (b) adds language to the requirement that TDH administer this
Act to also allow TDH to charge fees to cover administration costs. 

Subsection (d) eliminates references to the advisory council.

Subsection (f) is revised to clarify that hours offered as part of the
300-hour course of instruction required for registration as a massage
therapist by "independent" massage therapy instructors and all massage
schools are required to be regulated by TDH.  

SECTION 7.  Amends Section 7C, Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as

Revises the language of this section by inserting the word "independent"
in all references to massage therapy instructors. 

SECTION 8.  Amends Section 11, Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as


Subsection (a) updates the list of persons or entities which may be put on
probation or have a registration certificate denied, suspended, or revoked
and expands the list of offenses as specified. Conforms penalty language
to recent court rulings. 

Subsection (b) requires TDH to consider the seriousness, the relevance,
the extent of any possible criminal opportunity presented, and the
relationship of the criminal act to the ability, capacity and fitness of
the actor when determining  whether to restrict or deny certification due
to a factor specified under subsections(a)(8) or (a)(9) of this section  . 

Subsection (c)  requires TDH to also consider the extent and nature of the
person's past criminal activity, age of the person at time of the crime,
time elapsed, the person's conduct and other activities since the crime,
evidence of rehabilitation, and other evidence of present fitness
including recommendations. 

Subsection (d) establishes that it is the applicant or registrant
responsibility to provide TDH with the information referred to in
subsection (c) and requires that the applicant or registrant furnish proof
as specified. 

Subsection (e) notwithstanding Sections 5(c) and 20(a), Article 42.12,
Code of Criminal Procedure, allows TDH  to include community supervision,
a plea, deferred adjudication and other court arraignments in considering
certification applications. Omits reference to any individual with crimes
involving prostitution or sexual offenses. 

Subsection (f) adds registration probation placement to denials,
suspension, or registration revocations as actions to which an applicant
is entitled to a hearing as specified. Makes conforming changes and
updates statutory reference regarding the Government Code, Chapter 2001. 

SECTION 9.  Amends Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1985 (Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) by adding
Section 11A, entitled "'ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES" as follows: 

Subsection (a) allows TDH to impose administrative penalties against a
person who violates this Act or a rule or order adopted under this Act. 

Subsection (b) allows the penalty to be in an amount not to exceed $1,000.
Establishes that each day that a violation continues or occurs is a
separate violation for purpose of imposing a penalty. 

Subsection (c) enumerates the basis for the penalty amount.

Subsection (d) stipulates that TDH is allowed to issue a factual report to
the commissioner if TDH determines there to be a violation. Requires TDH
to make penalty recommendations.  

Subsection (e) requires TDH to give written notice, as specified, to the
person who committed the alleged violation within 14 days of the report's
issuance. Allows the notice to be given by certified mail. Provides
certain required contents of the notice to be as specified. 

Subsection (f) establishes that a person has 20 days after receipt of the
notice to accept in writing  the determination and recommended penalty or
to make a written request for a hearing. 

Subsection (g) requires TDH to issue an order and impose the recommended
penalty if the determination is accepted by the person. 

Subsection (h) requires TDH to set a hearing and give notice of the
hearing to the person if requested or no timely response is received.
Requires that the hearing is to be held by an administrative law judge as
specified. Requires the administrative law judge to make findings of fact
and conclusions of law and issue a decision proposal as specified to TDH
promptly. Allows TDH, by order, to find that a violation has or has not
occurred and impose a penalty based on the judgement. 
Subsection (i)  requires that notice of TDH's order given under Chapter
2001, Government Code, include a statement regarding the right to judicial

Subsection (j) requires that the person comply as specified within 30 days
of TDH's final order.  

Subsection (k)  allows a person, acting under subsection (j)(3), to stay
enforcement of the penalty, as specified, or to request the court to stay
enforcement of the penalty, as specified, within the 30 day period. 

Subsection (l)  allows TDH to file a contest to an affidavit as specified,
under subsection (k)(2) of this section, within 5 days of receipt.
Requires the court to hold a hearing on the facts alleged in the affidavit
as soon as practicable and requires the court to stay the enforcement of
the penalty upon findings that the facts are true. Establishes that the
burden of proof regarding being financially unable to pay the penalty and
give bond as specified is on the person. 

Subsection (m) allows TDH to refer the matter to the attorney general if
the enforcement of the penalty is not stayed and the penalty goes unpaid. 

Subsection (n)  establishes that judicial review of TDH's order be
instituted and governed as specified. 

Subsection (o) allows the court to uphold or reduce the penalty and order
the person to pay as specified if the violation is sustained. Requires the
court to order that no penalty is owed, if the violation is not sustained. 

Subsection (p)  requires the court to proceed as specified when the
judgement becomes final. Requires the court to order the appropriate
amount plus accrued interest be remitted as specified. Requires the court
to order bond releases as specified.  

Subsection (q) requires that penalties collected under this section be
remitted to the comptroller for deposit in the general revenue fund.  

 Subsection (r) stipulates that all proceedings under this section are
subject to Chapter 2001, Government Code. 

SECTION 10.  Amends Sec. 14, Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4521k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as

Sec. 14.  EFFECT ON LOCAL REGULATION. (a) Provides that this Act
supersedes any other regulation as specified. Adds that this provision
pertains to legislation  relating to the licensing or regulation of
massage establishments as well as massage therapists.  

Subsection (b)  prohibits political subdivisions from adopting regulations
that are more restrictive for massage therapist or massage establishments
than for other health professionals or establishments except as specified.
Omits statements pertaining to local regulations and the nonapplicability
of this Act. Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 11.  Repeals Sections 3, 8, 9, and 16, of Chapter 752, Acts of the
69th Legislature, Regular Session, 1985 (Article 4521k, Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes).  

SECTION 12.  Establishes that the effective date of this Act is September
1, 1997 and that massage therapy instructors, as were defined before the
effective date of this Act, are still required to register as specified.
Provides that a person or school that was exempt prior to the effective
date of this Act, is required to be registered as specified by this Act by
March 1, 1998. Establishes that TDH rules in effect on the effective date
of this Act remain in effect until the  board adopts new rules as
specified, unless the rule is in conflict with this Act. 

SECTION 13.  Emergency Clause.


Amendment 1.  Expands the list of specified offenses in Section 8 (Sec.
11(a), Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature, Regular Session, 1985
(Article 4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) to include: "knowingly
providing, or offering to provide diagnosis, or the treatment of illness,
injury or disesase." 

Amendment 2.  Adds osteopathic medicine to the fields of practice that are
specified as not constituting "message therapy" in Section 1(Sec. 1,
Chapter 752, Acts of the 69th Legislature, Regular Session, 1985 (Article
4512k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).