PMWJ H.B. 786 75(R)BILL ANALYSIS JUDICIAL AFFAIRS H.B. 786 By: Gallego 3-12-97 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND The Texas Judicial Council is now authorized by Chapter 71, Government Code, to collect statistics pertaining to the amount and character of the civil and criminal business transacted by the courts of the state. The Council is empowered to prescribe procedures and forms for the supplying of court statistics, but does not explicitly have authority to define the terms used in such procedures and forms. Thus, some court officials may interpret terms in such a manner as to result in discrepancies from court to court in the statistics being reported. PURPOSE H.B. 786 would authorize and require the Texas Judicial Council to prescribe definitions of terms for supplying statistics and other information. This will result in more accurate and uniform court statistics for use for court administration purposes and by the public, the Legislature, the Legislative Budget Board, the Governor's Budget and Planning Office, and other state budget authorities.. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY In Section 1 of the bill, amending Government Code ' 71.035(b), the Texas Judicial Council is required, instead of authorized, to prescribe procedures and forms for supplying statistics and other information relating to judicial business. New language added into the same sentence requires the Texas Judicial Council to define the terms of the statistical or other information it requires. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1 amends Section 71.035(b), Government Code, to allow the Texas Judicial Council to prescribe definitions of terms for supplying statistics and other information. It also requires, instead of authorizes, the Texas Judicial Council to prescribe the procedures, definitions and forms for supplying the statistics and other information. SECTION 2. Effective date. SECTION 3. Emergency clause.