Senate Research CenterC.S.H.B. 909
By: Dutton (Sibley)
Economic Development
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, the statutes of the Insurance Code regarding the 
authorized investments of life, health and 
accident insurers were adopted in 1983.  These statutes need to 
be updated to reflect current 
investment practices which would allow insurers to take advantage 
of new financial investments to 
maximize their financial capital.  This bill would authorize 
various investments of life, accident and 
health insurers.  


As proposed, C.S.H.B. 909 amends certain provisions of the 
Insurance Code, concerning authorized 
investments of insurers. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the commissioner of insurance 
in SECTION 4 (Section 
4(u)(8)(b), Article 3.33, Insurance Code) of this bill.  


SECTION 1. Amends Section 2, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, to 
delete text providing that certain 
investment plans should seek a reasonable relationship of 
liabilities and assets as to term and nature.

SECTION 2. Amends Section 3, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, to 
require the board of directors of 
each insurer or corresponding authority designated by the 
charter, bylaws, or plan of operations of 
an insurer which has no board of directors to adopt a written 
investment plan consistent with the 
provisions of this article which meet certain conditions.  
Deletes text requiring such a board of 
directors or corresponding authority to adopt a written 
investment plan consistent with the provisions 
of this article.  Deletes text requiring certain investment 
records to contain certain information.  

SECTION 3. Amends Article 3.33, Insurance Code, by adding Section 
3A, as follows:

Sec. 3A.  COMMUNITY INVESTMENT REPORT.  Requires the Texas 
Department of 
Health, after consultation with the insurance industry of 
this state and the Office of Public 
Insurance Counsel, to develop a report of insurance industry 
community investments in 
Texas.  Authorizes the commissioner of insurance 
(commissioner) to request and insurance 
companies shall provide information necessary to complete 
the requirements of Subsection 
(a).  Requires the report established under Subsection (a) 
to be provided to the Texas 
Legislature by December 1 of each even-numbered year.  

SECTION 4. Amends Section 4, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, as 

that subject to the limitations and restrictions herein 
contained and, unless otherwise 
specified, based upon the insurer's capital, surplus and 
admitted assets as reported in the most 
recently filed statutory statement, the investments and 
transactions, rather than loans, 
described in the following subsections, and in Section 6, 
Article 21.49-1, and none other, are 

 (a)-(b)  Makes no changes. 

(c)  Provides that asset-backed securities, among other 
obligations, that are issued, 
assumed, guaranteed, or insured by any business entity, 
including a limited liability 
company, among other entities, subject to certain 
conditions, are authorized investments. 
Authorizes an insurer to acquire counterparty exposure 
amounts, as defined in Subsection 
(u), among other obligations, in any one business entity 
rated by the Securities Valuation 
Office of the National Association of Insurance 
Commissioners (SVO), but not to exceed 
20 percent of the insurer's statutory capital and surplus. 
 Deletes text in reference to a 
business entity rated one or two by SVO.  Deletes text in 
reference to surplus as reported 
in certain annual statements.  Prohibits an insurer from 
acquiring an obligation, 
counterparty exposure amount or preferred stock of any 
business entity if, after giving 
effect to the investment,  the aggregate amount of certain 
investments exceed a certain 
percentage of assets.  Prohibits an insurer, if the 
insurer attains or exceeds the limit of any 
one rating category referred to in this subsection, from 
being precluded from acquiring 
investments in other rating categories subject to the 
specific and multiple category limits 
applicable to those investments.  Deletes existing 
Subsections (c)(2) and (3).  Authorizes 
an insurer, notwithstanding the foregoing, to acquire an 
obligation of a business entity in 
which the insurer already holds, rather than has, one or 
more obligations if the obligation 
is acquired in order to protect an investment previously 
made in that business entity, but 
obligations so acquired may not exceed one-half percent of 
the insurer's assets.  Provides 
that this subsection does not prohibit an insurer from 
acquiring an obligation as a result 
of a restructuring of an already held obligation or 
preferred stock that is rated 3, 4, 5, or 
6, rather than three or lower by SVO.  

(d)-(e)  Makes no changes.  

(f)  Makes nonsubstantive changes. 

(g)  Insurer Investment Pools.  Defines "affiliate."  
Authorizes an insurer to acquire 
investments in certain investment pools.  Prohibits an 
insurer from acquiring an 
investment in a investment pool under this subsection if 
after giving effect to the 
investment, the aggregate amount of investments in all 
investment pools then held by the 
insurer would exceed 35 percent of its assets.  Prohibits 
the investment pool, for an 
investment in an investment pool to be qualified under 
this article, from performing 
certain actions.  Sets forth the conditions for an 
investment pool to be qualified under this 
article.  Requires the pooling agreement for each 
investment pool to be in writing and to 
provide  certain terms and conditions.  Prohibits an 
investment in an investment pool from 
being deemed to be an affiliate transaction under Section 
4, Article 21.49-1, of this code; 
however, each pooling agreement shall be subject to the 
standards of Section 4(a), Article 
21.49-1, of this code and the reporting requirements of 
Section 3(b), Article 21.49-1 of 
this code.  Deletes existing Subsection (g), relating to 
equipment trusts. 

(h)  Equity Interests.  Provides that certain equity 
interests, under certain conditions, are 
authorized investments.  Defines "business entity."  
Deletes existing Subsection (h), 
relating to common stock.  

(i)  Provides that preferred stock of business entities as 
described in Subsection (c) of this 
section, rather than preferred stock of corporations 
organized under the laws of the U.S. 
or any of its states, is an authorized investment; 
provided that, among other conditions, 
the investments in the preferred stock of any one business 
entity will not exceed 20 
percent of the insurer's capital and surplus; and the 
preferred stock is rated by the SVO, 
and the aggregate investment in preferred stock rated 3, 
4, 5, or 6, when added to the 
investments under Subsection (c)(2) do not result in the 
combined total of such 
investments exceeding the limitations specified in 
Subsection (c)(2).  Deletes existing 
Subsections (i)(1) and (2).  Makes a conforming change.  

(j)-(m)  Makes no changes. 
 (n)  Provides that investment in other foreign countries 
or in commonwealths, territories, 
or possessions of the United States are authorized 
investments; provided that such 
investments are substantially the same types as, rather 
than similar to, those authorized 
for investment within the U.S. or Canada by other 
provisions of this section; such 
investments when added to the amount of similar 
investments made within the U.S. and 
Canada do not result in the combined total of such 
investments exceeding the limitations 
specified in Subsections (a) through (m), (o), (q) and 
(u), rather than through (p), of this 
section; and such investments may not exceed the sum of 
the amount of insurer's reserves 
attributable to the insurance business in force in foreign 
countries, if any, and any 
additional investments required by any foreign country as 
a condition to doing business 
therein, and 20, rather than five, percent of the 
insurer's assets of which no more than 10 
percent of the insurer's assets may be investments 
denominated in foreign currency that 
are not hedged pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 
(u).  Deletes text providing that 
such investments are rated by the SVO.  Makes 
nonsubstantive changes.  

(o)  Makes conforming changes. 

(p)  Authorizes an investment held by an insurer on the 
effective date of this Act, which 
legally authorized at the time it was made or acquired or 
which the insurer was authorized 
to hold or possess immediately prior to such effective 
date, but which does not conform 
to the requirements of the investments authorized in 
Subsections (a)-(o), to continue to 
be held by and considered as an authorized, rather than 
admitted, asset or transaction of 
the insurer under certain conditions.  Makes a conforming 

(q)  Securities Lending, Repurchase, Reverse Repurchase 
and Dollar Roll Transactions. 
Defines "repurchase transaction," reverse repurchase 
transaction," "securities lending 
transaction," and "dollar roll transaction."  Authorizes 
an insurer to engage in securities 
lending, repurchase, reverse repurchase and dollar roll 
transactions.  Requires the insurer 
to enter into a written agreement for all transactions, 
except dollar transactions, that shall 
require each transaction to terminate no more than one 
year from its inception.  Requires 
cash received in a transaction under this section to be 
invested in accordance with this 
article and in a manner that recognizes the liquidity 
needs of the transaction or used by 
the insurer for its general corporate purposes.  Requires 
the insurer, its agent, or custodian 
to maintain, as to acceptable collateral received in a 
transaction under this subsection, 
either physically or through the book entry systems of the 
Federal Reserve, Depository 
Trust Company, Participants Trust Company or other 
securities depositories approved by 
the commissioner, certain items.  Prohibits the 
limitations of Sections 4(c) and 5(a) from 
applying to the business entity counterparty exposure 
created by transactions under this 
section.  Prohibits an insurer from entering into a 
transaction under this section if, as a 
result of and after giving effect to the transaction, the 
aggregate amount of certain 
securities exceed a certain amount.  Provides that the 
amount of collateral required for 
securities lending, repurchase and reverse repurchase 
transactions is the amount required 
pursuant to the provisions of the Purposes and Procedures 
of SVO or such successor 
publication.  Prohibits Article 3.39-1 from applying to 
transactions authorized by this 
subsection.  Deletes existing Subsection (q), relating to 
special limitations for certain 
fixed annuity insurers.  

(r)  Makes no changes. 

(s)  Provides that money market mutual funds as defined by 
17 CFR 270.2a-7 under the 
Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq.) 
that may be either a certain 
government money market mutual fund or a certain class one 
money market mutual fund 
are authorized investments.  Deletes existing Subdivisions 
(A)-(C).  Requires money 
market mutual funds qualifying for listing within these 
categories to conform to the 
Purposes and Procedures, rather than the purposes and 
procedures manual, of SVO or 
such successor publication.  Deletes reference to 
valuation of securities manual of the 
National Association of Insurance Commissioners.  

(t)  Requires the percentage authorizations and 
limitations set forth in any or, rather than
 and, all of the provisions of Article 3.33 to apply only 
at the time of the original 
acquisition of an investment or at the time a transaction 
is entered into and shall not be 
applicable to the insurer or such investment or 
transaction thereafter except as provided 
in Subsection (w).  Requires any investment, once 
qualified under any subsection of this 
section, to remain qualified notwithstanding any 
refinancing, restructuring or modification 
of such investment provided that, the insure shall not 
engage in any such refinancing, 
restructuring or modification of any investment for the 
purpose of circumventing the 
requirements or limitations of this article.  Makes 
conforming and nonsubstantive 

(u)  Risk Control Transactions.  Authorizes an insurer to 
use derivative instruments to 
engage in hedging transactions, replication transactions 
and income generation 
transactions.  Defines "acceptable collateral," "business 
entity," "cap," "cash equivalents," 
"short term," "highly rated," "collar," "counterparty 
exposure amount," "derivative 
instrument," "derivative transaction," "floor," "forward," 
"future," "futures exchange," 
"hedging transaction," "income generation transaction," 
"market value," "option," "over-
the-counter derivative instrument," "potential exposure," 
"qualified clearinghouse," 
"replication transaction," "securities exchange," "swap," 
"swaption," "underlying interest," 
and "warrant."  Requires the board of directors, prior to 
entering into any derivative 
transaction, to approve a certain derivative use plan, as 
part of the investment plan 
required in Section 3 of this article.  Requires the 
insurer to establish certain written 
internal control procedures.  Requires an insurer to be 
able to demonstrate to the 
commissioner, upon request, the intended hedging 
characteristics and ongoing 
effectiveness of the derivative transaction or combination 
of transactions through cash 
flow testing, duration analysis or other appropriate 
analysis.  Requires an insurer to 
include all counterparty exposure amounts in determining 
compliance with the limitations 
of Subsection (c).  Sets forth regulations relating to 
certain hedging transactions and 
certain derivative transactions.  Authorizes an insurer to 
only enter into an income 
generation transaction under certain conditions.  
Authorizes an insurer to enter into 
replication transactions only with prior written approval 
from the commissioner and under 
certain conditions.  Authorizes  an insurer to purchase or 
sell one or more derivative 
instruments to offset, in whole or in part, any derivative 
instrument previously purchased 
or sold, without regard to the quantitative limitations of 
this subsection, provided that 
such offsetting transaction utilizes the same type of 
derivative instrument as the derivative 
instrument being offset.  Sets forth the trading 
requirements.  Prohibits Article 3.39-2 
from applying to transactions authorized by this 

(v)  Distributions, Reinsurance, and Merger.  Provides 
that no provision of this article 
prohibits the acquisition by an insurer of additional 
obligations, securities, or other assets 
if received as a dividend or as a distribution of assets, 
nor does this article apply to 
securities, obligations, or other assets accepted incident 
to the workout, adjustment, 
restructuring or similar realization of any kind of 
investment or transaction when deemed 
by the insurer's board of directors or by a committee 
appointed by the board of directors 
to be in the best interests of the insurer, if the 
investment or transaction had previously 
been authorized, nor does this article apply to assets 
acquired pursuant to a lawful 
agreement of bulk reinsurance, merger, or consolidation if 
such assets constituted legal 
and authorized investments for the ceding, merged or 
consolidation company.  Provides 
that no obligation, security or other asset acquired as 
permitted by this subsection need 
be qualified under any other subsection of this article.  

(w)  Qualification of Investments.  Provides that the 
qualification or disqualification of 
an investment under one subsection of this section does 
not prevent its qualification in 
whole or in part under another subsection, and an 
investment authorized by more than one 
subsection may be held under whichever authorizing 
subsection the insurer elects. 
Requires an investment or transaction qualified under any 
subsection at the time it was 
acquired or entered into by the insurer to continue to be 
qualified under that subsection. 
Authorizes an investment to be transferred from time to 
time to the authority of any 
subsection under which it then qualifies, whether or not 
it originally qualified thereunder.

SECTION 5. Amends Section 5, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, to 
provide that certain provisions 
govern and take precedence over each and every provision of 
Section 4, except Subsections (q), (t), 
and (v).  

SECTION 6. Amends Section 7, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, to 
delete existing Subsection (e), 
limiting an insurer's participation in a partnership or joint 

SECTION 7. Amends Article 2.10, Insurance Code, to prohibit a 
company except any writing life, 
health and accident insurance, organized under the laws of this 
state, from investing its funds over 
and above its minimum capital and its minimum surplus, as 
provided in Article 2.02, in any other 
manner than, among other options, in bonds or other evidences of 
debt which at the time of purchase 
are interest-bearing and are issued by authority of law and are 
not in default as to principal interest, 
of any of the states, or of Canada, or any province of Canada, 
among other entities; under certain 
conditions.  Prohibits a company from investing its funds over 
and above its minimum capital and 
its minimum surplus, as provided in Article 2.02, in any other 
manner than, among other options, 
in shares of mutual funds doing business under the Investment 
Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 
Section 80a-1 et seq.), under certain conditions.  Prohibits a 
company from investing its funds over 
and above its minimum capital and its minimum surplus, as 
provided in Article 2.02 in any other 
manner than, among other options, in investments in other foreign 
 countries or in commonwealths, 
territories or possessions of the U.S., or in foreign securities 
originating in such foreign countries, 
commonwealths, territories or possessions of the U.S., under 
certain conditions.  Makes conforming 

SECTION 8. Amends Article 9.18, Insurance Code, to require 
investments of all title insurance 
companies operating under the provisions of this Act to be held 
in cash or may be invested in, among 
other items, securities lending, repurchase, reverse repurchase 
and dollar roll transactions as 
provided for in Section 4(g), Article 3.33, of this code and 
money market funds as provided for in 
Section 4(s), Article 3.33, of this code.  

SECTION 9. Repealers:  Articles 3.39-1 and 3.39-2, Insurance Code 
(Repurchase Agreements; 
Risk Limiting Provisions).  

SECTION 10. Repealer:  Section 5, Article 21.39-B, Insurance Code. 

SECTION 11. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 12. Emergency clause.   



Adds proposed Section 3A, Article 3.33, Insurance Code, 
relating to the community 
investment reports. Redesignates SECTIONS 3-11 as SECTIONS