Senate Research Center   H.B. 1190
By: Counts (Armbrister)
Natural Resources


In 1991, the legislature passed the Texas Clean Rivers Act (the Act),
which requires water quality assessments to be conducted for each river
basin in Texas, integrating all water quality issues within a river basin
or watershed.  The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
(commission) is directed to assess a fee on water use and wastewater
discharge permit holder to fund the program. The Act also directs the
commission to contract with river authorities to conduct the assessments.
In 1995, the legislature amended the Act to require a biennial accounting
of costs recovered and to sunset funding for the program on August 31,

In light of that pending date, a broad-based group of stakeholders was
formed to define problem areas in the program.  Approximately 60 interest
groups representing cities, businesses, industries, agricultural interests
and agencies, the river authorities, environmental interests, state
agencies, and a council of government participated in the meetings.  This
group, known as the Clean Rivers Stakeholders Workgroup, developed a
revised Clean Rivers Program.   

This bill represents the consensus recommendations of the stakeholders
workgroup on substantive revisions to the Act, including the continuation
of the funding mechanism at its present level.  In reference to the
Section 26.177, Water Code, which requires any city with a population of
5,000 or greater to have a water pollution control and abatement program,
the majority of stakeholders proposed that that provision be voluntary
unless the population is equal to 10,000 or more, or where the Clean
Rivers Regional Assessment or Water Quality or other commission
assessments or studies demonstrate a water pollution impact not associated
with permitted sources.   

H.B. 1190 would make substantive revisions to the Texas Clean Rivers Act,
as amended, and to Section 26.177, Water Code, to implement the
recommendations of the Clean Rivers Stakeholders Workgroup.  This bill
would also restore the funding mechanism for the Clean Rivers Program
beyond August 31, 1998, in response to the recommendations of the


As proposed, H.B. 1190 amends the Water Code to implement the
recommendations of the Clean Rivers Stakeholders Workgroup. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission under SECTION 1 (Section 26.0135(c), Water Code) and SECTION 2
(Section 26.0136(c), Water Code) of this bill.  


SECTION 1. Amends Section 26.0135, Water Code, as follows: 

Requires the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (commission),
in order to ensure clean water, to establish the strategic and
comprehensive monitoring of water quality and the periodic assessment of
water quality in each watershed and river basis of the state, rather than
requiring the commission to ensure the comprehensive  assessment of water
quality in each watershed and river basin of the state.  Requires river
authorities, in order to conserve public funds and avoid duplication of
effort, subject to adequate funding under Subsection (h), to the greatest
extent possible and under the supervision of the commission, to conduct
water quality monitoring and assessments in their own watershed, rather
than to conduct regional assessments of their own watersheds. Requires
watershed monitoring and assessments, rather than regional assessments,
involving agricultural or silvicultural nonpoint source pollution to be
coordinated through the State Soil and Water Conservation Board with local
soil and water conservation districts.  Provides that the water quality
monitoring and reporting duties under this section apply only to a river
authority that has entered into an agreement with the commission to
perform those duties. Sets forth provisions regarding the monitoring
program.  Deletes text regarding the monitoring and assessment.  Makes
conforming changes. 

(b)  Requires a river authority, in order to assist in the coordination
and development of assessments and reports required by this section, to
organize and lead a basin-wide steering committee that includes persons
paying fees under Subsection (h), private citizens, the State Soil and
Water Conservation Board, representatives from other appropriate state
agencies, political subdivisions, and other persons, rather than other
governmental bodies, with an interest in water quality matters of the
watershed or river basin.  Sets forth provisions regarding the steering
committee.  Makes nonsubstantive changes. 

(c) Provides that the purpose of the monitoring and assessment required by
this section is to identify significant issues affecting water quality
within each watershed and river basin of the state, rather than not to
mandate exhaustive and detailed water quality studies. Sets forth
requirements for each river authority regarding the submission of data.
Authorizes the commission to adopt rules regarding each river authority
and sets forth provisions regarding the rules.  Makes conforming changes.

(d) Sets forth provisions regarding the submission of a written report by
each river authority.  Deletes provisions regarding the reporting by each
authority of  any significant regulatory or enforcement issues, and on any
actions taken by the authority and other local governments to improve
water quality within the authority's watershed. Sets forth provisions
regarding the deadline for the report to be submitted.  

(e) Deletes a provision providing that nothing in this section shall be
construed to limit or increase the authority of a municipality in regard
to water pollution control.   

(f) Makes no changes.  

(g) Makes no changes.

(h) Removes an ending date for the provision that requires the commission
to apportion, assess, and recover the reasonable costs of administering
the water quality management programs under this section.  Requires
certain rules to ensure that program funds are equitably apportioned among
basins.  Provides that costs recovered by the commission are to be
deposited to the water quality fund and may only be used to accomplish the
purposes of this section.  Requires the commission, with the assistance
and input of each river authority, to file a certain written report,
rather than a certain final written report, on or before December 1 of
each even-numbered year, rather than December 31, 1998. Deletes text
providing that this subsection expires January 1, 1999.  Makes conforming
changes and nonsubstantive changes.. 

(i) Defines "quality assured data."  Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 2. Amends Section 26.0136, Water Code, as follows:

Sec. 26.0136.  New heading:  WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Requires water
quality management functions to be oriented on a watershed basis in
consideration of the priorities  identified by river authorities and basin
steering committees.  Requires the commission to establish rules to make
the optimum use of state and federal funding and grant programs related to
water quality programs of the commission.  Makes conforming and
nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 3. Amends Section 26.023, Water Code, to require the commission to
develop standards based on all quality assured data obtained by the
commission, including the local watershed and river basis database
described by Section 26.0135(c)(2).  Defines "quality assured data." 

SECTION 4. Amends Section 26.0285, Water Code, to require the watershed
and river basin monitoring plans described by Section 26.0135(c) to
include targeted monitoring to assist the permitting process. 

SECTION 5. Amends Section 26.177, Water Code, by amending Subsections (a)
and (e) and adding Subsections (f) and (g), to delete text regarding a
city having a population of 5,000 or more. Sets forth provisions
applicable if the watershed water quality assessment reports required by
Section 26.0135 or other commission assessments or studies identify water
pollution that is attributable to non-permitted sources in a city that has
a population of 10,000 or more.  Authorizes, rather than requires, the
commission to adopt and assess reasonable and necessary fees adequate to
recover the costs of the commission in administering this section.
Authorizes a city to contract with a river authority or another political
subdivision to perform any or all services and functions that are part of
a water pollution control and abatement program established under this
section.  Authorizes the commission to assist cities in identifying and
obtaining funds and technical assistance that may be available to assist a
city, or a river authority or other political subdivision with whom the
city has contracted, in performing any or all of the services or functions
that are part of a water pollution control and abatement program
established under this section. 

SECTION 6. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 7. Emergency clause.