GEC C.S.H.B. 1285 75(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.H.B. 1285
By: Van de Putte
Committee Report (Substituted)


The Uniform Condominium Act, Sections 81 & 82 of the Texas 
Property Act, governing 
meetings held by condominiums created before and after January 1, 
1994 respectfully.  The 
Texas Property Code does not specifically guarantee open meetings 
of the board for participation 
by owners of condominiums constructed prior to 1994. These Boards 
exercise considerable 
control over their constituents(homeowners), and derive all 
assets, monies, and authority from 
the homeowners.  Since a condominium exercises authority similar 
to a governmental body, it is 
appropriate that to safeguard these homeowners rights by 
requiring certain meetings, especially 
Board meetings, open to the condominium members.


C.S.H.B. 1285 updates Section 82.002(c) of the Texas Property 
Code by including that section in 
the requirements for open meetings previously defined in the 
Property Code.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly 
grant any additional rulemaking 
authority to a state officer, department, agency or institution.


SECTION 1. Amends section 82.002(c) of the Texas Property Code.

(c)  Includes Section 82.108 in this section which 
defines the process for open 
meetings for condominiums and their boards.

SECTION 2.  Amends section 82.108 of the Texas Property Code by 
amending (c) and by adding 
(d) and (e).  

(c)  Clarifies that the meetings of the board be given 
in accordance with by-laws 
adopted by the board.  Board meetings can be posted by 
any method as long as the 
initial posting is in accordance with (e) of this 
section for meetings that do not 
consider  fines, damage assessment, appeal of 
architectural control approval, or 
suspension of an association member prior to the 
members addressing the board. 
Additionally, it provides for unanimous action to be 
taken by the board without a 
meeting if the action does not address fines, damage 
assessment, appeal of  an 
architectural control approval, or suspension of an 
association member prior to the 
members addressing the board.

(d)  Requires notice of association meetings to be 
provided for in the bylaws, if 
none are available then Section A, Article 2.11 of the 
Texas Non-Profit 
Corporation Act applies.

(e) Requires notice of  Board meetings to be provided 
for in the bylaws, if none 
are available then Section B, Article 2.19 of the Texas 
Non-Profit Corporation Act 

(f) An agency of the board shall notify the unit owner 
of the time a place of the 
next board meeting when requested.

(g)  A board member may be fined by a majority vote of the 
association at an 
association meeting for reasonable attorney's fees incurred by a 
member or 
members for any action that derives from a meeting that was not 
posted in 
accordance with this section.

SECTION 3.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This law applies to meetings held on 
or after September 1, 



C.S.H.B. 1285 applies rules relating to opening meetings in a 
different manner than H.B. 1285. 
The Committee Substitute includes, under open meeting 
requirements previously developed in 
the Property Code, Chapter 82 condominium boards.  C.S.H.B. 1285 
additionally provides for 
specific notice of meetings to be given to members and for 
reimbursement of any attorney fees 
for any legal actions arising for a member from an improperly 
posted meeting.