MMA C.S.H.B. 1404 75(R)                     BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.H.B. 1404
By: Kamel
Committee Report (Substituted)


Distance learning in higher education via video transmission and on-line
services is rapidly increasing.  In Texas, a public technical institute,
public community college, or a public college or university must receive
prior approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (board) to
offer courses through distance learning.  Board approval is required for
distance learning courses that may fall within the already-approved
curriculum of the institution.  Because of this extra hurdle, higher
education institutions' efforts to deliver their services statewide and
nationally have been thwarted. 


C.S.H.B. 1404 would allow public technical institutes, public community
colleges, or a public college or university to offer courses via distance
learning without the approval of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board, if the courses are offered through computer access, are part of the
approved curriculum of the institution and have already been approved to
be delivered by distance learning. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or


SECTION 1: Amends Section 61.051(j), Education Code, by adding language
which allows a public technical institute, public community college, or a
public college or university to offer courses to a student anywhere in the
state through a computer or computer network, if the courses are approved
by the board to be delivered by distance learning and are within the
approved curriculum of the institution.  States that the board shall
encourage efforts to make more widely available educational opportunities
via computer access in order to facilitate more distance learning courses. 

SECTION 2: Emergency clause.


H.B. 1404 as introduced removed all board approval from offering distance
learning courses as long as they were within the approved curriculum of
the institution.  The C.S.H.B. 1404, instead, removes board approval for
courses already approved to be delivered by distance learning and within
the approved curriculum of the institution if they are offered by computer
or computer network.  Additionally, the C.S.H.B. 1404 allows the courses
to be offered to a student anywhere in the state and contains language to
encourage efforts to make courses via computer access more widely