C.S.H.B. 1445
By: Gray
Committee Report (Substituted)


The Texas Racing Commission was created in 1987 by the 70th Legislature.
The Texas Racing Commission is responsible for ensuring fair wagering and
safe racing and to help the racing industry grow as an asset to the
state's economy.  The Texas Racing Commission carries out its programs and
functions through an eight-member board with six of the members appointed
by the Governor with the consent of the Senate and two ex officio members,
the State Comptroller and the chair of the Texas Public Safety Commission.
To carry out these programs, the Texas Racing Commission had a budget of
$7,959,129 and 69 employees for fiscal year 1996. 

 The Texas Racing Commission is subject to the Sunset Act and will be
abolished September 1, 1997 unless continued by the Legislature.  As a
result of its review of the Texas Racing Commission, the Sunset Advisory
Commission recommended continuation of the Texas Racing Commission and
several statutory modifications that are contained in this legislation. 


 The purpose of this bill is to continue the Texas Racing Commission for
an eight-year period, make statutory modifications recommended by the
Sunset Advisory Commission, and other statutory modifications.  The
modifications proposed by this bill: 

-change the composition of the Commission by requiring four public members
with a general knowledge of business or agri-business, one member with
expertise in horse racing, and one member with expertise in greyhound
racing, and removing existing requirements for the Commission to operate
through separately acting sections representing horse and greyhound

 -focus the Commission's activities on regulation of the racing industry
and not promotion; 

 -improve the Commission's racetrack inspection and enforcement activities;

 -increase the Commission's oversight of programs funded through
provisions of the Texas Racing Act; 

 -improve the integrity and safety of pari-mutuel racing by making the top
regulatory officials at each track directly responsible to the state; 

 - require the Commission to recover the costs of the criminal history

-expands the Commission's enforcement powers to help the agency respond to
emergency situations at the track and to racetrack closures;  

-removes the Racing Act's prohibition of cross-species simulcasting; and,

-provide for other changes.


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is expressly
granted to the Texas Racing Commission  in the following sections: SECTION
8 - Section 2.11(d), Texas Racing Act (Article 179e, Vernon's Texas Civil
Statutes), SECTION 9 - Section 2.21 and 2.23, SECTION 10 Section 3.02,
SECTION 11 - Section 3.021(d), SECTION 13 - Section 3.07(a), SECTION 14
Section 3.13,  Section 3.16, Section 3.22, SECTION 21 - Sections 6.061 and
6.062, SECTION 24 - Section 6.092, SECTION 29 - Section 7.07(b), SECTION
31- Section 9.01, SECTION 32 Section 10.04, SECTION 38 - Section 14.18,
SECTION 43.  The Texas Racing Commission's rulemaking authority is amended
in the following sections: SECTION 20 - Section 6.06, SECTION 28 - Section
7.05(c), SECTION 34 - Section 11.06.  In addition, under the general
rulemaking authority already granted to the commission, rules may be
adopted to implement other new provisions found in this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 1.02, Texas Racing Act (Article 179e, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes). Removes language on the promotion of racing from
the purpose clause of the Act so that it only refers to the regulation and
control of horse racing, greyhound racing, and parimutuel wagering. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 1.03, by adding Subdivisions (67) to (76).

 (67) Adds definition of "Racetrack facility."

 (68) Adds definition of "Child."

 (69) Adds definition of "Minor."

 (70) Adds definition of "Contraband."

 (71) Adds definition of "Prohibited device."

 (72) Adds definition of "Prohibited substance."

 (73) Adds definition of "Unlawful touting."

(74) Adds definition of "Race."

(75) Adds definition of "Outstanding ticket."

(76) Adds definition of "Pari-mutuel voucher."

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 2.02(a) and (b).  Changes the composition of
the commission by eliminating the requirement for two veterinarians, two
members with knowledge of horse racing, and two members with knowledge of
greyhound racing.  Deletes language related to appointment of members
which requires the governor to strive to achieve representation of the
state's population in regard to economic status, sex, race, and ethnicity.
Instead, adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission that
requires that appointments to the commission be made without regard to
race, color, disability, sex, religion, age or national origin. 

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 2.03.  Technical correction.  Removes language
regarding initial appointments of members of the Commission. 

SECTION 5.  Amends Section 2.05(a) and (b).

 (a) Requires four of the members on the commission to be public members
and have a general knowledge of business or agri-business.  Requires two
additional appointed members, one having expertise related to greyhound
racing and the other having expertise related to horse  racing.  Adds
standard language developed by the Sunset Commission to prohibit the
appointment of a public member if the person or the person's spouse is a
licensed by the commission (except as a commissioner), conducts business
with the commission, or otherwise has financial ties to the regulated

 (b) Includes nepotism prohibition in standard language developed by the
Sunset Commission prohibiting any conflict of interest.  Technical change.
Updates statutory citation. 

Reletters subsections.

SECTION 6.  Adds Sections 2.071-2.074. 

 Section 2.071.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission.  Prohibits commission members or their spouses and employees
compensated at or above Group 17 in the General Appropriations Act or
their spouses from being an officer or employee of a related Texas trade
association.  Also defines Texas trade association. 

 Section 2.072.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission.  Prohibits registered lobbyists from serving as a member of
the commission or from being employed as the commission's general counsel. 

 Section 2.073.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission.  Defines the grounds for removing a commission member.
Affirms that an action of the commission is valid even if it is taken when
a ground for removal exists for one of the members.  Requires notification
of the commission's presiding officer, the Governor and the Attorney
General if knowledge that a potential ground for removal exists.   

 Section 2.074.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission.  Requires the commission members to complete training before
assuming their duties and being confirmed by the Senate. 

SECTION 7.  Amends Section 2.10.  Updates standard language developed by
the Sunset Commission.  Requires the Governor to designate a public member
as the presiding officer of the commission. 

SECTION 8. Amends Section 2.11(b) and adds (d).

 (b) Removes language referring to quorum requirements for conducting
business of a section of the commission. 

 (d) Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission. Requires
the commission to give the public reasonable opportunity to appear before
it regarding issues under the jurisdiction of the commission. 

SECTION 9.  Adds Sections 2.17-2.24. 

 Section 2.17.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission to prepare an annual financial report that meets
the reporting requirements in the General Appropriations Act. 

 Section 2.18.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission's funds to be managed in accordance with the State
Funds Reform Act. 

 Section 2.19. (a) Adds standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission. Requires the executive secretary or a designee to develop an
intra-agency career ladder program that addresses mobility and advancement
opportunities for employees within the commission and requires
intra-agency postings of job openings concurrently with any public

 (b) Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.  Requires
the  executive secretary or a designee to develop a system of annual
performance evaluations based on documented employee performance upon
which merit salary increases must be based. 

 (c)-(e)  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the executive secretary or a designee to develop an equal
employment policy that is annually updated, reviewed by the Texas
Commission on Human Rights, and filed with the Governor's Office. 

 Section 2.20.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the executive secretary or a designee to inform commission
members and agency employees of the qualifications for office or
employment and each person's responsibilities under the law. 

 Section 2.21.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission to clearly separate its policymaking
responsibilities from the management responsibilities of the executive
secretary and staff of the commission. 

 Section 2.22.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission to comply with state and federal program and
facility accessibility laws and to develop a plan that describes how
non-English speaking persons can be provided reasonable access to the
commission's programs. 

 Section 2.23.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission to prepare and distribute information to the
public concerning the commission's functions and complaint procedures.
Also requires commission rules to establish a method by which racetrack
patrons can be notified of the complaint procedures. 

 Section 2.24.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission to collect and maintain information about all
complaints filed with the commission.  Requires the commission to maintain
files on written complaints that the commission has the authority to
resolve and to notify the parties regarding the status of the complaint
quarterly until disposition.  

SECTION 10.  Amends Section 3.02.  Deletes reference to Section 3.01,
which is repealed in SECTION 42 of this bill.  Requires the commission to
make rules, issue licenses, and take any other necessary action relating
exclusively to horse racing and greyhound racing.  Requires a majority
vote of the commission for any commission decision.  Authorizes the
commission to establish separate sections to review or propose rules.
Requires the commission to hold meetings on proposed rules before they are
published in the Texas Register and post notice on these meetings at each
racetrack facility.  Requires copy of the proposed rule be posted
concurrently at each racetrack facility.  Authorizes the Commission or
section of the Commission to appoint committees to advise on proposed
rules.  Requires the Commission consider the effect of proposed Commission
action on the state's agricultural, horse breeding, horse training,
greyhound breeding, and greyhound training industry.   

SECTION 11.  Amends Section 3.021(b) and adds (d). 

 (b) Removes language directing the commission to promote the growth of
the racing industry. 

 (d) Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission. Prevents
the commission from adopting rules that restrict competitive bidding or
advertising except to prohibit false, misleading or deceptive practices. 

SECTION 12.  Amends Section 3.03.  Conforming change increasing a
commission member, commission agent, DPS officer, or local peace officer's
power of entry to include any part of the racetrack facility or any other
place of business of a racetrack association. 

SECTION 13.  Amends Section 3.07(a), (d) and (e).  

  (a)  Changes the employment of racetrack stewards and judges so that all
three officials must be employed by the commission instead of current
language that allows two of the three officials to be employed by the
racetrack association.  Requires the commission to designate one of the
stewards or judges as the presiding officer for each race meeting.  Allows
the racetrack association to submit written comments to the commission
regarding job performance, however the comments are not considered binding
on the Commission.  Requires the commission to employ, rather than
appoint, at least one state veterinarian for each race meeting.  Clarifies
that the Commission may impose fees by rule.   

 (d) Makes conforming changes by deleting Section 14.03 references.

 (e) Allows the racetrack association to use outstanding pari-mutuel
vouchers to pay for animal drug testing with excess revenue going to the
Racing Commission.  This change allows the Commission to handle uncashed
pari-mutuel vouchers in the same manner it currently handles uncashed
parimutuel tickets.  

SECTION 14. Adds Sections 3.13-3.22. 

 Section 3.13.  Requires the commission, by rule, to adopt criteria for
recognizing organizations that represent members of the racing industry. 

 Section 3.14.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission to use a full range of penalties, such as
reprimand, suspension or revocation, for violations of state laws or
agency rules. 

 Section 3.15.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Entitles licensees to a hearing conducted by the State Office of
Administrative Hearings before any sanction may be taken against their
license.  Exempts proceedings conducted by racing stewards or judges. 

 Section 3.16.  Grants the commission rulemaking authority to adopt rules
prohibiting unlawful influence on the outcome of a race, relating to the
use of prohibited devices or substances.  Specifies drug testing
procedures to be followed by the commission and administrative sanctions
for rule violations in this area.  This authority is currently provided in
Article 14 of the Act, has been deleted in SECTION 36 of this bill and
relocated here in new Section 3.16. 

 Section 3.17.  Authorizes the Commission to require racetracks to post
security in an amount and form to ensure payment of fees and charges due
to the state or Commission  relating to pari-mutuel racing, including
charges for drug testing. 

 Section 3.18.  Authorizes the executive secretary of the Commission to
issue cease and desist orders if a racetrack or other licensee is engaging
or likely to engage in conduct that violates the Racing Act or Commission
rules.  Specifically outlines procedures for issuance of the order with
requirements for notice, time frame, hearing proceedings, and opportunity
for judicial review of the order. 

 Section 3.19.  Authorizes the executive secretary to issue emergency
cease and desist orders if a racetrack or other licensee engages in
continuing activity that violates the Act or Commission rule and threatens
immediate and irreparable public harm.  Specifically outlines procedures
for issuance of the order with requirements for notice, time frame,
hearing proceedings, and provides for appeal. 

 Section 3.20.  Authorizes the executive secretary to take action if a
final cease and desist order is violated including authority to initiate
administrative penalty proceedings, refer the matter to the attorney
general, or pursue other action such as license suspension.  Entitles the
attorney general to recover reasonable attorney's fees. 

 Section 3.21.  Authorizes the Commission to institute an injunction to
enjoin a violation  of the Act. 

 Section 3.22.  Requires the Commission, by rule, to monitor activities
relating to the horsemen's account including review of a racetrack's
financial operations and inspection of its financial records.  Authorizes
the executive secretary to issue an order prohibiting the racetrack from
transferring funds out of a bank account held by the racetrack for
business related to racing, if the association fails to maintain the
proper amount of money in the horsemen's account. Requires the executive
secretary to establish a procedure to allow the racetrack to pay necessary
operational expenses from the racetrack's bank account while under order.
Specifies the order to be valid for a period not to exceed 14 days.  Also,
authorizes the executive secretary to require appropriate transfers to or
from the horsemen's account if an improper amount of money is in the
horsemen's account. 

SECTION 15.  Amends Section 5.01(a).  Technical change.

SECTION 16.  Amends Sections 5.03(a) and (b).

 (a)  Exempts reciprocal license applicants under certain conditions from
fingerprint requirements.  Clarifies the Department of Public Safety's
authority to obtain fingerprints from any person owning any interest in an
applicant for a racetrack license. 

 (b) Ensures that if the Commission requires fingerprints, the prints are
forwarded appropriately to the Department of Public Safety or the Federal
Bureau of Investigation. 

SECTION 17. Adds Section 5.05.  Requires the Texas Racing Commission to
recover costs of criminal history reports and reimburse the Department of
Public Safety for conducting the checks. 

SECTION 18.  Amends Section 6.01.  Technical change related to the
requirement to obtain a racetrack license from the Commission. 

SECTION 19. Amends Section 6.04(a) and (d). 

 (a)  Removes language directing the commission to promote the racing

 (d) Makes conforming change by deleting Section 14.03 reference.

SECTION 20.  Amends Sections 6.06(a), (b), (e) and (f). 

 (a)  Technical changes.  Also, expands grounds for denial, revocation, or
suspension of a racetrack license to include previous participation in
activities detrimental to the racing industry and failure to disclose all
true owners of the racetrack. 

 (b) Expands the grounds for denial, revocation, or suspension of a
racetrack license to include licenses held by a partnership or limited

 (e) and (f)  Removes language referencing the two separate sections of
the commission. 

SECTION 21.  Adds Sections 6.061-6.063.

 Section 6.061.  Grants the commission rulemaking authority to improve the
commission's racetrack inspection and enforcement activities.  Requires
rules on reporting and correcting inappropriate and unsafe conditions at a
racetrack facility, including methods for remedying emergency situations.
Requires the executive secretary to issue a notice of violation for an
inappropriate or unsafe condition and order the racetrack to correct the
situation within a specified period of time.  Requires the commission to
adopt rules relating to the reporting of corrective actions taken by the
racetrack facility.  Requires the executive secretary to initiate
enforcement action if a racetrack fails to take required action.  Also,
authorizes the executive secretary to rescind race dates for racetrack's
failure to take required action. 
 Section 6.062.  Requires the commission to adopt a method of supervising
and approving any changes made to a racetrack facility through
construction or renovation.  Requires rules related to approval, change
and content of facility plans and specifications, maintenance of records,
progress reports, inspection, and oversight of changes.  If a racetrack
licensee fails to comply with commission requirements, authorizes the
commission to require the licensee to appear before the commission to
consider the matter.  Requires the commission to determine whether the
racetrack facility meets commission requirements before the facility can
be used. Requires the commission to initiate enforcement action if a
racetrack fails to take action required. Also authorizes the executive
secretary to rescind race dates for racetrack's failure to take required

 Section 6.063.  Authorizes the commission to summarily suspend a
racetrack license if the commission determines that a racetrack is being
operated in a manner that is an immediate threat to the health, safety, or
welfare of racing participants or patrons.  Specifically outlines
procedures for the suspension with requirements for notice, time frame,
hearing proceedings, and provides for appeal.  Specifies that the
suspension continues in effect unless the order is stayed by the executive
secretary and allows the executive secretary to impose any condition
before granting a stay of the order.  Requires the executive secretary to
affirm, modify or set aside in whole or part of the order. 

SECTION 22.  Amends Section 6.08(1).  Makes conforming change so that a
current statutory reference to any horsemen's organization reflects the
requirement (being added in SECTION 14 of this bill) for the Commission to
officially recognize such an organization.   

SECTION 23.  Amends Section 6.091(a).  Changes the distribution of the
simulcast pari-mutuel pool by setting aside 0.25 percent for the Racing
Commission instead of the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
Requires these funds be set aside to reimburse the general revenue fund
for the amount of funds including interest owed by the Racing Commission. 

SECTION 24.  Adds Section 6.092.  Increases the commission's oversight of
programs funded through provisions of the Texas Racing Act.  Requires the
commission to adopt reporting, monitoring, and auditing requirements or
other performance measures for organizations receiving racing funds.
Requires the commission to consult with the affected organization.
Requires that an annual, independent audit be conducted and a report of
the results sent to the commission. Also, allows the commission to review
any records of an organization that submits such an audit. Authorizes the
commission to withhold funds from an organization. 
SECTION 25.  Amends Section 7.01.  Removes language making the violation
of this section a criminal offense to be relocated in Article 14, Texas
Racing Act in SECTION 38 of this bill. 

SECTION 26.  Amends Section 7.02(a) and adds (c) and (d). 

 (a)  Removes the language making any violation of this section a criminal
offense. Wagering without a license is replaced as an offense in Article
14, Texas Racing Act in SECTION 38 of this bill.  Also makes technical

 (c) and (d) Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Requires the commission to notify license applicants of licensing
examination results within a reasonable time of the examination date.
Requires the commission, upon request of an applicant who failed a
licensing examination, to provide an analysis of the applicant's exam

SECTION 27.  Amends Section 7.04.  Provides that the improper use of a
temporary pass and previous participation in activities detrimental to the
racing industry are additional grounds for refusing to issue, suspending
or revoking an occupational license. 

SECTION 28.  Amends Section 7.05.  Requires the commission to include the
cost of the criminal history checks when setting the fee for licenses.
Allows the commission to collect the costs over an extended period.
Reletters subsections. 

 SECTION 29.  Amends Section 7.07.  Adds standard language developed by
the Sunset Commission.  Authorizes the commission to adopt a staggered
license renewal system. 

SECTION 30.  Adds Section 7.10(a) and (b).  

 (a) Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Authorizes the Commission to waive any license requirements and grant a
license to an applicant with a valid license from another state that has
license requirements substantially equivalent to those of this state.   

 (b)  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset Commission.
Authorizes the commission to waive any license requirements and grant a
license to an applicant with a valid license from another state with which
Texas has a reciprocity agreement.  Also authorizes the commission to
enter into reciprocity agreements. 

SECTION 31.  Amends Section 9.01. Makes a conforming change to increase
the commission's oversight of programs funded through provisions of the
Texas Racing Act as provided for in SECTION 24 of this bill. 

SECTION 32.  Amends Section 10.04. Makes a conforming change to increase
the commission's oversight of programs funded through provisions of the
Texas Racing Act as provided for in SECTION 24 of this bill. 

SECTION 33.  Amends Section 11.011(g) and adds (h)-(k).  

 (g)  Removes prohibition to cross-species simulcasting.  Specifies that
no track can be required to take a cross-species signal.   

 (h)-(i)  Specifies necessary agreements between greyhound racetracks and
horse racetracks. Requires horse racetracks offering greyhound
simulcasting to do so pursuant to an agreement with the nearest greyhound
track.  If an agreement cannot be reached by September 1 of the year
preceding the proposed simulcasting, then the horse racetrack may purchase
the signal from any greyhound racetrack with which it can reach an
agreement.  Requires greyhound racetracks offering horse simulcasting to
have an agreement with the nearest Class 1 horse track. If agreements
cannot be reached by September 1 of the year preceding the proposed
simulcasting, then the greyhound racetrack may purchase the signal from
any Class 1 racetrack in the state with which it can reach an agreement. 

 (j)  Requires a horse racetrack that offers an interstate greyhound
signal to offer wagering on any available Texas greyhound signal.
Requires a greyhound track that offers an interstate horse signal to offer
wagering on any available Texas horse signal. 
 (k) Requires an agreement for wagering on a simulcast greyhound race
between two horse racetracks.  Specifies an agreement is required between
a horse racetrack that conducts its inaugural meet within 12 months of the
effective date of this Act and an operational horse racetrack with 60
miles of such a racetrack. 

SECTION 34.  Amends Section 11.06.  Clarifies the commission's rulemaking
authority to prohibit minors from wagering at the racetrack.  Removes the
language making any violation of these rules a criminal offense and
relocates provision in Article 14, Texas Racing Act in SECTION 38 of this

SECTION 35.  Amends Section 11.08.  Makes conforming change to the
procedure used by the Commission for receiving money not claimed at the

SECTION 36.  Amends Section 11.09.  Technical change rewording the defense
to prosecution section to more closely match Penal Code language. 

SECTION 37.  Amends Section 13.03.  Creates a criminal trespass
presumption, in accordance  with the Penal Code, for those persons who
have been excluded or ejected from the racetrack enclosure or who are
otherwise unauthorized to enter.  Removes offense language conflicting
with Penal Code.  Applies Penal Code, Section 30.05, so that a person
committing criminal trespass at a racetrack is punishable with a Class B
misdemeanor except in some circumstances in which case the penalty is a
Class A misdemeanor. 
SECTION 38.  Amends Article 14.  Changes title to "CRIMINAL OFFENSES"

 Section 14.01.  Makes the offense of touting a Class A misdemeanor unless
the actor is a license holder or member or employee of the commission or
the information was provided to the public in a tip sheet, in which case
the penalty is a state jail felony.  Strikes the redundant provision
imposing liability on a corporation or association for the actions of an
agent for touting, which already exists in the Penal Code. 

 Section 14.02.  Makes possession as well as use of an unlawful credential
a criminal offense.  Strikes the redundant provision imposing liability on
a corporation or association for the actions of an agent for unlawfully
using a credential, which already exists in the Penal Code. 

 Strikes Section 14.03 thus deleting existing language from section
relating to unlawful influence on a race through use of prohibited devices
and substances or bribery to be relocated in Sections 3.16 and 14.10 -
14.11, Texas Racing Act. 

 Section 14.04.  Clarifies the offense of permitting illegal access to a
racetrack.  Reduces the penalty for permitting illegal access to a
racetrack to fit the crime.  Lowers the offense from a third-degree felony
to a Class B misdemeanor. 

 Section 14.05.  No change.

 Section 14.06.  Lowers the level of culpability that must be shown for
the offense of making false statements in connection with a racing
investigation from "intentionally" to "knowingly."  Clarifies the
definition of the term "statement" for the offense of making false
statements. Makes this offense a state jail felony unless the statement
was material in a commission action relating to a racetrack license, in
which case, it is a felony of the third degree. 

 Section 14.07.  Expands the offense for hindering an authorized entry to
include interfering with an authorized search.  Lowers the level of
culpability that must be shown for the offense of hindering an authorized
entry from "intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly" to "with criminal

 Section 14.08.  Adds the offense of forging a pari-mutuel ticket as a
third degree felony. Assigns Penal Code definition for the term "forge". 

 Section 14.09.  Adds the offense of impersonating a license holder as a
Class A misdemeanor. 

 Section 14.10.  Adds the offense of unlawfully influencing a race by
possession or use of a prohibited device or substance.  Specifies that
possession only is punishable by a state jail felony, unless it can be
shown that the actor intended to influence the outcome of a race, in which
case it is a third degree felony.  Makes the use of such a prohibited
device or substance a felony of the third degree. 

 Section 14.11.  Adds the offense of unlawfully influencing a race through
bribery or corrupt influence as a state jail felony unless the recipient
of the benefit is a racetrack official, in which case, it is a felony of
the third degree.  Makes the definition of bribery and corrupt influence
comparable to the Penal Code. 

 Section 14.12.  Makes it illegal for a member of the commission to accept
employment or payment from any racetrack association or occupational
licensee, to wager on a greyhound or horse race in Texas, or to accept any
part of a purse paid to an animal racing in Texas.  An  offense under this
Section is a state jail felony under the general penalty provision of the
Act as modified in SECTION 39 of this bill. 

 Section 14.13.  Makes it a Class B misdemeanor for a person with criminal
negligence to contribute to a minor's wagering at a racetrack or a child's
entry to the viewing section of a racetrack, unless a parent, guardian, or
adult spouse accompanies the child.  Makes it a Class C misdemeanor to
allow a minor to intentionally or knowingly wager at a racetrack, unless
the minor shows an apparently valid driver's license or DPS-issued
identification card. 

 Section 14.14.  Makes it illegal for a person to participate in, permit,
or conduct an unauthorized race at a licensed racetrack if the person
wagers on the outcome of the race, or knows or reasonably should know
someone else is betting on the race.  An offense under this Section is a
state jail felony under the general penalty provision of the act as
modified in SECTION 37 of this bill. 

 Section 14.15.  Makes it illegal for an unlicensed person to be involved
in pari-mutuel racing, unless the person is a spectator or wagerer.  Makes
the offense a state jail felony for unlicensed racetrack operators and
Class A misdemeanor for others. 

 Section 14.16.  Makes it a third-degree felony for a person to conduct a
race without a license if he knows or reasonably should know that someone
else is betting on the race. 

 Section 14.17.  Makes it illegal for a person to intentionally or
knowingly fail or refuse to display a credential or to identify himself
when lawfully requested to do so in a restricted area on the premises of a
racetrack.  Makes the offense a Class B misdemeanor unless the defendant
holds a license at the time it occurs, in which case the offense is a
Class C misdemeanor. 

 Section 14.18.  Authorizes commission members, their agents, stewards or
judges, and DPS or other peace officers to search actual and purported
licensees on the premises of a racetrack and to seize any prohibited items
discovered during a search.  Excludes a location from a search if excluded
by commission rule or if location is provided by an association for
private storage according to commission rule. 

 Section 14.19.  Allows a defendant to be prosecuted under the Texas
Racing Act or another law for the same illegal conduct. 

 Section 14.20.  Prohibits Article 14 of the Act, the criminal offense
provisions, from being construed to restrict the commission's
administrative authority to fully enforce the act or commission rules. 

SECTION 39.  Amends Section 15.01.  Changes the default penalty provision
from a felony of the third degree to a state jail felony. 

SECTION 40.  Amends Section 18.01(a). Updates the commission's Sunset
review date to 2005, which provides for an 8-year review.  

SECTION 41.  Amends Section 481.172, Government Code.  Adds language
directing the Texas Department of Commerce to promote the racing industry
if funds are appropriated specifically for that purpose. 

SECTION 42.  Repeals Sections 2.07, 3.01, 11.04(d), 15.02, and 18.02,
Texas Racing Act. Removes language regarding prohibited conflict of
interest of commission members and relocates this provision in Article 14.
Removes language which divides the commission into two separate sections.
Removes language making a violation of commission rules on wagering a
criminal offense.  Removes language which made all commission rules and
orders subject to the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act
because this Act already generally applies to all state agencies. 

SECTION 43. (a) Specifies the effective date of the Act as September 1,
 (b) Provides that the changes made by this Act only apply to members of
the commission appointed after the effective date of this bill.  Requires
the governor to make appointments according to membership plan outlined by
the Texas Racing Act, as amended by this Act. 

 (c) Requires the commission to review all of the rules of the commission
and readopt, modify, or repeal these rules before January 1, 2002.
Requires the commission, to the extent possible, to attempt to regulate
horse and greyhound racing activities with uniform approaches. 

 (d) Transfers any rulemaking authority given to a separate section of the
Texas Racing Commission to the full Texas Racing Commission. 

SECTION 44.  Provides that the changes made by this Act do not apply to
offenses, any element of which were committed before the effective date
which instead will be prosecuted under the earlier law. 

SECTION 45.  Emergency clause.


The substitute incorporates the following major changes from the original

1.Expands the Commission's enforcement powers to include: 

_authority to require racetracks to post a security bond to ensure that
payments due to the state are made, 

_authority to issue cease and desist orders, including issuing orders on
an emergency basis, 

_the authority to issue an injunction,

_the authority to oversee the horsemen's accounts to ensure that funds are
properly maintained, and 

_the authority to summarily suspend a racetrack license if the Commission
determines that the track is being operated in a manner that constitutes
an immediate threat to the health, safety or welfare of racing
participants or the public 

2.Changes the distribution of the simulcast pari-mutuel pool by setting
aside 0.25 percent for the Racing Commission instead of the Texas
Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.  The substitute requires that these
funds be used to reimburse the General Revenue Fund for past
appropriations loaned to the agency.  

3.Removes prohibition to cross-species simulcasting and specifies required
agreements between greyhound racetracks and horse racetracks.  Also,
requires that if interstate crossspecies simulcasting occurs, racetracks
must offer wagering on those Texas signals that are made available.