Senate Research Center   H.B. 1525
By: Oliveira (Sibley)
Economic Development


Currently, Sections 4A and 4B of the Development Corporation Act authorize
certain cities to impose an "economic development" sales tax with local
voter approval.  Revenue from the "4A" tax may be used by "4A
corporations" to build business airports, recycling, manufacturing and
industrial facilities.  Revenue from the "4B" tax may be used by "4B
corporations" to fund certain civic projects such as sports facilities and
parks, as well as many of the industrial projects authorized under Section
4A of this Act.  There is concern that current law makes it difficult for
cities to transfer from the 4A to 4B tax because voters must approve two
separate ballot propositions: one to abolish the 4A tax and another to
impose the 4B tax.  This bill authorizes 4A corporations to use 4A tax
proceeds to fund projects traditionally reserved for 4B corporations after
holding a public hearing and obtaining local voter approval. 


As proposed, H.B. 1525 authorizes certain corporations to use tax proceeds
to fund projects upon obtaining voter approval.   


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 4A, Article 5190.6, V.T.C.S. (Development
Corporation Act of 1979), as follows:   

(s) (1) Authorizes a city that creates or has created a corporation
governed by this section to submit to the voters of the city, at a
separate election to be held on a uniform election date or at an election
held under another provision of this Act, including certain elections, a
ballot proposition that authorizes the corporation to use the sales and
use tax, including any amount previously authorized and collected, for a
specific project or for a specific category of projects that does not
qualify under this section but qualifies under Section 4B of this Act.
Provides that prior approval of a specific project approved at an election
does not prohibit a city from seeking voter approval of an additional
project or category of projects under this subsection to be funded from
the same sales and use tax.    

(2) Requires, in the election to authorize the use of the sales or use tax
for a specific project or for a specific category of projects not
authorized under this section, the project or category of projects to be
clearly described on the ballot so that a voter will be able to discern
the limits of the specific project or category of projects authorized by
the proposition.  Sets forth a requirement regarding ballot language.   

(3) Requires a public hearing to be held, before an election may be held,
in the city to inform the residents of the city of the cost and impact of
the project or category of projects.  Requires, at least 30 days before
the date set for the hearing, a notice of the date, time, place, and
subject of the hearing, to be published in a newspaper with general
circulation in the city in which the project is located.  Provides that
the notice should be published on a weekly basis until the date of the
(4) Prohibits another election from being held on the same project or
category of projects, before the first anniversary of the date of the most
recent election disapproving the project or category of projects, under
certain conditions. 

SECTION 2. Emergency clause.
  Effective date: upon passage.