Senate Research CenterC.S.H.B. 1525
By: Oliveira (Sibley)
Economic Development
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, Sections 4A and 4B of the Development Corporation Act authorize
certain cities to impose an "economic development" sales tax with local
voter approval.  Revenue from the "4A" tax may be used by "4A
corporations" to build business airports, recycling, manufacturing and
industrial facilities.  Revenue from the "4B" tax may be used by "4B
corporations" to fund certain civic projects such as sports facilities and
parks, as well as many of the industrial projects authorized under Section
4A of this Act.  There is concern that current law makes it difficult for
cities to transfer from the 4A to 4B tax because voters must approve two
separate ballot propositions: one to abolish the 4A tax and another to
impose the 4B tax.  This bill authorizes 4A corporations to use 4A tax
proceeds to fund projects traditionally reserved for 4B corporations after
holding a public hearing and obtaining local voter approval.  The bill
also authorizes cities that levy the 4A tax to repeal the 4A and adopt the
4B tax in a single ballot proposition.  Additionally, the bill makes
several technical and clean-up changes to the development corporation act. 


As proposed, C.S.H.B. 1525 authorizes certain corporations to use tax
proceeds upon approval by the voters. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Sections 4A(n) and (o), Article 5190.6, V.T.C.S.
(Development Corporation Act of 1979), as follows:   

(n) Provides that a sales and use tax imposed for a limited period under
this subsection expires on the date set by the governing body under this
section or on an earlier date if the tax is abolished under Subsection (o)
of this section, rather than on an earlier date if, by a majority of the
voters voting in an election held in the city, the tax is repealed.
Deletes text regarding an abolition election.  Provides that a tax that is
approved without a limit on its period of imposition is effective until
abolished in accordance with Subsection (o) of this section, rather than
providing that such a tax is effective until repealed by election.
Prohibits a municipality that has imposed a tax under this section from
extending the period of the tax's imposition or reimposing the tax unless
the extension or reimposition is approved by a majority of the qualified
voters of the municipality voting in an election called and held for that
purpose, rather than prohibits the extension of the period of the tax's
imposition after its expiration date.   

(o) Requires the ballot to be printed in the same manner as the ballot
under Subsection (m) of this section, except that the ballot to abolish
the tax shall be printed to provide for voting for or against the
proposition.  Sets forth the language for the ballot.  Provides that
Section 321.102(a), Tax Code, applies to the abolition of a tax under this
subsection.  Sets forth provisions applicable if before the date of the
election the corporation had issued bonds or incurred other obligations
secured by the tax.  Sets forth a prohibition regarding a tax imposed
under this section.   
SECTION 2. Amends Section 4A, Article 5190.6, V.T.C.S., as follows:  

(s) (1) Authorizes a city that creates or has created a corporation
governed by this section to submit to the voters of the city, at a
separate election to be held on an available uniform election date or at
an election held under another provision of this Act, including certain
elections, a ballot proposition that authorizes the corporation to use the
sales and use tax, including any amount previously authorized and
collected, for a specific project or for a specific category of projects
that does not qualify under this section but qualifies under Section 4B of
this Act.  Provides that prior approval of a specific project approved at
an election does not prohibit a city from seeking voter approval of an
additional project or category of projects under this subsection to be
funded from the same sales and use tax.    

(2) Requires, in the election to authorize the use of the sales or use tax
for a specific project or for a specific category of projects not
authorized under this section, the project or category of projects to be
clearly described on the ballot so that a voter will be able to discern
the limits of the specific project or category of projects authorized by
the proposition.  Sets forth a requirement regarding ballot language.   

(3) Requires the corporation to comply with the public notice and hearing
requirements prescribed by Section 4B(a-1) of this Act, before an election
may be held. 

(4) Prohibits another election from being held on the same project or
category of projects, before the first anniversary of the date of the most
recent election disapproving the project or category of projects, under
certain conditions. 

SECTION 3. Amends Section 4B, Article 5190.6, V.T.C.S., by redesignating
Subsection (a-1) as Subsection (a-3) and adding new Subsections (a-1) and
(a-4), as follows: 

(a-1) Sets forth provisions regarding the undertaking or spending of money
to undertake a project.  Sets forth related provisions regarding notice. 

(a-3) Authorizes a corporation to undertake a project under this section
except under certain conditions. 

(a-4) Requires the municipality, before spending money to undertake a
specific project or general type of project that was not authorized in a
previous election, to submit to the voters for approval a ballot
proposition defining the specific project or general type of projects.  

SECTION 4. Amends Section 4B(c), Article 5190.6, V.T.C.S., to provide that
notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, if a city
dissolves a corporation created under Section 4A of this Act and creates a
corporation under this section, a person serving as a director of the
corporation created under Section 4A of this Act at the time of
dissolution may serve on the board of the corporation created under this

SECTION 5. Amends 4B, Article 5190.6, V.T.C.S., by amending Subsections
(e) and (f) and adding Subsections (i-1), (i-2) and (i-3),  

(e)  Requires the ballot proposition at the election held to adopt  the
tax to clearly state that the voters are voting on the adoption of a new
sales and use tax to specify the specific project or general type of
project and identify the proposed use of or purpose for the tax revenue.
Requires the ballot, if maintenance and operating costs are to be paid
from the tax, to clearly state that fact.  Deletes existing Subsection (e)
regarding adoption of the tax.   

(f) Sets forth provisions regarding the ballot proposition for an election
to impose the tax under this section and to impose or change the rate of
the additional municipal sales and use tax.  Sets forth provisions
regarding an election under this section.   

(i-1) Sets forth provisions applicable upon a petition of 10 percent or
more of the registered  voters of the city requesting an election on the
dissolution of the corporation.  Sets forth requirements and ballot
language for the election.  Sets forth provisions applicable if a majority
of the voters voting approve the dissolution.  Sets forth provisions
applicable when the last of the obligations is satisfied.  Prohibits a tax
imposed under this section from being collected after a certain time.   

(i-2) Sets forth authorizations regarding the calling and holding of an
election on the issue of abolishing the tax imposed under this section.
Sets forth ballot language.  Provides that Section 321.102(a), Tax  Code,
applies to the abolition of a tax under this subsection.  Sets forth
provisions applicable if before the date of the election the corporation
had issued bonds or incurred certain other obligations.  Prohibits a tax
imposed under this section from being collected after the last day of the
first calendar quarter beginning after the date of notification to the
comptroller.  Makes conforming changes. 

(i-3) Authorizes the city, at an election held to adopt a sales and use
tax under this section, to allow the voters to vote to limit the time
during which the tax may be imposed.  Sets forth required language for the
ballot.  Sets forth a requirement for the governing body of the city. Sets
forth provisions applicable if the corporation is dissolved under
Subsection (i-1) of this section.  Sets forth provisions regarding revenue
collected under this section.  Prohibits a city that has imposed a tax
under this section from extending the period of the tax's imposition or
from reimposing the tax except under certain conditions.  

SECTION 6. Provides that an election held before the effective date of
this Act to impose a sales and use tax is valid for a limited time period
and the municipality may impose the tax if certain conditions are met.
Makes application of this Act prospective. 

SECTION 7. Provides that this Act does not affect the authority of an
industrial development corporation created before the effective date of
this Act to continue a project that the corporation has undertaken before
the effective date of this Act. 

SECTION 8. Repealer:  Article 5190.6, Section 4B(n), V.T.C.S. (Development
Corporation Act of 1979). 

SECTION 9. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 10. Emergency clause.



Redesignates proposed SECTION 1 as SECTION 2.  Sets forth new SECTION 1.


Redesignated from proposed SECTION 1.  Amends Section 4A(s)(1), Article
5190.6, to set forth provisions regarding an available uniform election
date.  Requires the corporation, before an election may be held under this
subsection, to comply with the public notice and hearing requirements
prescribed by Section 4B(a-1) of this Act.  Redesignates proposed SECTION
2 as SECTION 10. 


Sets forth new text.


Redesignated from SECTION 2 without the effective date.