Senate Research CenterC.S.H.B. 1526
By: Oliveira (Sibley)
Economic Development
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act authorizes
taxing units to grant residential and commercial-industry tax abatement.
The law requires that most tax abatement agreements executed by more than
one taxing unit contain identical terms (percentage and length of
abatement).  Additionally, taxing units are not required to perform a
cost-benefit analysis prior to granting a tax abatement and must file
annual reports with both the Texas Department of Commerce and the
comptroller.  C.S.H.B. 1526 authorizes taxing units to grant different
abatement terms and requires the performance of a cost-benefit analysis
prior to granting an abatement.  Additionally, this bill revises
procedures that taxing units must follow when granting a tax abatement,
and transfers the administration of the central registry of reinvestment
zones and ad valorem tax abatement agreements from the Texas Department of
Commerce to the Comptroller of Public Accounts.   


As proposed, C.S.H.B. 1526 sets forth provisions regarding information and
assistance as they relate to reinvestment zones. 

Rulemaking authority is granted to the Property Tax Abatement Advisory
Committee in SECTION 7 (Section 312.007(e), Tax Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 11.43, Tax Code, by adding Subsection (j), to
require an application for an exemption under Section 11.28 to include a
copy of the certification of the governing body of the taxing unit issued
for the tax year under Section 312.211(d); and any notice under Section
312.205(a)(8) that the agreement has been modified under that subsection. 

SECTION 2. Amends Section 11.45(c), Tax Code, to require the chief
appraiser to rely on a certification issued under Section 312.211(d) for
the accuracy of the facts stated in the certification.  

SECTION 3. Amends Section 111.301(a), Tax Code, to provide that an
eligible person is entitled to a refund of certain state sales and use
taxes and certain state franchise taxes for which the person paid ad
valorem taxes to a school district on property which in that year is,
among three other conditions, exempt in whole or in part from the payment
of ad valorem taxes imposed by a municipality or a county under a tax
abatement agreement entered into with the municipality under Section
312.204, or the county under Section 312.402. 

SECTION 4. Amends Section 311.016(b), Tax Code, to require a copy of a
report made under this section to be sent to the comptroller, rather than
the attorney general.  Authorizes the comptroller to require a
municipality to provide a summary of the report, together with any
additional information the comptroller determines necessary, on a form
prescribed by the comptroller.  

SECTION 5. Amends Section 312.004(a), Tax Code, to authorize the
commissioners court of a county that enters into a tax abatement agreement
for a county to enter into a tax abatement agreement applicable to the
same property on behalf of a taxing unit other than the county if by
statute the ad valorem tax rate of the other taxing unit is approved by
the commissioners court or the commissioners court is expressly required
by statute to levy the ad valorem taxes of the other taxing  unit.
Provides that the tax abatement  agreement entered into on behalf of the
other taxing unit is not required to contain the same terms as the tax
abatement agreement entered into on behalf of the county.  Deletes the
provision relating to a tax abatement agreement executed by the
commissioners court.  

SECTION 6. Amends Section 312.005, Tax Code, to require the comptroller,
rather than the Texas Department of Commerce (DOC), to maintain a central
registry of reinvestment zones designated under this chapter and of ad
valorem tax abatement agreements executed under this chapter. Requires
each taxing unit that designates a reinvestment zone or executes a tax
abatement agreement to deliver to the comptroller, rather than to DOC and
the comptroller, certain information before  a certain date.   Deletes a
provision requiring the information, in regard to a reinvestment zone, to
include a general description of the zone.  Sets forth the information
required for a tax abatement agreement.  Prohibits a taxing unit that
executes a tax abatement agreement but does not comply with this section
from entering into another tax abatement agreement until the taxing unit
complies with that subsection.  Authorizes the comptroller and DOC, rather
than DOC, to provide assistance to a taxing unit on request of its
governing body or the presiding officer of its governing body relating to
the administration of this chapter.  Requires the comptroller, on or
before November 1 of each even-numbered year, to prepare a comprehensive
report on the use of tax abatements in encouraging economic development in
this state; and to deliver a copy of the report to the governor, the
lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house, and, upon request, a taxing

SECTION 7. Amends Chapter 312A, Tax Code, by adding Section 312.007, as

the Property Tax Abatement Advisory Committee (committee) is created.
Sets forth the composition of the committee.  Requires the committee to
elect a presiding officer from among its members.  Requires the committee
to meet at least twice a year, and authorizes the committee to meet at
other times at the call of the presiding officer.  Provides that the
committee is subject to Chapter 551, Government Code.  Authorizes the
committee to adopt rules for the committee's internal procedures.
Provides that members of the committee are not entitled to compensation
for service on the committee.  Requires DOC to provide staff support for
the committee.  Requires the committee, by September 1, 1998, to deliver
to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house, executive
director of DOC, and comptroller a report containing model guidelines and
criteria for tax abatement; tax abatement proposal forms for submission by
property owners to taxing units; tax abatement agreements; and analyses of
costs and benefits under Section 312.205(b)(4).  Requires the committee to
consider the diverse characteristics and economic development goals of
communities throughout the state in preparing this report.  Requires DOC,
on request, to furnish a copy of the report to a taxing unit.  Provides
that this section expires and the committee is abolished September 1,

SECTION 8. Amends Chapter 312B, Tax Code, by adding Sections 312.2035 and
312.2045, as follows: 

Sec. 312.2035.  ANALYSIS OF COSTS AND BENEFITS.  Requires a municipality
to perform an analysis of the costs and benefits of a proposed tax
abatement agreement before the municipality may enter into the agreement
under this subchapter.  Requires the costs examined to include an estimate
of any loss in ad valorem tax revenue from the property covered by the
agreement during the term of the agreement; the impact of the agreement on
the municipality's ability to provide services; and any other cost the
municipality determines to be significant.  Requires the benefits examined
to include certain estimates and any other benefit the municipality
determines to be significant.  Prohibits a municipality from entering into
a tax abatement agreement for which the analysis shows that the costs
exceed the benefits.  

Sec. 312.2045.  NOTICE OF TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT.  Requires a
municipality that enters into a tax abatement agreement to give notice of
the agreement in one of two ways.  Sets forth the required contents for
the notice.  

 SECTION 9. Amends Section 312.205, Tax Code, as follows: 

(a) Requires an agreement made under Section 312.204, among other items,
to list the kind, number, and location of all proposed improvements of the
property to which the agreement applies; contain each term agreed to by
the property owner;  require the property owner to certify before February
1 of each year to the governing body of each taxing unit whether the owner
is in compliance with each applicable term of the agreement and, if not,
state the reason for the noncompliance; state any circumstances under
which the property owner may be excused by the governing body of the
municipality for failing to comply with the agreement; provide for
recapture by the governing body of the municipality of all or part of the
property tax revenue lost as a result of the agreement if the owner, among
two options, fails to comply with any performance standard contained in
the agreement; and provide for cancellation or modification of the
agreement by the governing body of the municipality if the property owner
fails to comply with the agreement and for written notice of the
cancellation or modification.  Deletes certain previous requirements of
the agreement.    

(b) Authorizes such an agreement to include provisions for, among other
items, the use to be made by the property owner of local suppliers during
the term of the agreement; health benefits and child care during the term
of the agreement for employees of the property owner who work at the
property covered by the agreement; the percentage of any jobs to be
created under Subsection (a)(4)(A) to be given to economically
disadvantaged individuals as defined by Section 2303.402, Government Code;
payment of a penalty in a specified amount and interest at a specified
rate if the municipality is entitled to recapture lost property tax
revenue; each term agreed to by the property owner; and the property owner
to make voluntary contributions.  Deletes a provision for an agreement
relating to an economic feasibility study.  Makes conforming changes.  

SECTION 10. Amends Section 312.206(a), Tax Code, to provide that if the
property taxes on property located in the taxing jurisdiction of a
municipality are abated under an agreement made under Section 312.204, the
governing body of each other taxing unit eligible to enter into tax
abatement agreements under Section 312.002 in which the property is
located may execute a written tax abatement agreement with the owner of
the property by a specified date.  Provides that the agreement is not
required to contain terms identical to those contained in the agreement
with the municipality.  Deletes a clause requiring the agreement to
contain terms identical to those contained in the agreement with the
municipality providing for the portion of the property that is to be
exempt from taxation under the agreement, the duration of the agreement,
and the provisions included in the agreement under Section 312.205.
Provides that Sections 312.2035, 312.2045, and 312.205, apply to a taxing
unit that enters into a tax abatement agreement under this section.
Deletes a provision relating to tax abatement agreements under this
section.  Makes a conforming change.  

SECTION 11. Amends Chapter 312B, Tax Code, by adding Sections 312.211 and
312.212, as follows: 

Sec. 312.211.  CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE.  Requires the governing body
of a taxing unit that is a party to a tax abatement agreement, before
March 1 of each year, to determine in the manner provided by law for
official action of the governing body whether each property owner
receiving a tax abatement under the agreement is in compliance with each
term of the agreement and, if not, whether the noncompliance is excused.
Requires the governing body to consider any certification furnished by the
property owner under Section 312.205(a)(5). Authorizes the governing body
to require the property owner to present additional evidence the governing
body considers necessary to make the determination. Provides that the
burden of proof is on the property owner to show that the owner is in
compliance with each term of the agreement.  Provides that each property
owner who is a party to the tax abatement agreement is entitled to a
hearing and to present evidence before the governing body of the taxing
unit in person or by a representative on the issue of compliance with the
terms of the agreement.  Requires the governing body to certify in writing
to the property owner whether the owner is in compliance with each term of
the tax abatement and, if not, whether the noncompliance is excused.   

governing body of the taxing unit, if a property owner fails to comply
with a tax abatement agreement, to recapture all or part of the property
tax revenue lost as a result of the agreement as provided by Section
312.205(a)(7); and cancel or modify the agreement and give written notice
of the cancellation or modification as provided by Section 312.205(a)(8).
Authorizes the governing body of the taxing unit to excuse the property
owner's failure to comply with the agreement under a circumstance stated
in the tax abatement agreement as provided by Section 312.205(a)(6). 

SECTION 12. Amends Sections 312.402(a), (c), and (e), Tax Code, to provide
that Sections 312.2035-312.205 apply to an agreement made by a county
under this section in the same manner as those sections apply to an
agreement made by a municipality.  Provides that if property subject to an
agreement with a county under this section is annexed by a municipality
during the existence of the agreement, the terms of the county agreement
regarding the share of the property to be exempt in each year of the
agreement apply to the taxation of the property by the municipality if
before the annexation, the governing body of the municipality by official
action expresses an intent to be bound by the terms of the county
agreement after annexation.  Provides that an agreement made under this
section by a county or other taxing unit is subject to certification and
may be canceled, modified, or terminated in the same manner and subject to
the same limitations as provided by Sections 312.208, 312.211, and 312.212
for an agreement made under Subchapter B. 

SECTION 13. Requires the comptroller and DOC to coordinate the transfer of
the administration of the central registry of reinvestment zones and of ad
valorem tax abatement agreements consistent with this Act.  Requires the
transfer from DOC to the comptroller to occur as soon as practicable on or
after the effective date of this Act.  Provides that the transfer includes
files and related materials used by DOC. 

SECTION 14. Requires the attorney general to transfer to the comptroller
the copies of the reports by governing bodies of municipalities on the
status of reinvestment zones by a certain date. 

SECTION 15. Requires the executive director of DOC to designate the
members of the committee as soon as practicable on or after the effective
date of this Act.  

SECTION 16. (a)  Makes application of this Act prospective for tax
abatement agreements, except as provided by Subsection (b).   

(b)  Makes application of this Act retroactive for Sections 11.45(c) and
312.402(e), Tax Code, as amended by this Act, and Sections 11.43(j),
312.211 and 312.212, Tax Code, as added by this Act, relating to tax
abatement agreements.   

(c)  Makes application of this Act prospective to January 1, 1998, for ad
valorem taxes. 

SECTION 17. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 18. Emergency clause.  



Amends Section 11.43, Tax Code, to set forth provisions regarding an
application for an exemption. 


Amends Section 11.45, Tax Code, to require the chief appraiser to rely on
a certification issued under Section 312.211(d) for the accuracy of the
facts stated in the certification. 


Amends Section 311.016, Tax Code, to require a copy of a report to be sent
to the comptroller, rather than the attorney general.  Authorizes the
comptroller to require a municipality to provide a summary of the report. 


Amends Section 312.004, Tax Code, to set forth provisions regarding the
commissioners court of a county that enters into a tax abatement agreement
for a county.   


Amends Section 312.005, Tax Code, to change the terms by which each taxing
unit that designates a reinvestment zone or executes a tax abatement
agreement shall deliver a report to the comptroller.  Authorizes the
comptroller and DOC, rather than the comptroller, to provide assistance to
a taxing unit relating to the administration of this chapter.  Deletes
proposed text authorizing DOC and the comptroller to provide technical
assistance to a local governing body.  Requires the comptroller to prepare
a report on the use of tax abatements in encouraging economic development
in this state and deliver a copy of the report to certain persons and


Adds Section 312.007, Tax Code, to create the property tax abatement
advisory committee.  

Adds Section 312.2035, Tax Code, to require a municipality to perform an
analysis of costs and benefits of proposed tax abatement agreements before
entering into the agreement. 

Adds Section 312.2045, Tax Code, to require a municipality that enters
into a tax abatement to either publish notice of the agreement or post
notice of the agreement by a certain date. 


Amends Section 312.205, Tax Code, to change the required and authorized
contents of an agreement made under Section 312.204.   


Amends Section 312.206, Tax Code, to provide that the tax abatement
agreement is not required to contain terms identical to those contained in
the agreement with the municipality, and deletes existing text requiring
an agreement to contain identical terms.  Provides that Sections 312.2035,
312.2045, and 312.205 apply to a taxing unit that enters into a tax
abatement agreement.  Deletes existing text regarding a county that
expresses its intent to enter into an agreement or to be bound by the
municipal agreement. 


Adds Section 312.211, Tax Code, to set forth provisions requiring the
governing body of a taxing unit that is a party to a tax abatement
agreement to determine whether each property owner receiving a tax
abatement is in compliance and if not, whether the noncompliance is

Adds Section 312.212, Tax Code, to set forth the terms by which the
governing body of a taxing unit is required to take certain actions if a
property owner fails to comply with a tax abatement agreement. 



Amends Section 312.402, Tax Code, to provide that Sections
312.2035-312.205 apply to an agreement made by a county in the same manner
as those sections apply to an agreement made by a municipality.  Deletes
existing text regarding the provisions governing the terms of an
agreement.  Changes the conditions under which the terms of a county
agreement regarding the share of the property to be exempt in each year
apply to the taxation of the property by the municipality if  property
subject to an agreement under this section is annexed by a municipality
during the existence of the agreement.   


Sets forth provisions requiring the comptroller and DOC to coordinate the
transfer of the administration of the central registry of reinvestment
zones and of ad valorem tax abatement agreements.   


Requires the attorney general to transfer to the comptroller the copies of
the reports on the status of reinvestment zones by a certain date. 


Requires the executive director of DOC to designate the members of the
committee by a certain date.   


Sets forth the application of various provisions of this Act.