C.S.H.B. 1700
By: Rangel
Committee Report (Substituted)


Current law provides that health insurance programs offered to employees
by local school districts must be comparable to the state employees'
health insurance program. The Teacher Retirement System (TRS) is
responsible for registering the comparability of local district plans
through a written confirmation by each school district superintendent. 

Current law and TRS procedures are inadequate to establish a genuine
standard of comparability for factors such as health coverage benefits,
copayments, deductibles, and premiums.  For example, the state currently
pays 100% of a state employee's health insurance premiums for employee
only costs at a monthly rate of $186.31, and 50% of a state employee's
dependent premiums.   

According to a survey conducted in 1996 by the TRS, the average reported
contribution by school districts toward health insurance premiums was
$112.00, and the maximum reported contribution was $243.00.   The survey
was answered by 829 school districts representing 348,605 employees.  Of
the districts responding, only 299 were paying the full employee only
premium, and only 44 were paying over $186.00 toward employee health
insurance premiums. 


As proposed, this bill would establish a process by which TRS will review
and report the substantial similarities of local school district health
insurance plans to the basic state employees health insurance program. 

The objective of the legislation is to set a statewide health insurance
substantially similar standard and  to provide opportunities for school
employees and local school boards to improve local health plans. 

A procedure is established for school district plans that are not
substantially similar to be reported to the Legislative Budget Board and
back to the appropriate school district.  No sanctions are required for
non-conforming districts.  A biennial report to the Legislature describing
the status of school districts under the program is required of the TRS. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 22.004, Education Code.


 (a) is amended by striking the term "comparable" and replacing it with
the phrase "substantially similar" which is defined as being 90% of the
value of of deductibles, coinsureance  and maximum lifetime benefit levels
of the basic program of the Texas Employees Uniform Group Insurance
Benefits Act (UGIP).  The district is required to pay at least 90% of the
employee cost of coverage and at least 45% of the dependent unit cost of
coverage.  The plan must be insured by a state authorized entity, or be
self-insured with proof of the district's ability to cover liability. 

 (b)  Adds language to state that the cost of the coverage may be shared
between the employee and the district to the extent of what is authorized
under Subsection (a). 

 (c)  The districts are to report no later than November 1 of each year in
a manner prescribed by the TRS trustees.  The report must include
verification of contract with a provided licensed by the Texas Department
of Insurance; a resolution by the district's board of trustees authorizing
a self-insured plan and the district's ability to cover the liability
assumed.  Also, the schedule of benefits, premium rate sheet as specified
and any other information considered appropriate by the TRS Executive

 (d)  Requires the Executive Director to certify that the district's
coverage is substantially similar to the UGIP based on the criteria
required by Subsection (a).  If the district's plan if found not in
compliance with these requirements, the Executive Director is required to
report the findings to the school district, the Legislative Budget Board
and the Legislature as stipulated. 

 (e)  Conforming changes --  relettering section

 (f)  Conforming changes -- relettering section.

 (g)  Conforming changes --  relettering section.

SECTION 2:  Stipulates that this Act begins with the 1997-1998 school year.

SECTION 3:  Emergency clause.


SECTION 1 creates a standard for the term "substantially similar" based on
specific criteria. A more defined and fiscally responsible mechanism for
collection and reporting of data to the Executive Director of TRS is
stipulated.  Documents required for the report is specified.  The original
bill did not specify criteria.