R.V. C.S.H.B. 1734 75(R)BILL ANALYSIS PUBLIC HEALTH C.S.H.B. 1734 By: Delisi 4-18-97 Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND The Texas Performance Review's, Disturbing the Peace, found that despite a 1987 law requiring the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (TDMHMR) to enter into a memoranda of understanding with other state agencies that contract with community mental health and mental retardation centers, widespread duplication of monitoring continues to be a problem. Specifically, TPR cited duplicative financial auditing and performance monitoring. PURPOSE CSHB 1734 would reduce duplication of financial and program audits of community mental health and mental retardation centers ("community centers"). RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill requires the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to make a ruling on the procedures no later than 30 days after the date TDMHMR prescribed the procedures in SECTION 6(b). SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 533.035, Health and Safety Code, as follows: Subsection (b) adds the language "including a case-rate or per capita arrangement" to the provision regarding fund allocations by TDMHMR. Subsection (e) is added and requires the TDMHMR to develop by September 1, 1998 a plan of action as established in this subsection. SECTION 2. Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 534, Health and Safety Code, by adding Section 534.036 as follows: Section 534.036. FINANCIAL AUDIT. Subsection (a) requires TDMHMR to establish procedures for financial audits of community centers. Requires TDMHMR to develop procedures with the assistance of the state agencies and departments that contract with community centers, and consolidate the financial and compliance requirements of all contracting agencies and departments into a single audit. Requires TDMHMR, prior to prescribing or amending procedures, to set a deadline for those state agencies and departments to submit to TDMHMR, proposals relating to the financial audit procedures. Requires that the procedures may not conflict with requirements associated with federal funding received by the community center. Prohibits TDMHMR from implementing the procedures without the approval of HHSC. Subsection (b) requires each state agency or department that contracts with a community center to comply with the procedures developed under this section. Subsection (c) requires TDMHMR to develop procedures allowing additional financial audits with the approval of HHSC. Subsection (d) requires TDMHMR to evaluate the fiscal impact of this section and to report a complete evaluation to the Legislature by December 1, 1998. Establishes this subsection expires by January 1, 1999. SECTION 3. Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 534, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 534.037 as follows: Sec. 534.037. PROGRAM AUDIT. Subsection (a) requires TDMHMR, with the approval of HHSC, to coordinate program audits based on risk assessment with agencies that contract with community centers. The procedures adopted under this subsection must be consistent with requirements connected with federal funding received by the center. Subsection (b) requires a program audit of a community center to be performed in accordance with procedures developed under this section. Subsection (c) establishes that this section does not prohibit the investigation of complaints against a community center or prevent contract monitoring by a department or entity providing funding to the center. Subsection (d) requires a program audit under this section to evaluate: the community center's achievement of desired results; effectiveness and whether the center is in compliance with applicable laws. Subsection (e) requires TDMHMR to evaluate the fiscal impact of the procedures adopted under this section and report them to the legislature by December 1, 1998. Establishes this subsection expires on January 1, 1999. SECTION 4. Amends Section 534.060 (b), Health and Safety Code, by replacing the requirement that local mental health or mental retardation authorities receive annual program audits at least once each fiscal year with a requirement that they be audited "in accordance with a risk assessment and evaluation system appropriate to contract requirements." SECTION 5. Repeals Section 534.034 and 534.054(b) and (d), Health and Safety Code, regarding Memorandum of Understanding on Program and Designation of Provider. SECTION 6. Subsection (a) establishes the effective date is September 1, 1997. Subsection (b) requires the procedures set forth in Sections 1 and 2 must be established by TDMHMR and approved by HHSC by January 1, 1998. Requires the HHSC to make a ruling on the procedures no later than 30 days after the date TDMHMR prescribed the procedures. SECTION 7. Emergency clause. COMPARISON OF ORIGINAL TO SUBSTITUTE SECTION 1. The substitute inserts provisions to specifically authorize risk-sharing arrangements between TDMHMR and local MHMR authorities. It would also require TDMHMR to develop a plan for identifying optimal local MHMR authorities ad establish criteria for contracts between authorities and service providers. SECTION 2. The original bill would have required HHSC to prescribe procedures for, and perform, a single financial audit of a community center. The substitute places the responsibility for prescribing procedures with TDMHMR. The responsibility to perform the audits is not mentioned in the substitute, because the audits are performed by independent auditors. The original would also have required the State Auditor to review and comment on the prescribed procedures while the substitute would not. The original would have required HHSC to evaluate the fiscal impact of the financial audit procedures and report these findings to the legislature. The substitute places this responsibility with TDMHMR. SECTION 3. The original bill would have required the HHSC to develop procedures and conduct a single performance audit. This section of HB 1734 also contained the established effective date of the Act. The substitute requires TDMHMR to develop procedures for coordinated program audits. The original bill established the general scope of the performance audit, and the substitute sets general parameters for program audits. In addition, HB 1734 required the HHSC to evaluate the fiscal impact of the performance audit procedures and report to the legislature. CSHB 1734 requires TDMHMR to evaluate and report on the fiscal impact of the program audit procedures developed. SECTION 4. In the original bill this section is the emergency clause. The substitute provides for program audits of community centers based on a risk assessment and evaluation system appropriate to contract requirements. SECTION 5. CSHB 1734 repeals existing statutory requirements regarding memorandums of understanding and designation of power. This was intended to reduce duplication in audit activities of community centers. SECTION 6. CSHB 1734 establishes the effective date of the Act, and requires TDMHMR to prescribe procedures for audits with the approval of HHSC by a date certain. CSHB also requires HHSC to make a ruling on the procedures by 30 days after the date TDMHMR prescribed the procedures. SECTION 7. Emergency clause for CSHB 1734.