IMF H.B. 1845 75(R)

H.B. 1845
By: Wolens
Committee Report (Amended)


The Texas Legislative Council is required by law (Section 323.007,
Government Code) to carry out a complete nonsubstantive revision of the
Texas statutes.  The process involves reclassifying and rearranging the
statutes in a more logical order, employing a numbering system and format
that will accommodate future expansion of the law, eliminating repealed,
invalid, duplicative, and other ineffective provisions, and improving the
draftsmanship of the law if practicable--all toward promoting the stated
purpose of making the statutes "more accessible, understandable, and
usable" without altering the sense, meaning, or effect of the law. 

The 74th Legislature adopted Title 10 of the Government Code and the
Transportation Code. The same legislature passed substantive bills that
amended the codified statutes.  Under Section 311.031(c), Government Code,
those substantive amendments are given effect as part of the codified law.
As part of its duties under the continuing revision program, the
legislative council prepares amendments to the new codes to clarify the
law and conform the code to the substance of the law. 

Also as part of the duties relating to continuing statutory revision, the
legislative council: 
 (1)  monitors the acts of each session and proposes nonsubstantive
codifications    of bills that should have amended a previously enacted
code but did not; 
 (2)  identifies duplicate official citations and proposes appropriate
renumbering; and 
 (3)  makes necessary corrections to recently enacted codes to conform the
codes to the  source law from which they were derived. 

Section 43, Article III,  of the Texas Constitution specifically
recognizes this type of bill as a "revision" for purposes of the
legislature's obligation under that section to provide for the revising of
the laws.  As such a revision, the bill is not subject to the
constitutional rule prohibiting more than one subject in a single bill or
the rule prohibiting amendments by reference. 


As proposed, H.B. 1845 would:
 (1)  codify without substantive change various statutes that were omitted
from    enacted codes; 
 (2)  conform Title 10, Government Code, and the Transportation Code,
enacted by the  74th Legislature, to other Acts of that legislature
amending the laws codified or    referenced citations in laws codified;
 (3)  renumber sections and articles of codes that duplicate section and
article numbers. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or


 Sec. 1.01.  Identifies the bill as part of the continuing statutory
revision program. 

 Sec. 1.02.  Saving provision stating Act does not affect amendment,
revision, or reenactment of statute by 75th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 1.03.  Saving provision applicable to transition or saving provision
of session law codified by this Act. 


 Sec. 2.01.  Repeals Chapter 19, Agriculture Code, as added by Section
2.01, Chapter 76, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
because of repeal of source law from which it was derived by Section
10.09(19), Chapter 419, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,


 Sec. 3.01.  Amends Section 21(b), Chapter 962, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to security interest. 


 Sec. 4.01.  Amends and revises Section 41.002(b), Civil Practice and
Remedies Code, as amended by Chapter 19, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, to conform to citations  to certain codes by
Chapter 260, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to exemplary damages. 


 Sec. 5.01.  Revises Chapter 171, Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
relating to general arbitration. 

 Sec. 5.02.  Revises Chapter 172, Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
relating to arbitration and conciliation of international commercial

 Sec. 5.03.  Revises Chapter 173, Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
relating to arbitration of controversies between members of certain
nonprofit entities. 


 Sec. 6.01.  Amends Sections 7.021, 7.055, and 7.102, Education Code,
relating to the powers and  duties of Texas Education Agency,
commissioner of education, and State Board of Education. 

 Sec. 6.02.  Amends Section 30.052(a), Education Code, to conform to
Section 29, Chapter 835, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to Texas School for the Deaf. 

 Sec. 6.03.  Amends Sections 42.259(b), (c), and (d), Education Code, to
conform to Section 31, Chapter 426, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995,  relating to foundation school fund transfers. 

 Sec. 6.04.  Provides that the changes in law made by Sections 6.04-6.83
of this Act are made to conform to Chapter 260, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 6.05.  Amends Article 102.014(c), Code of Criminal Procedure,
relating to court costs. 

  Sec. 6.06.  Amends Section 51.02(15), Family Code, relating to  juvenile

 Sec. 6.07.  Amends Section 51.03(b), Family Code, relating to delinquent

 Sec. 6.08.  Amends Section 52.01(a), Family Code, relating to taking a
child into custody. 

 Sec. 6.09.  Amends Section 54.041(f), Family Code, relating to child

 Sec. 6.10.  Amends Section 264.701(b), Family Code, relating to the Child
Abuse Program Evaluation Committee. 

 Sec. 6.11.  Amends Section 317.005(f), Government Code, relating to

 Sec. 6.12.  Amends Section 322.008(b), Government Code, relating to
appropriations bill. 

 Sec. 6.13.  Amends Section 403.093(d), Government Code, relating to the
general revenue fund. 

 Sec. 6.14.  Amends Section 404.121(1), Government Code, relating to tax
and revenue anticipation notes. 
 Sec. 6.15.  Amends Section 415.004(f), Government Code, relating to
composition of commission on law enforcement and officer standards and

 Sec. 6.16.  Amends Section 441.036(b), Government Code, relating to
destruction of certain agencies' records. 

 Sec. 6.17.  Amends Section 481.028(b), Government Code, relating to a
memorandum of understanding with state agencies. 

 Sec. 6.18.  Amends Section 481.341(b), Government Code, relating to
guidelines for access to funds for at-risk youth and dropouts. 

 Sec. 6.19.  Amends Section 654.011(a), Government Code, relating to
position classification plan. 

 Sec. 6.20.  Amends Section 661.031(2), Government Code, relating to
payment for vacation and sick leave to estates of deceased state

 Sec. 6.21.  Amends Section 661.061(2), Government Code, relating to
payment for vacation time to state employees who separate from state

 Sec. 6.22.  Amends Section 822.002(a), Government Code, relating to
teacher retirement membership exceptions. 
 Sec. 6.23.  Amends Section 825.405(i), Government Code, relating to
teacher retirement contributions. 

 Sec. 6.24.  Amends Section 830.005, Government Code, relating to tax
exemptions for optional retirement programs. 

 Sec. 6.25.  Amends Section 830.103(a), Government Code, relating to
transfers or changes to optional retirement programs. 

 Sec. 6.26.  Amends Sections 830.202(b)-(d), Government Code, relating to
optional retirement programs contributions. 

 Sec. 6.27.  Amends Section 830.204(a), Government Code, relating to
salary reduction agreement. 
 Sec. 6.28.  Amends Section 2054.059(b), Government Code, relating to
telecommunications planning and policy. 

 Sec. 6.29.  Amends Section 2105.001(1), Government Code, relating to
block grants. 

 Sec. 6.30.  Amends Section 2170.055, Government Code, relating to review
and comment on telecommunications plans by education agencies. 

 Sec. 6.31.  Amends Section 2257.081, Government Code, relating to exempt

 Sec. 6.32.  Amends Section 2307.002(a), Government Code, relating to
membership of Texas Interagency Council for the Homeless. 

 Sec. 6.33.  Amends Section 12.033(a), Health and Safety Code, relating to
distribution and administration of certain vaccines and sera. 
 Sec. 6.34.   Amends Section 36.007(a), Health and Safety Code, relating
to remedial services. 

 Sec. 6.35.  Amends Section 36.015(b), Health and Safety Code, relating to
the Interagency Committee on Special Senses and Communication Disorders. 
 Sec. 6.36.  Amends Sections 37.001(a) and (b), Health and Safety Code,
relating to the screening program for abnormal spinal curvature. 

 Sec. 6.37.  Amends Section 37.004(d), Health and Safety Code, relating to
screening for spinal curvature. 

 Sec. 6.38.  Amends Section 85.017(b), Health and Safety Code, relating to
the HIV/AIDS Interagency Coordinating Council. 

 Sec. 6.39.  Amends Section 103.002(a), Health and Safety Code, relating
to the Texas Diabetes Council. 

 Sec. 6.40.  Amends Sections 103.017(a) and (b), Health and Safety Code,
relating to the Texas Diabetes Council. 

 Sec. 6.41.  Amends Sections 161.005(b) and (d), Health and Safety Code,
relating to required immunizations. 

 Sec. 6.42.  Amends Section 382.056(a), Health and Safety Code, relating
to permits under the Clean Air Act. 
 Sec. 6.43.  Amends Section 382.142(b)(5), Health and Safety Code,
relating to the alternative fuels program. 

 Sec. 6.44.  Amends Section 382.143(h), Health and Safety Code,  relating
to the Texas Mobile Emissions Reduction Credit Program. 

 Sec. 6.45.  Amends Section 481.0621(c), Health and Safety Code, relating
to exceptions to the Texas Controlled Substances Act. 
 Sec. 6.46.  Amends Section 533.040(c), Health and Safety Code, relating
to children and youth services. 

 Sec. 6.47.  Amends Section 533.0415(a), Health and Safety Code, relating
to a memorandum of understanding on interagency training. 

 Sec. 6.48.  Amends Section 534.034(b), Health and Safety Code, relating
to a  memorandum of understanding on program reviews. 

 Sec. 6.49.  Amends Section 551.043(b), Health and Safety Code, relating
to the mental hygiene clinic service. 

 Sec. 6.50.  Amends Section 614.002(c), Health and Safety Code, relating
to composition of the Texas Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments. 

 Sec. 6.51.  Amends Section 791.036(k), Health and Safety Code, relating
to fire escapes. 

 Sec. 6.52.  Amends Section 22.011(a), Human Resources Code, relating to a
memorandum of understanding on services to disabled persons. 

 Sec. 6.53.  Amends Sections 31.0031(d) and (e), Human Resources Code, as
added by Section 2.02(a), Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to a responsibility agreement. 

 Sec. 6.54.  Amends Section 31.0135(a), Human Resources Code, relating to
parenting skills training. 

 Sec. 6.55.  Amends Section 33.024(a)(1), Human Resources Code, relating
to the summer food service program. 

 Sec. 6.56.  Amends Section 73.002(a), Human Resources Code, relating to
the Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention Services. 

 Sec. 6.57.  Amends Section 73.010(a), Human Resources Code, relating to
eligibility for services. 

 Sec. 6.58.  Amends Section 73.022, Human Resources Code, relating to
federally funded programs. 

 Sec. 6.59.  Amends Section 79.003(b), Human Resources Code, relating to
the missing children and missing persons information clearinghouse. 
 Sec. 6.60.  Amends Sections 79.005(b) and (c), Human Resources Code,
relating to the missing children and missing persons information

 Sec. 6.61.  Amends Section 79.007(a), Human Resources Code, relating to
the missing children program. 

 Sec. 6.62.  Amends Section 81.006(a), Human Resources Code, relating to
the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. 

 Sec. 6.63.  Amends Section 81.017(a), Human Resources Code, relating to a
memorandum of understanding. 

 Sec. 6.64.  Amends Section 91.081(a), Human Resources Code, relating to a
central media depository for the blind. 

 Sec. 6.65.  Amends Section 114.003(b), Human Resources Code, relating to
the Interagency Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. 

 Sec. 6.66.  Amends Section 121.0015(b), Human Resources Code, relating to
an interagency work group. 

 Sec. 6.67.  Amends Section 302.021(a), Labor Code, relating to
consolidation of workforce development programs. 

  Sec. 6.68.  Amends Section 302.062(g), Labor Code, relating to block
grants to local workforce development areas. 

 Sec. 6.69.  Amends Section 305.001(1), Labor Code, relating to the
communities in schools program. 

 Sec. 6.70.  Amends Section 201.008(a), Local Government Code, relating to
the records of abolished offices of county superintendents of schools. 

  Sec. 6.71.  Amends Section 271.901(e), Local Government Code, relating
to the procedure for awarding a contract when identical bids are received. 
 Sec. 6.72.  Amends Sections 6.02(b) and (g), Tax Code, relating to an
appraisal  district's boundaries. 

 Sec. 6.73.  Amends Section 6.03(m), Tax Code, relating to the board of
directors for an appraisal district. 

 Sec. 6.74.  Amends Section 21.01, Tax Code, relating to real property.

 Sec. 6.75.  Amends Sections 21.02(b) and (c), Tax Code, relating to
tangible personal property. 

 Sec. 6.76.  Amends Section 25.25(k), Tax Code, relating to correction of
an appraisal roll. 

 Sec. 6.77.  Amends Sections 26.012(5) and (12), Tax Code, relating to
property assessment. 

 Sec. 6.78.  Amends Sections 26.085(a) and (e), Tax Code, relating to an
election to limit dedication of  school funds to a junior college. 

 Sec. 6.79.  Amends Section 153.104, Tax Code, relating to gasoline tax

 Sec. 6.80.  Amends Section 153.119(a), Tax Code, relating to refunds of
taxes paid on excepted uses  of gasoline. 

 Sec. 6.81.  Amends Section 153.203, Tax Code, relating to diesel fuel tax

 Sec. 6.82.  Amends Section 153.222(a), Tax Code, relating to refunds of
taxes paid on excepted uses  of diesel fuel. 

 Sec. 6.83.  Amends Section 153.3021(b), Tax Code, relating to school
district transportation services and  county exemption. 

 Sec. 6.84.  Amends Section 312.210(c), Tax Code, relating to tax
abatement in a municipal reinvestment  zone. 


 Sec. 7.01.  Amends Article 18.021(d), Code of Criminal Procedure, to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of  the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the issuance of a search warrant to photograph an
injured child. 

 Sec. 7.02.  Amends Article 26.058(g), Code of Criminal Procedure, to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of  the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the public defender in Aransas County. 

 Sec. 7.03.  Amends Article 42.033(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to a sentence to serve  time during off-work hours. 

 Sec. 7.04.  Amends Article 58.01, Code of Criminal Procedure, to conform
to Chapter 262, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to sealing files and records of children. 

 Sec. 7.05.  Amends Article 61.04(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, to
conform to Chapter 262, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to criminal information relating to a child. 

 Sec. 7.06.  Amends Section 64.002(c), Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
to conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to persons not entitled to appointment. 

 Sec. 7.07.  Amends Section 81.009(c), Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
to conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to sexual exploitation by a mental health services

 Sec. 7.08.  Amends Section 3.64(b), Family Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
change of name. 

 Sec. 7.09.  Amends Sections 32.101(b) and (e), Family Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 123, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to immunization of child.  Amends Section 32.103(a), Family
Code, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 123, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to immunization of child.  Repeals
Sections 32.102 and 32.105, Family Code, to conform to Section 5, Chapter
123, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Renumbers
Section 32.103, Family Code, as Section 32.102, Family Code.  Renumbers
Section 32.104, Family Code, as Section 32.103, Family Code. Repeals
Chapter 123, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 7.10.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 45, Family Code, to conform to
Sections 2 and 3, Chapter 631, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Sections 45.105 and 45.106, relating to change of
name.  Repeals Section 32.24, Family Code, as amended by Section 2,
Chapter 631, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. Repeals
Section 32.241, Family Code, as added by Section 3, Chapter 631, Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 7.11.  Amends Section 54.06(b), Family Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
judgments for support. 

 Sec. 7.12.  Amends Section 71.01(a), Family Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
protective orders. 

 Sec. 7.13.  Amends Section 71.01(b)(2), Family Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to protective orders. 

  Sec. 7.14.  Amends Section 71.05(c), Family Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
contents of an application for a protective order. 

  Sec. 7.15.  Amends Section 71.11(a), Family Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
protective orders. 

 Sec. 7.16.  Amends Section 71.15(f), Family Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
temporary orders. 

 Sec. 7.17.  Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 162, Family Code, to conform to
Section 8, Chapter 920, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, by adding Section 162.309, relating to the advisory committee on
promoting adoption of minority children.  Repeals Section  47.006, Human
Resources Code, as added by Section 8, Chapter 920, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to conform to the transfer of Chapter
47, Human Resources Code, to the Family Code by Chapter 20, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 7.18.  Amends Section 203.007, Family Code, as amended by Chapters
475 and 803, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to access to records. 

 Sec. 7.19.  Amends Section 231.007(f), Family Code, to conform to Section
9.65, Chapter 76, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to debts to the state. 

 Sec. 7.20.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 231, Family Code, to conform to
Section 5.02, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, by adding Section 231.115, relating to unemployed noncustodial
parents.  Repeals Section 76.012, Human Resources Code, as added by
Section 5.02, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to conform to transfer of Chapter 76, Human Resources Code, to
Family Code by Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 7.21.  Amends Section 231.202, Family Code, to conform to Section
2.02, Chapter 641, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to authorized costs and fees in Title IV-D cases.  Repeals
Section 76.009, Human Resources Code, as amended by Section 2.02, Chapter
641, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to conform to
the transfer of that section to the Family Code by Chapter 20, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 7.22.  Amends Section 232.002, Family Code, to conform to Chapter 2,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to licensing

 Sec. 7.23.  Repeals Section 232.015, Family Code, as added by Chapter
655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,  as duplicative
of Section 232.015, Family Code, as added by Chapter 751, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 7.24.  Amends Section 21.002(f), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to contempt of court. 

 Sec. 7.25.  Amends Section 24.403(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to the 225th Judicial District. 

 Sec. 7.26.  Amends Section 24.466(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to the 289th Judicial District. 

 Sec. 7.27.  Amends Section 25.1722(a), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to the Montgomery County Court at Law. 

 Sec. 7.28.  Amends Section 25.2452(d), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to the Wichita County Court at Law. 

 Sec. 7.29.  Amends Section 43.1745(c), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to the 278th Judicial District. 

 Sec. 7.30.  Amends Section 43.181(c), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to the 268th Judicial District. 

 Sec. 7.31.  Amends Section 45.179(d), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to Fort Bend County.  

  Sec. 7.32.  Amends Section 45.193(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to Grimes County. 

   Sec. 7.33.  Amends Section 45.261(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to Matagorda County. 

  Sec. 7.34.  Amends Section 54.688, Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to cases that may be referred. 

 Sec. 7.35.  Amends Section 54.808, Government Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to cases
that may be referred. 

 Sec. 7.36.  Amends Section 54.927, Government Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to cases
that may be referred. 

 Sec. 7.37.  Amends Section 411.127(a), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to access to criminal history record information. 

 Sec. 7.38.  Amends Section 552.114(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to student records. 

 Sec. 7.39.  Amends Section 81.046(d), Health and Safety Code,  to conform
to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to confidentiality of communicable diseases. 

 Sec. 7.40.  Amends Section 161.001(b), Health and Safety Code,  to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to liability of a person who orders or administers

 Sec. 7.41.  Amends Section 161.132(c), Health and Safety Code,  to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to reports of abuse and neglect or of illegal,
unprofessional, or unethical conduct.   

 Sec. 7.42.  Amends Section 192.005(b), Health and Safety Code,  to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to records of paternity. 

 Sec. 7.43.  Amends Section 192.008(c), Health and Safety Code,  to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to birth records of adopted persons. 

 Sec. 7.44.  Amends Section 464.010(a), Health and Safety Code,  to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to reports of abuse or neglect. 

 Sec. 7.45.  Amends Section 574.0085(f), Health and Safety Code, to
conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to a master appointment. 

 Sec. 7.46.  Amends Section 42.041(b), Human Resources Code, as amended by
Section 54, Chapter 262, and Section 1, Chapter 847, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to conform to Chapter 20, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to a required license
for a child-care facility or a child-placing agency. 

 Sec. 7.47.  Amends Section 42.056(a), Human Resources Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to sign posting. 

 Sec. 7.48.  Repeals the heading to Subchapter A, Chapter 76, Human
Resources Code, as added by Section 5.01, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to conform to the transfer of that
chapter to the Family Code by Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 7.49.  Amends Section 141.0476(e), Human Resources Code,  to conform
to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to a memorandum of  understanding on certain abused or neglected

 Sec. 7.50.  Amends Section 152.1073(b), Human Resources Code, to conform
to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to the Harris County Children's Protective Services Board. 

 Sec. 7.51.  Amends Section 152.1074(f), Human Resources Code, to conform
to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to the Harris County Child Support Department. 

 Sec. 7.52.  Amends Section 152.2491(c), Human Resources Code, to conform
to Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to Wichita County. 

 Sec. 7.53.  Amends Section 408.203(b), Labor Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
allowable liens. 

 Sec. 7.54.  Amends Section 42(b)(1), Texas Probate Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to inheritance rights of children. 

 Sec. 7.55.  Amends Section 609(c), Texas Probate Code, to conform to
Chapter 20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to contested guardianship. 

 Sec. 7.56.  Amends Section 42.005, Property Code, to conform to Chapter
20, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to child
support liens. 


 Sec. 8.01.  Reletters and renumbers Chapter 30, Government Code, to
provide additional section numbers for expansion, eliminate duplicate
citations, and relocate misplaced provisions. 

 Sec. 8.02.  Reletters Subchapter P, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter A, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.481-30.506, Government Code, as Sections 30.00001-30.00026, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.03.  Reletters Subchapter A, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter B, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.001-30.022, Government Code, as Sections 30.00041-30.00062, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.04.  Renumbers Section 30.010(d), Government Code, as Section
30.00050(d), Government Code, and corrects a cross-reference. 

 Sec. 8.05.  Reletters Subchapter A-1, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter C, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.0241-30.0261, Government Code, as Sections 30.00081-30.00101,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.06.  Reletters Subchapter B, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter D, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.031-30.074, Government Code, as Sections 30.00121-30.00164, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.07.  Reletters Subchapter BB, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter E, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.0761-30.0781, Government Code, as Sections 30.00181-30.00201,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.08.  Reletters Subchapter C, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter F, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.081-30.102, Government Code, as Sections 30.00221-30.00242, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.09.  Reletters Subchapter CC, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter G,  Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.1041-30.1062, Government Code, as Sections 30.00261-30.00282,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.10.  Reletters Subchapter D, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter H, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.111-30.132, Government Code, as Sections 30.00301-30.00322, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.11.  Reletters Subchapter DD, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter I, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.1341-30.1361, Government Code, as Sections 30.00341-30.00361,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.12.  Reletters Subchapter E, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter J, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.141-30.162, Government Code, as Sections 30.00381-30.00402, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.13.  Reletters Subchapter U, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter K, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.1641-30.1664, Government Code, as Sections 30.00421-30.00444,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.14.  Reletters Subchapter F, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter L, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.171-30.186, Government Code, as Sections 30.00461-30.00476, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.15.  Reletters Subchapter FF, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter M, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.1881-30.1901, Government Code, as Sections 30.00491-30.00511,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.16.  Reletters Subchapter G, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter N, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.201-30.217, Government Code, as Sections 30.00531-30.00547, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.17.  Reletters Subchapter GG, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter O, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.2191-30.2211, Government Code, as Sections 30.00561-30.00581,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.18.  Reletters Subchapter H, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter P, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.231-30.246, Government Code, as Sections 30.00601-30.00616, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.19.  Reletters Subchapter HH, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter Q, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.2481-30.2507, Government Code, as Sections 30.00631-30.00657,
Government Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.20.  Reletters Subchapter I, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter R, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.261-30.278, Government Code, as Sections 30.00671-30.00688, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.21.  Reletters Subchapter J, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter S, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.291-30.307, Government Code, as Sections 30.00701-30.00717, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.22.  Reletters Subchapter K, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter T, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.321-30.344, Government Code, as Sections 30.00731-30.00754, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.23.  Reletters Subchapter L, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter U, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.351-30.374, Government Code, as Sections 30.00771-30.00794, Government
Code, respectively. 

  Sec. 8.24.  Reletters Subchapter M, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter V, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.381-30.409, Government Code, as Sections 30.00811-30.00839, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.25.  Reletters Subchapter N, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter W, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.421-30.441, Government Code, as Sections 30.00851-30.00871, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.26.  Reletters Subchapter O, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter X, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.451-30.470, Government Code, as Sections 30.00891-30.00910, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.27.  Reletters Subchapter Q, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter Y, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.521-30.544, Government Code, as Sections 30.00931-30.00954, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.28.  Reletters Subchapter R, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter Z, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.651-30.672, Government Code, as Sections 30.00971-30.00992, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.29.  Reletters Subchapter S, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter AA, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.691-30.712, Government Code, as Sections 30.01011-30.01032, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.30.  Reletters Subchapter T, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter BB, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.721-30.741, Government Code, as Sections 30.01051-30.01071, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.31.  Reletters Subchapter V, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter CC, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.851-30.873, Government Code, as Sections 30.01091-30.01113, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec.  8.32.  Reletters Subchapter W, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter DD, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.881-30.901, Government Code, as Sections 30.01131-30.01151, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.33.  Reletters Subchapter X, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter EE, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.916-30.936, Government Code, as Sections 30.01171-30.01191, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.34.  Reletters Subchapter Y, Chapter 30, Government Code, as
Subchapter FF, Chapter 30, Government Code, and renumbers Sections
30.981-30.9994, Government Code, as Sections 30.01211-30.01233, Government
Code, respectively. 

 Sec. 8.35.  Saving provision for a number, letter, or designation made by
another Act of the 75th Legislature that conflicts with this article. 


 Sec. 9.01.  Amends Section 62.106, Government Code, to correct a
reference, relating to exemption from jury service. 

 Sec. 9.02.  Amends Section 76.003(b), Government Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 266, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the community justice council.  Repeals Chapter 266,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 9.03.  Amends Section 76.003(c), Government Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 185, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the community  justice council.  Repeals Chapter 185,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 9.04.  Amends Section 76.013, Government Code, to conform to Section
3.014, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to restitution.  Repeals Section 3.014, Chapter 321, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 9.05.  Amends Sections 76.014(a) and (c), Government Code, to
conform to Section 5, Chapter 611, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to the assessment and enhancement of a defendant's
educational skills.  Repeals Section 5, Chapter 611, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 9.06.  Repeals Section 14, Article 42.131, Code of Criminal
Procedure, as renumbered by Section 17.01(3), Chapter 76, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to conform to the transfer of Article
42.131, Code of Criminal Procedure, to Chapter 76, Government Code. 

 Sec. 9.07.  Amends Chapter 76, Government Code, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 217, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
adding Section 76.015, relating to an administrative fee.  Repeals Section
1, Chapter 217, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 9.08.  Amends Chapter 76, Government Code, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 252, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
adding Section 76.016, relating to victim notification.  Repeals Section
1, Chapter 252, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 9.09.  Amends Chapter 76, Government Code, to conform to Section
3.0151, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Section 76.017, relating to a treatment alternative to
incarceration program.  Repeals Section 3.0151, Chapter 321, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 


 Sec. 10.01.  Amends Chapter 411, Government Code, to codify Article
4413(29ee), Revised Statutes, by adding Subchapter H, relating to a
license to carry a concealed handgun. Repeals Article 4413(29ee), Revised

 Sec. 10.02.  Amends Section 46.02(b), Penal Code, as amended by Chapters
229, 318, 754, 790, and 998, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to the unlawful carrying of weapons. 

 Sec. 10.03.  Amends Section 46.03(f), Penal Code, relating to places
where weapons are prohibited. 

 Sec. 10.04.  Amends Sections 46.035(a)-(f), Penal Code, relating to  the
unlawful carrying of a handgun by a license holder. 

 Sec. 10.05.  Amends Section 58.003, Family Code, by adding Subsection
(m), relating to the sealing of records.  Repeals Section 51.16(m), Family
Code, as added by Chapter 229, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 10.06.  Amends Section 411.047(a), Government Code, relating to
concealed handgun incident reports. 

 Sec. 10.07.  Amends Section 215.001(b), Local Government Code, relating
to firearms and explosives. 


 Sec. 11.01.  Amends Chapter 441, Government Code, to codify Chapter 387,
Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 1696c,
Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by adding Subchapter H, relating to print
access aids for persons with visual disabilities.  Repeals Chapter 387,
Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 1696c,
Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). 


 Sec. 12.01.  Amends Subtitle G, Title 4, Government Code, to codify
Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, except for Sections 29(a) and
(h) of that article, by adding Chapter 508, relating to parole and
mandatory supervision. 

 Sec. 12.02.  Amends Article 15.27(h), Code of Criminal Procedure,
relating to arrest notification to schools. 

 Sec. 12.03.  Amends Section 3g(a), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
Procedure, as amended by Chapters 260 and 318, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to community supervision. 

 Sec. 12.04.  Amends Article 56.08(a), Code of Criminal Procedure,
relating to crime victims' rights notification. 

 Sec. 12.05.  Amends Section 37.015(a), Education Code, relating to
reports to local law enforcement. 

 Sec. 12.06.  Amends Section 491.001(a)(1), Government Code, relating to
the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and the Texas Department of Criminal

 Sec. 12.07.  Amends Section 491.001(b)(1), Government Code, relating to
the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and the Texas Department of Criminal

 Sec. 12.08.  Amends Section 493.009(g), Government Code, relating to
substance abuse felony punishment facilities. 

 Sec. 12.09.  Amends Section 493.017(b), Government Code, as added by
Chapter 256, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to reports on sex offender treatment. 

 Sec. 12.10.  Amends Section 498.001(2), Government Code, relating to
inmate classification and good time. 

 Sec. 12.11.  Amends Section 498.003(a), Government Code, relating to
accrual of good time. 

 Sec. 12.12.  Amends Sections 499.001(1) and (4), Government Code,
relating to pre-parole transfer. 

 Sec. 12.13.  Amends Section 499.005, Government Code, relating to
transfer to parole status. 

 Sec. 12.14.  Amends Section 499.021(2), Government Code, relating to
population management. 

 Sec. 12.15.  Amends Section 499.026(c), Government Code, relating to
release procedures. 

 Sec. 12.16.  Amends Section 551.124, Government Code, relating to the
board of pardons and paroles. 
 Sec. 12.17.  Amends Section 615.003, Government Code, to conform to
Sections 1.12 and 1.13, Chapter 988, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular
Session, 1993, relating to financial assistance to eligible survivors. 

 Sec. 12.18.  Amends Section 44.0061(b), Health and Safety Code, relating
to the sexual assault program fund. 

 Sec. 12.19.  Amends Sections 61.084(f) and (g), Human Resources Code,
relating to termination of control. 

 Sec. 12.20.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 61, Human Resources Code, to
codify Sections 29(a) and (h), Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure,
by adding Section 61.0841, relating to determinate sentence parole. 

 Sec. 12.21.  Amends Section 3.307(a), Public Utility Regulatory Act of
1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), relating to "1-900"

 Sec. 12.22.  Repeals Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure.

 Sec. 12.23.  Amends Section 509.001(1), Government Code, to conform to
Section 3.009, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the community justice assistance program.  Repeals
Section 3.009, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 12.24.  Amends Section 509.003, Government Code, by amending
Subsections (a) and (c) and by adding Subsection (d) to conform to Section
3.0091, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to standards and procedures.  Repeals Section 3.0091, Chapter
321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 12.25.  Amends Section 509.004(a), Government Code, to conform to
Section 62, Chapter 318, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to records, reports, and information systems.  Repeals
Section 62, Chapter 318, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 12.26.  Amends Section 509.005, Government Code, to conform to
Section 3.010, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to inspections, audits, and evaluations.  Repeals Section
3.010, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 12.27.  Amends Section 509.008(g), Government Code, to conform to
Section 3.011, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to officer certification. Repeals Section 3.011, Chapter
321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 12.28.  Amends Section 509.011, Government Code, to conform to
Section 3.012, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (f),
relating to payment of state aid.  Repeals Section 3.012, Chapter 321,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 12.29.  Amends Section 509.012(b), Government Code, to conform to
Section 3.013, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the refusal or suspension of state aid.  Repeals Section
3.013, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 12.30.  Amends Section 511.009(a), Government Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 171, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995; Section 89, Chapter 262, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995; and Section 2, Chapter 722, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to the Commission on Jail Standards. 


 Sec. 13.01.  Repeals Sections 552.324 and 552.325, Government Code, as
added by Chapter 578, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
because of duplicative Government Code sections as added by Chapter 1035,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 


 Sec. 14.01.  Amends Section 531.001, Government Code, to allow for
expansion of Subtitle I, Title 4, Government Code, and to eliminate
unnecessary repetition. 

 Sec. 14.02.  Amends Section 531.011, Government Code, to conform to
Section 9.02, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, and Section 2, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to public input and information and complaints.
Repeals Section 9.02, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, and Section 2, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.03.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 972, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, and Section 1, Chapter 575, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Sections 531.0211-531.0214, relating to
managed medicaid programs.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 972, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and Section 1, Chapter 575, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.04.  Amends Section 531.022, Government Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 798, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (e), relating to
coordinated strategic plan for health and human services. Repeals Section
1, Chapter 798, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.   

 Sec. 14.05.  Amends Section 531.023, Government Code, to conform to
Section 9.01, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, and Section 1, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to submission of plans and updates by agencies.
Repeals Section 9.01, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, and Section 1, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.06.  Amends Section 531.024, Government Code, to conform to
Section 2, Chapter 798, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to planning and delivery of health and human services. 

 Sec. 14.07.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to
conform to Sections 9.06, 9.07, and 9.08, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; Section 3, Chapter 798, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; and Sections 6, 7, and 8, Chapter
885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Sections 531.0241, 531.0242, and 531.0243, relating to delivery of
services.  Repeals Sections 9.06, 9.07, and 9.08, Chapter 655, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; Section 3, Chapter 798, Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; and Sections 6, 7, and 8,
Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.08.  Amends Section 531.027, Government Code, to conform to
Section 9.03, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, and Section 3, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to appropriations request by agencies.  Repeals
Section 9.03, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, and Section 3, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.09. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to conform
to Section 9.04, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, and Section 4, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Sections 531.0271, 531.0272, 531.0273,
and 531.0274, relating to health and human services agencies.  Repeals
Section 9.04, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, and Section 4, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.10.  Amends Section 531.028, Government Code, to conform to
Section 9.05, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, and Section 5, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to management and distribution of funds.  Amends
Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to conform to Section 9.05,
Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and
Section 5, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, by adding Section 531.0311, relating to annual work plan.  Amends
Section 531.035, Government Code, to conform to Section 9.05, Chapter 655,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; Section 2, Chapter
798, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; and Section 5,
Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to dispute arbitration.  Repeals Section 9.05, Chapter 655, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; Section 2, Chapter 798, Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; and Section 5, Chapter 885,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.11.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 627, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Section 531.042, relating to community-based
services.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 627, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.12.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 949, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Section 531.043, relating to long-term care
vision.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 949, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.13.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to
conform to Section 6.01(a), Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 531.044, relating to AFDC
recipients.  Repeals Section 6.01(a), Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.14.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to
conform to Section 8.10, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 531.045, relating to interagency
task force on electronic benefits transfers.  Repeals Section 8.10,
Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.15.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, to
conform to Section 6.08(a), Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 531.046, relating to federal
funding for chemical dependency services.  Repeals Section 6.08(a),
Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.16.  Amends Chapter 531, Government Code, to conform to Section
1, Chapter 444, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
adding Subchapter C, relating to medicaid fraud, misuse, or overcharges. 

 Sec. 14.17.  Amends Subtitle I, Title 4, Government Code, to conform to
Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 444, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Chapter 532, relating to medicaid managed care
delivery system.  Repeals Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 444, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 14.18.  Repeals Section 531.009(f), Government Code, to conform to
Section 23(2), Chapter 693, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,


 Sec. 15.01.  Amends Section 659.151(a), Government Code, to more
accurately reflect the source law from which it derived, which was
codified and repealed by Section 5.17, Chapter  76, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to misapplication of
contributions and audit. 


 Sec. 16.01.  Amends Subtitle C, Title 10, Government Code, to codify
Article 6252-33, Revised Statutes, by adding Chapter 2110, relating to
state agency advisory committees.  Repeals Article 6252-33, Revised

 Sec. 16.02.  Amends Subtitle C, Title 10, Government Code, to codify
Chapter 307, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article
6252-34, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by adding Chapter 2111, relating
to state agency reporting of technological innovations.  Repeals Chapter
307, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6252-34,
Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). 

 Sec. 16.03.  Amends Subtitle C, Title 10, Government Code, to codify
Article 6252-5g, Revised Statutes, by adding Chapter 2112, relating to
utility billing audits by state agencies and institutions of higher
education.  Repeals Article 6252-5g, Revised Statutes. 


 Sec. 17.01.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 2155, Government Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 420, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Section 2155.144, relating to health care
purchasing.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 420, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.02.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 2158, Government Code, to
conform to Section 15, Chapter 11, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to purchase of passenger vehicles.  Repeals
Section 15, Chapter 11, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 17.03.  Amends Section 2161.061, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11, Chapter 746, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to commission certification of historically underutilized
business; municipal certification.  Repeals Section 11, Chapter 746, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.04.  Amends Section 2165.251, Government Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 168, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to buildings allocated to legislative use.  Repeals Section
1, Chapter 168, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.05.  Amends Section 2165.256, Government Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 264, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to state cemetery and other burial grounds.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 264, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 17.06.  Amends Section 2166.151(a), Government Code, to conform to
Section 14, Chapter 108, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to using agency's general project description; initiation
of project analysis process.  Amends Section 2166.552, Government Code, to
conform to Section 15, Chapter 108, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to fine arts projects.  Repeals Sections 14 and
15, Chapter 108, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.07.  Amends Section 2166.204, Government Code, to correct a
reference, relating to using agency recommendations. 

 Sec. 17.08.  Amends Section 2166.451, Government Code, to conform to
Section 23,  Chapter 109, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to acquisition of historic structures.  Amends Section
2167.003(a), Government Code, to conform to Section 24, Chapter 109, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to first
consideration to historic structure.  Repeals Sections 23 and 24, Chapter
109, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.09.  Amends Section 2167.004(a), Government Code, to conform to
Section 9.10 of Chapter 655 and to Section 10 of Chapter 885, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to leasing space for
health and human services agencies.  Repeals Section 9.10 of Chapter 655,
and Section 10 of Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.10.  Amends Section 2167.005, Government Code, to conform to
Section 2, Chapter 823, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to delegation of authority to institutions of higher
education.  Amends Section 2171.101(a), Government Code, to conform to
Section 3, Chapter 823, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to vehicle reporting system.  Repeals Sections 2 and 3,
Chapter 823, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.11.  Amends Section 2171.052, Government Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 976, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to contracts with providers of travel services.  Amends
Section 2171.055(a), Government Code, to conform to Section 1, Chapter
976, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
participation by state agencies in travel services contracts.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 976, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 17.12.  Section 2171.103(b), Government Code, is amended to conform
to Section 48, Chapter 260, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to facilitation of conversion to and use of alternative
fuels.   Repeals Section 2155.201, Government Code, to conform to Section
58(d), Chapter 260, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Sections 48 and 58(d), Chapter 260, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 17.13.  Amends Section 533.002, Health and Safety Code, to conform
to Section 68(a)(3), Chapter 684, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular
Session, 1993, relating to competitive review requirement. 

 Sec. 17.14.  Repeals Section 61.033, Education Code, to conform to
Section 68(a)(3), Chapter 684, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular
Session, 1993. 

 Sec. 17.15.  Amends Section 12.052(b), Health and Safety Code, to correct
a reference, relating to requirements for expenditure of certain funds. 

 Sec. 17.16.  Amends Section 481.027(e), Government Code, to correct a
reference and to conform to Section 6.01(d), Chapter 8, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1991, relating to foreign offices. 

 Sec. 17.17.  Amends Section 481.078(f), Government Code, to correct a
reference, relating to major employer development programs. 

 Sec. 17.18.  Amends Section 252.0215, Local Government Code, to correct a
reference, relating to competitive bidding in relation to historically
underutilized business. 

 Sec. 17.19.  Provides a table of cross-reference corrections.


 Sec. 18.01.  Amends Section 2258.021, Government Code, to more closely
conform to the law from which Chapter 2258, Government Code, was derived,
relating to right to be paid and prevailing wage rates. 
 Sec. 18.02.  Amends Section 2258.022, Government Code, to more closely
conform to the law from which Chapter 2258, Government Code, was derived
by adding Subsection (d), relating to determination of prevailing wage


 Sec. 19.01.  Amends Section 2308.002, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.11, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the Workforce and Economic Competitiveness Act.  Repeals
Section 11.11, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 19.02.  Amends Section 2308.005, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.10, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to application of sunset act.  Repeals Section 11.10,
Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.03.  Amends Section 2308.051, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.12, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness.
Repeals Section 11.12, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th  Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.04.  Amends Section 2308.052(b), Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.13, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to membership of the council.  Amends Section 2308.052,
Government Code, to conform to Section 11.13, Chapter 655, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Subsection (d),
relating to membership of the council.  Repeals Section 11.13, Chapter
655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.05.  Amends Section 2308.059, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.18, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to fiscal agent. Repeals Section 11.18, Chapter 655, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.06.  Amends Section 2308.060(c), Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.19, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the executive director of the council.  Repeals Section
11.19, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.07.  Amends Section 2308.101, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.14, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to general duties of the council.  Amends Section
2308.104(a), Government Code, to conform to Section 11.14, Chapter 655,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to the
strategic plan of the council.  Repeals Section 11.14, Chapter 655, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.08.  Amends Section 2308.102(c), Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.17, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the assumption of duties and responsibilities of the
council.  Repeals Section 11.17, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.09.  Amends Section 2308.106, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.23, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to division assistance. Amends Section 2308.253, Government
Code, to conform to Section 11.23, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Subsection (g), relating to
creation of local workforce development boards.  Amends Section 2308.302,
Government Code, to conform to Section 11.23, Chapter 655, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to responsibility of
board.  Amends Section 2308.303, Government Code, to conform to Section
11.23, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to board duties. Repeals Section 11.23, Chapter 655, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 19.10.  Amends Section 2308.154, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.15, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to analysis.  Repeals Section 11.15, Chapter 655, Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.11.  Amends Section 2308.203(a), Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.20, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to action by state agencies.  Repeals Section 11.20,
Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.12.  Amends Section 2308.253, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.22, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to creation of local workforce development boards.  Amends
Section 2308.254(a), Government Code, to conform to Section 11.22, Chapter
655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
limitation on exercise of board powers.  Amends the heading to Section
2308.255, Government Code, to conform to Section 11.22, Chapter 655, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to appointment of
board and liability of board members.  Amends Section 2308.255, Government
Code, to conform to Section 11.22, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Subsection (e), relating to
liability of board. Repeals Section 11.22, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.13.  Amends Section 2308.262, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.26, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to budget.  Amends Section 2308.267(a),  Government Code,
to conform to Section 11.26, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to staff.  Repeals Section 11.26, Chapter
655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.14.  Amends Section 2308.263, Government Code, to conform to
Section 301.063, Labor Code, as amended by Section 11.02, Chapter 655,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to approval
of fiscal agent. 

 Sec. 19.15.  Amends Section 2308.269, Government Code, to conform to
Section 301.063, Labor Code, as amended by Section 11.02, Chapter 655,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to sanctions
for lack of fiscal accountability. 

 Sec. 19.16.  Amends Section 2308.304, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.24, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to local plan.  Repeals Section 11.24, Chapter 655, Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.17.  Amends Section 2308.305, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.25, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to use of labor market information system.  Amends Section
2308.308, Government Code, to conform to Section 11.25, Chapter 655, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to public
community college.  Repeals Section 11.25, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.18.  Amends Subchapter G, Chapter 2308, Government Code, to
conform to Section 11.27, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 2308.3035, relating to components
of local workforce development system.  Amends Section 2308.312,
Government Code, to conform to Section 11.27, Chapter 655, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to career development
centers.  Amends Subchapter G, Chapter 2308, Government Code, to conform
to Section 11.27, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Sections 2308.3121 and 2308.3122, relating to
service provider limitation, waiver, and unemployment insurance claims.
Amends Section 2308.313, Government Code, to conform to Section 11.27,
Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to right to know.  Repeals Section 11.27, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 19.19.  Amends Chapter 2308, Government Code, to conform to Section
11.28, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Subchapter H,  relating to skill standards board.  Repeals
Section 11.28, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 19.20.  Repeals Section 2308.064, Government Code, to conform to
Section 11.21, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995.  Repeals Sections 2308.062, 2308.063, 2308.157, 2308.159, and
2308.204, to conform to Section 11.29, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Sections 11.21 and 11.29,
Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 


 Sec. 20.01.  Amends and reenacts Subchapter H, Chapter 285, Health and
Safety Code, as added by Chapters 46 and 444, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to contracts, collaborations,
and joint ventures.   

 Sec. 20.02.  Amends Section 361.344(a), Health and Safety Code, to omit a
reference to a repealed law, relating to cost recovery by liable party or
third party. 


 Sec. 21.01.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 40, Human Resources Code, to
conform to Section 20, Chapter 693, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Section 40.007, relating to reporting requirement
and professional fees.  Repeals Section 20, Chapter 693, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 21.02.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 40, Human Resources Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 559, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Section 40.0521, relating to rules regarding
domestic violence.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 559, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 21.03.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 40, Human Resources Code, to
conform to Section 98, Chapter 262, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Section 40.0561, relating to community youth
development grants.  Repeals Section 98, Chapter 262, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 21.04.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 40, Human Resources Code, to
conform to Section 6.09(a), Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 40.0562, relating to federal
funding for certain children.  Repeals Section 6.09(a), Chapter 655, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 21.05.  Repeals Section 8.004(a), Chapter 76, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and Section 1.03, Chapter 970, Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, as duplicative of Section 1,
Chapter 920, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 21.06.  Amends the heading of Section 132.003, Human Resources Code,
to conform to Section 9.09, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, and Section 9, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to location of offices and

 Sec. 21.07.  Amends Section 132.003(a), Human Resources Code, to conform
to Section 9.09, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, and Section 9, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to location of offices and facilities.
Repeals Section 9.09, Chapter 655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, and Section 9, Chapter 885, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 


 Sec. 22.01.  Redesignates Section 217.007, Labor Code, as added by
Section 2, Chapter  611, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, as Section 306.007, Labor Code, to conform to Section 11.06, Chapter
655, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and amends to
correct a citation, relating to provision of information on state services
for ex-offenders and employers. 

 Sec. 22.02.  Amends Section 302.042, Labor Code, to correct a citation,
relating to review of local plans and recommendations. 

 Sec. 22.03.  Amends Section 306.005, Labor Code, to conform to Section
92, Chapter 262, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and
Section 3.018, Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to the contents of memorandum of understanding. 

 Sec. 22.04.  Repeals Article 8308, Revised Statutes, because of the
liquidation of the Texas Employers' Insurance Association. 


 Sec. 23.01.  Amends Section 43.0565(b), Local Government Code, to correct
a reference, relating to provision of water or sewer service in populous

 Sec. 23.02.  Amends Chapter 212, Local Government Code, to codify Article
1010a, Revised Statutes, by adding Subchapter D, relating to regulation of
property development prohibited in certain circumstances.  Repeals Article
1010a, Revised Statutes. 

 Sec. 23.03.  Amends Subtitle C, Title 11, Local Government Code, to
codify the Crime Control and Prevention District Act (Article 2370c-4,
Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) by adding Chapter 363, relating to crime
control and prevention districts.  Repeals the Crime Control and
Prevention District Act (Article 2370c-4, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). 

 Sec. 23.04.  Amends the chapter heading of Chapter 375, Local Government
Code, to conform to Chapters 436, 491, and 496, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and Chapter 817, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991, relating to municipal management
districts in general.  Amends Subtitle A, Title 12, Local Government Code,
to codify Chapters 436, 491, and 496, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, and Chapter 817, Acts of the 72nd Legislature,
Regular Session, 1991, by adding Chapter 376, relating to specific
municipal management districts.  Repeals Chapters 436, 491, and 496, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; and Chapter 817, Acts of
the 72nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1991. 

 Sec. 23.05.  Transfers and amends Subchapter D, Chapter 312, Tax Code, to
the Local Government Code, designated as Chapter 383, Local Government
Code, relating to county development districts. 

 Sec. 23.06.  Amends Section 402.903(d), Local Government Code, to correct
references, relating to agreement with conservation and reclamation


 Sec. 24.01.  Amends the Natural Resources Code to codify Article 6,
Chapter 3, Acts of the 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session, 1991 (Article
5421u, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by adding Title 12, relating to
wetlands.  Repeals Article 6, Chapter 3, Acts of the 72nd Legislature, 1st
Called Session, 1991 (Article 5421u, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). 


 Sec. 25.01.  Amends Section 134.004, Natural Resources Code, to more
closely conform to the law from which it was derived, relating to
definitions within the Texas Surface Coal  Mining and Reclamation Act.
Amends Section 134.005(a), Natural Resources Code, to more closely conform
to Section 528, Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (30
U.S.C. Section 1278), relating to exemptions.  Amends Subchapter A,
Chapter 134, Natural Resources Code, to more closely conform to the law
from which it was derived by adding Section 134.008, relating to
applicability to governmental units.  Amends Section 134.014, Natural
Resources Code, to more closely conform to the law from which it was
derived, relating to coal exploration operations.  Amends Section
134.022(c), Natural Resources Code, to more closely conform to the law
from which it was derived, relating to prohibition on surface coal mining
in certain areas.  Amends Sections 134.068 and 134.069, Natural Resources
Code, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 272, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to schedule of notices of violations.
Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 134, Natural Resources Code, by adding
Section 134.084 to conform to Sections 1 and 3, Chapter 272, Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to suspension or
rescission of improvidently issued permit.  Amends Section 134.092(a),
Natural Resources Code, to more closely conform to the law from which it
was derived, relating to performance standards.  Amends Section 134.163,
Natural Resources Code, to more closely conform to the law from which it
was derived, relating to term of cessation order.  Repeals Chapter 272,
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 


 Sec. 26.01.  Revises Section 31.003(14), Parks and Wildlife Code, as
amended by Chapters 450 and 739, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular
Session, 1993, relating to definitions in the Water Safety Act. 


 Sec. 27.01.  Amends and reenacts Section 22.01(b), Penal Code, as amended
by Chapters 318 and 659, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to assault. 


 Sec. 28.01.  Repeals Section 92.2611(d), Property Code, as added by
Section 10, Chapter 869, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 28.02.  Amends Chapter 141, Property Code, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 1043, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
adding a chapter heading, relating to transfers to minors. 


 Sec. 29.01.  Amends Sections 26.012(2) and (7), Tax Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 699, and Section 1, Chapter 988, Acts of the 70th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, relating to appraisal and assessment

 Sec. 29.02.  Amends Section 26.012(13), Tax Code, to conform to Section
2, Chapter 849, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987,
relating to appraisal and assessment definitions. 

 Sec. 29.03.  Reenacts Section 26.04, Tax Code, as amended by Section 1,
Chapter 699, Section 2, Chapter 849, Section 3, Chapter 947, and Section
1, Chapter 988, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987; by
Section 284(18), Chapter 14, Acts of the 72nd Legislature, Regular
Session, 1991; by Section 45, Chapter 6, Acts of the 72nd Legislature, 2nd
Called Session, 1991; and by Section 2, Chapter 81, and Sections 1 and 2,
Chapter 611, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, relating
to submission of roll to governing body and effective and rollback tax

 Sec. 29.04.  Amends Section 26.041(a), Tax Code, to conform to the
terminology of Section 26.012(9), Tax Code, relating to tax rate of unit
imposing additional sales and use tax. 
 Sec. 29.05.  Amends and reenacts Sections 26.043(a) and (b), Tax Code, to
conform to Section 26.012, Tax Code, and to Section 26.04, Tax Code, as
amended by Section 3, Chapter 947, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1987, and to correct a reference, relating to effective tax rate
in city imposing mass transit sales and use tax. 

 Sec. 29.06. Amends Section 26.05(d), Tax Code, to conform to the other
provisions of Chapter 26, Tax Code, defining the rollback and effective
tax rates for a taxing unit, relating to tax rate. 

 Sec. 29.07.  Reenacts Section 26.06(b), Tax Code, as amended by Section
1, Chapter 456, and Section 8, Chapter 947, Acts of the 70th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1987, relating to notice, hearing, and vote on tax

 Sec. 29.08.  Amends Sections 26.07(a), (d), and (e), Tax Code, to conform
to the other provisions of Chapter 26, Tax Code, defining the rollback tax
rate for a taxing unit, relating to election to repeal increase. 

 Sec. 29.09.  Repeals Section 26.042, Tax Code, as amended by Section 12,
Chapter 11, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, in
conformity with Section 5, Chapter 947, Acts of the 70th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1987. 

 Sec. 29.10.  Amends Section 111.006(a), Tax Code, to conform to Section
1, Chapter 175, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and
Section 4, Chapter 351, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, relating to confidentiality of information.  Reletters Subsection
(d), Section 111.006, Tax Code, as added by Section 4, Chapter 351, Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, as Subsection (e), Section
111.006, Tax Code. 

 Sec. 29.11.  Amends Section 352.1033, Tax Code, relating to use of
revenue and counties bordering the Gulf of Mexico. 


 Sec. 30.01.  Amends Section 5.001(a), Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 12, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to liabilities of and remedies against
carriers. Repeals Section 5.002, to conform to Section 12, Chapter 705
(S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends
Section 5.003, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 13, Chapter 705
(S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to liability of carrier of household goods.  Repeals Sections 12
and 13, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.02.  Repeals Section 20.001, Transportation Code, as added by
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
conform to the repeal of Article 911h, Revised Statutes, the source law
for that section, by Section 31(a)(7), Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. Amends Chapter 20,
Transportation Code, by adding a new Section 20.001 to codify Article
911k, Revised Statutes, as amended by Section 14, Chapter 705 (S.B. No.
3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
exemptions from gross receipt taxes for certain carriers.  Repeals Article
911k, Revised Statutes. 

 Sec. 30.03.  Amends Section 21.111(a), Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 636 (H.B. No. 2180), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to public hearings by the commission.
Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 21, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 636 (H.B. No. 2180), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 21.1115, relating to emergency
loan or grant. Repeals Section 1, Chapter 636 (H.B. No. 2180), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.04.  Amends Section 24.021(a), Transportation Code, to correct a
reference, relating to offenses committed while operating an aircraft.  

  Sec. 30.05.  Amends Section 25.004(b), Transportation Code, to conform
to Section 1(16), Chapter 1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to filing fees.  Amends
Section 25.012, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1(16), Chapter
1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to the aviation trust fund account.  

 Sec. 30.06.  Amends Section 51.002, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 505 (H.B. No. 1536), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Subdivision (5), relating to the
definition of "department." Amends Chapter 51, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 3, Chapter 505 (H.B. No. 1536), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Sections 51.009-51.011,
relating to dredge material.  Repeals Sections 1-3, Chapter 505 (H.B. No.
1536), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.07.  Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 201, Transportation Code, to
codify Article 6673a-4, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter
431 (S.B. No. 1470), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Section 201.205, relating to protection and use of intellectual
property and publications.  Repeals Article 6673a-4, Revised Statutes, as
added by Section 1, Chapter 431 (S.B. No. 1470), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.08.  Amends Subchapter H, Chapter 201, Transportation Code, to
codify Article 6674v-8, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter
153 (S.B. No. 1633), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Section 201.610, relating to approval by commission of bridge
over Rio Grande. Repeals Article 6674v-8, Revised Statutes, as added by
Section 1, Chapter 153 (S.B. No. 1633), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.09.  Amends Subchapter J, Chapter 201, Transportation Code, to
codify Article 6674o-2, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 9, Chapter
624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Section 201.8035, relating to inspection of county and municipal
bridges.  Repeals Article 6674o-2, Revised Statutes, as added by Section
9, Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.10.  Amends Section 202.052, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 283 (S.B. No. 831), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection
(e), relating to leasing of highway assets. Repeals Section 1, Chapter 283
(S.B. No. 831), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.11.  Amends Section 202.082, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 115 (S.B. No. 688), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to disposal of asphalt.  Repeals Sections
202.083, 202.084, and 202.085, Transportation Code, to conform to the
repeal of the law from which those sections were derived by Section 1,
Chapter 115 (S.B. No. 688), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995. Repeals Section 1, Chapter 115 (S.B. No. 688), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.12.  Amends Section 222.031, Transportation Code, to more closely
conform to the law from which that section was derived, relating to the
use of federal aid for road construction. 
 Sec. 30.13.  Amends Sections 223.002(c) and (d), Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 396 (H.B. No. 2176), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to providing notice of
contract estimates.  Amends Section 223.003, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 396 (H.B. 2176), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsections (b) and (c)
and adding Subsection (d), relating to notice fees.  Amends Sections
223.004(a), (c), and (d), Transportation Code, to conform to Section 2,
Chapter 396 (H.B. No. 2176), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to contract bidding procedures. Amends Section
223.005, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 396 (H.B.
No. 2176), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating
to bids on contracts involving less than $300,000.  Amends Section
223.007, Transportation Code, to conform to Sections 3 and 4, Chapter 396
(H.B. No. 2176), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (d),  relating to the making
of contracts.  Repeals Sections 1-4, Chapter 396 (H.B. No. 2176), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.14.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 223, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 232 (S.B. No. 532), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to construction contracts, by
adding Section 223.011, relating to partial payment exceptions and
maintenance and preconstruction contracts.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 232
(S.B. No. 532), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.15.  Amends Chapter 223, Transportation Code, to codify Article
6674i-5, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter 780 (S.B. No.
1058), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Subchapter D, relating to contracts for environmental or cultural
assessment. Repeals Article 6674i-5, Revised Statutes, as added by Section
1, Chapter 780 (S.B. No. 1058), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.16.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 225, Transportation Code, to
conform to Chapters 13 (S.B. No. 304), 14 (S.B. No. 318), 447 (H.B. No.
1544), 530 (S.B.  No. 1129), 546 (S.B. No. 1701), and 569 (S.B. No. 443),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995 (Articles 6673e-11,
6673e-12, 6673e-13, 6673e-15, 6673e-16, and 6673e-14, Vernon's Texas Civil
Statutes), by adding Sections 225.028-225.033, relating to special
memorial highways. Repeals Chapters 13 (S.B. No. 304), 14 (S.B. No. 318),
447 (H.B. No. 1544), 530 (S.B. No. 1129), 546 (S.B. No. 1701), and 569
(S.B. No. 443), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995
(Articles 6673e-11, 6673e-12, 6673e-13, 6673e-15, 6673e-16, and 6673e-14,
Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).  

 Sec. 30.17.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 256, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 568 (S.B. No. 437), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 256.009, relating to
the report to the comptroller.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 568 (S.B. No.
437), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.18.  Amends Chapter 284, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 960 (H.B. No. 3143), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Subchapter D, relating to unauthorized
use of toll roads in certain counties.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 960
(H.B. No. 3143), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.19.  Amends Section 361.055, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 2, Chapter 148 (S.B. No. 927), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to successor agency to authority.  Amends
Section 361.251, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 16, Chapter
705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to turnpike projects.  Amends Section 361.281, Transportation
Code, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 148 (S.B. No. 927), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to applicability of
subchapter.  Amends Section 361.282, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 148 (S.B. No. 927), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to lease, sale, or conveyance of turnpike
project.  Repeals Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 148 (S.B. No. 927), and
Section 16, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.20.  Amends Section 362.003(c), Transportation Code, to conform
to Chapter 165 (S.B. No. 971), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to cumulative effect of laws.  
 Sec. 30.21.  Subchapter A, Chapter 391, Transportation Code, is amended
to conform to Section 1(18), Chapter 1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 391.004,
relating to  the Texas highway  beautification  fund account. 

 Sec. 30.22.  Amends Section 391.001, Transportation Code, relating to
definitions, and Section 391.091,Transportation Code, relating to erection
and maintenance of signs, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 284 (S.B. No.
882), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. Amends Sections
391.092(a) and (c), Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1, Chapter
284  (S.B. No. 882), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to placement of signs.  Amends Section 391.093(a), Transportation
Code, to  conform to Section 1, Chapter 284 (S.B. No. 882), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to commercial
establishment participation.  Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 391,
Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 284 (S.B. No. 882),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section
391.0935, relating to  major shopping area guide signs.  Amends Section
391.095, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 284 (S.B.
No. 882), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to
placement of signs.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 284 (S.B. No. 882), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.23.  Amends Section 394.003(a), Transportation Code, to conform
to Section 1, Chapter 343 (S.B. No. 888), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to exceptions to application of chapter.
Repeals Section 1, Chapter 343 (S.B. No. 888), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.24.  Amends Section 431.101, Transportation Code, to more closely
conform to the law from which it was derived, relating to creation of
local government corporations. 

 Sec. 30.25.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 451, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 74(a), Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 451.1075, relating
to prohibition of consumption of alcoholic beverages. Repeals Section
74(a), Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.26.  Amends Subchapter G, Chapter 451, Transportation Code, to
conform to Sections 11 and 12, Chapter 11 (S.B. No. 200), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to alternative fuel use
program.  Repeals Sections 11 and 12, Chapter 11 (S.B. No. 200), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.27.  Amends Subchapter K, Chapter 451, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 352 (S.B. No. 983), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 451.5035, relating
to designation of alternate by mayor.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 352
(S.B. No. 983), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.28.  Amends Section 451.508, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 3, Chapter 225 (H.B. No. 3157), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to removal by board.  Amends Section
451.509(c), Transportation Code, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 225
(H.B. No. 3157), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to removal of board members.  Amends Section 451.513(a),
Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 225 (H.B. No. 3157),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to removal
of board members.  Repeals Sections 1-3, Chapter 225 (H.B. No. 3157), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.29.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 452, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 74(b), Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 452.1055, relating
to the prohibition of consumption of alcoholic beverages. Repeals Section
74(b), Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.30.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 452, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 13, Chapter 11 (S.B. No. 200), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to alternative fuel use
program.  Repeals Section 13, Chapter 11 (S.B. No. 200), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.31.  Amends Section 453.051(a), Transportation Code,  to conform
to Section 1, Chapter 104 (H.B. No. 2183), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to municipal transit departments.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 104 (H.B. No. 2183), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
  Sec. 30.32.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 453, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 74(c), Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 453.060, relating to
the prohibition of consumption of alcoholic beverages. Repeals Section
74(c), Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

  Sec. 30.33.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 453, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 14, Chapter 11, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to alternative fuel use program.  Repeals Section
14, Chapter 11, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

  Sec. 30.34.  Amends Section 456.001, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 644 (H.B. No. 2496), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to recipients of public transit moneys, by
amending Subdivisions (2) and (12) and adding Subdivision (13), relating
to the definition of rural area.  Amends Section 456.002(b),
Transportation Code, to conform to Section 3, Chapter 644 (H.B. No. 2496),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to public
transit program approval.  Amends Section 456.004, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 3, Chapter 644 (H.B. No. 2496), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to general financing
application requirements. Amends Section 456.006, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 3, Chapter 644 (H.B. No. 2496), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to use of financing.  Amends
Section 456.007, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1(17), Chapter
1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
relating to public transportation account fund; appropriations and grants.
Amends Section 456.022, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 644 (H.B. No. 2496), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, relating to allocation by categories.  Amends Section
456.041(a), Transportation Code, relating to project application
procedures, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 644 (H.B. No. 2496), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to project
application procedures.  Repeals Sections 1-3, Chapter 644 (H.B. No.
2496), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.35.  Subtitle K, Title 6, Transportation Code, is amended to
codify Article 1118z-1, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter
786 (S.B. No. 1388), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
and to conform to the changes in law made by Chapter 655 (H.B. No.  1863),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Chapter
457, relating to county mass transit authorities. Repeals Article 1118z-1,
Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter 786 (S.B. No. 1388), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.36.  Amends Subtitle K, Title 6, Transportation Code, to codify
Chapter 645 (H.B. No. 2588), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995 (Article 6663c-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by adding
Chapter 458, relating to rural and urban transit districts.  Repeals
Chapter 645 (H.B. No. 2588), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995 (Article 6663c-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).  

 Sec. 30.37.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 501, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 5, Chapter 1015 (S.B. No. 1445), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 501.0234, relating
to the duty of vehicle dealers.  Repeals Section 5, Chapter 1015 (S.B. No.
1445), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.38.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 501, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 8.05, Chapter 655 (H.B. No. 1863), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 501.0235, relating
to certificates of title.  Repeals Section 8.05, Chapter 655 (H.B. No.
1863), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.39.  Amends Section 501.031, Transportation Code, to conform to
Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 540 (S.B. No. 1435), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to rights of survivorship.
Repeals Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 540 (S.B. No. 1435), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

  Sec. 30.40.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 501, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 2, Chapter 443 (H.B. No. 1225), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 501.035, relating to
certificates of title.  Repeals Section 2, Chapter 443 (H.B. No. 1225),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.41.  Repeals Section 501.074(d), Transportation Code, to conform
to the repeal of the law from which it was derived by Section 2, Chapter
540 (S.B. No. 1435), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.42.  Amends Section 501.134, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 6, Chapter 1015 (S.B. No. 1445), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections
(f)-(i), relating to certified copies of certificates of title. Repeals
Section 6, Chapter 1015 (S.B. No. 1445), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.43. Amends Subchapter E, Chapter 501, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 394 (H.B. No. 2151), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, relating to nonrepairable and salvage
motor vehicles.  Amends Section 501.157, Transportation Code, to conform
to Section 2, Chapter 394 (H.B. No. 2151), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, relating to penalties.  Amends Chapter 20, Title
132, Revised Statutes, to conform to Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 394 (H.B.
No. 2151), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Articles 9026a, relating to charges for fees and property taxes, and
9026b, relating to the retention of certain motor vehicles.  Repeals
Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 394 (H.B. No. 2151), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.44.  Amends Section 502.002, Transportation Code, relating to
motor vehicle registration, to conform to Section 4, Chapter 34 (S.B. No.
178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Subsection (d), relating to liabilities of certain officials. Amends
Section 502.109, Transportation Code, relating to compensation of
assessor-collector, to conform to the repeal of the law from which
Subsections (b) and (c) of that section were derived by Section 9(7),
Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995. Amends  Section 502.154, Transportation Code, relating to reports by
county assessor-collectors, to conform to the repeal of a portion of the
law from which it was derived by Sections 9(4) and (5), Chapter 34 (S.B.
No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 502.155, Transportation Code, to conform to the repeal of the law
from which it was derived by Sections 4 and 9(4), Chapter 34 (S.B. No.
178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 4, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.45.  Amends Section 502.003(b), Transportation Code, relating to
municipal authority, to conform to the termination of the Interstate
Commerce Commission and the creation of the Surface Transportation Board
by the Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act of 1995 (Pub. L. No.
104-88) and to the transfer of motor carrier registration responsibilities
from the Railroad Commission of Texas to the Texas Department of
Transportation by Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.46.  Amends Section 502.008, Transportation Code, relating to the
release of information, to conform to Section 8.06, Chapter 655 (H.B. No.
1863), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c), relating to a dedicated line for
vehicle registration database.  Repeals Section 8.06, Chapter 655 (H.B.
No. 1863), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.47.  Repeals Section 502.108(f), Transportation Code, to conform
to the repeal of the law from which it was derived by Section 2, Chapter
568 (S.B. No.  437), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals  Section 2, Chapter 568 (S.B. No. 437), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.48.  Amends Section 502.173(g), Transportation Code, relating to
municipal fee collection, to conform to Section 10.01, Chapter 76 (S.B.
No. 959), Acts of the 74th Legislature,  Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.49.  Amends Section 502.180, Transportation Code, relating to
registration insignia, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 204 (H.B. No.
1542), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (h), relating to procedures for
certain motor vehicles.  Amends the heading to Section 502.184,
Transportation Code, relating to the replacement of registration insignia,
to conform to Section 2, Chapter 204 (H.B. No. 1542), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 502.184,
Transportation Code, relating to the replacement of registration insignia,
to conform to Section 2, Chapter 204 (H.B. No. 1542), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsections (a), (e), and
(f) and adding Subsection (i), relating to a replacement fee.  Repeals
Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 204 (H.B. No. 1542), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.50.  Amends Subchapter E, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 453 (H.B. No. 2053), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 502.2015, relating
to the limitation on issuance of exempt license plates and seizure of
certain vehicles.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 453 (H.B. No. 2053), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.51.  Amends Section 502.252, Transportation Code, relating to
certain specialized plates, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 325 (S.B. No.
209), Section 1, Chapter 558 (S.B. No. 123), and Section 1, Chapter 164
(S.B. No. 832), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 325 (S.B. No. 209), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 502.289, relating to peace
officers wounded or killed in the line of duty.  Repeals Section 1,
Chapter 325 (S.B. No. 209), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 30.52.  Amends Sections 502.253(b) and (e), Transportation Code,
relating to disability plates, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 929 (H.B.
No. 2083), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.53.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 558 (S.B. No. 123), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 502.2555, relating
to license plates for armed service honor recipients.  Repeals Section 1,
Chapter 558 (S.B. No. 123), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,

 Sec. 30.54.  Amends the heading to Section 502.258, Transportation Code,
relating to members of the United States armed forces, to conform to
Section 1, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Amends  Sections 502.258(a), (c), and (e),
Transportation Code, relating to members of the United States armed
forces, to conform to Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Sections
502.259(c), (e), (f), and (g), Transportation Code, relating to exemptions
and fees, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Sections 502.260(c), (e),
(f), and (g), Transportation Code, relating to exceptions and fees, to
conform to Section 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Sections 502.261(c) and (e),
Transportation Code, relating to exceptions and fees, to conform to
Section 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Sections 502.262(c) and (e), Transportation
Code, relating to license plate fees, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 179
(H.B. No. 247), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Amends Sections 502.263(c) and (e), Transportation Code, relating to
license plate fees, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends  Sections
502.264(c) and (e), Transportation Code, relating to license plate fees,
to conform to Section 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. Amends Sections 502.265(c) and (e),
Transportation Code, relating to license plate fees, to conform to Section
2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 502.266, Transportation Code, relating to
surviving spouses of certain military veterans, to conform to Sections 1
and 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts of the 74th  Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 179 (H.B. No. 247), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.55. Amends Section 502.270, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1(11), Chapter 1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsections (d) and (e) and adding
Subsections (f)-(h), relating to depositing of fee funds. 
 Sec. 30.56.  Amends Section 502.275, Transportation Code, relating to
certain exhibition vehicles, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 443 (H.B.
No. 1225), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 443 (H.B. No. 1225), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.57.  Amends Section 502.276(a), Transportation Code, relating to
registration of farm equipment, to more closely conform to the law from
which that section was derived. 

 Sec. 30.58.  Amends Section 502.280(e), Transportation Code, relating to
the definition of a forestry vehicle, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 733
(H.B. No. 1794), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 1, Chapter 733 (H.B. No. 1794), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.59.  Amends Section 502.281(c), Transportation Code, relating to
tow truck plates, to conform to the transfer of motor carrier registration
responsibilities from the Railroad Commission of Texas to the Texas
Department of Transportation by Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.60.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 441 (H.B. No. 496), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 502.290, relating to
foreign organization vehicles.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 441 (H.B. No.
496), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.61.  Amends Sections 502.352(a), (c), and (f), Transportation
Code, relating to temporary commercial permits, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 875 (S.B. No. 1420), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 875 (S.B. No. 1420), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.62.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 164 (S.B. No. 832), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 502.291, relating to
United States Olympic Committee license plates. Repeals Section 1, Chapter
164 (S.B. No. 832), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.63.  Amends Section 502.353, Transportation Code, relating to
foreign commercial vehicles, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 350 (S.B.
No. 981), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 350 (S.B. No. 981), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.64. Repeals Sections 502.402(b) and (c), Transportation Code, to
conform to the repeal of the law from which those subsections were derived
by Section 9(6), Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.65.  Repeals Sections 502.408(b), (c), and (d), Transportation
Code, to conform to the repeal of the law from which those subsections
were derived by Section 9(6), Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.66.  Repeals Sections 502.409(c), (d), and (e), Transportation
Code, to conform to the repeal of the law from which those subsections
were derived by Section 9(6), Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.67. Amends Section 502.410, Transportation Code, relating to
falsification or  forgery, to conform more closely to the law from which
it was derived. 

 Sec. 30.68.  Repeals Section 17, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.69.  Amends Section 503.001, Transportation Code, relating to
definitions, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Sections 503.007(a)
and (b), Transportation Code, relating to fees for general distinguishing
numbers, to conform to Section 4, Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Sections 503.008(a) and
(b), Transportation Code, relating to fees for plates, to conform to
Section 4, Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 503.021, Transportation Code,
relating to general distinguishing numbers, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. Amends Section 503.029(a), Transportation Code, relating to
general distinguishing numbers, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 430 (S.B.
No. 1446), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends
Section 503.032(b), Transportation Code, relating to wholesale vehicle
dealers, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 503.034(c),
Transportation Code, relating to expiration dates, to conform to Section
4, Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 503.036, Transportation Code, relating to
rights of dealers, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section
503.038(a), Transportation Code, relating to cancellation of dealer's
general distinguishing number, to conform to Section 3, Chapter 430 (S.B.
No. 1446), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends
Section 503.066(e), Transportation Code, relating to license plate
expiration dates, to conform to Section 4, Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. Repeals Sections 1-4,
Chapter 430 (S.B. No. 1446), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.70.  Amends Section 503.037, Transportation Code, relating to
limitations on holders of a wholesale motor vehicle auction general
distinguishing number, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 537 (S.B. No.
1314), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (d).   Repeals Section 1, Chapter 537
(S.B. No. 1314), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.71.  Amends Section 520.023, Transportation Code, relating to the
powers and duties of department on transfer of used vehicle, to conform to
Section 7, Chapter 1015 (S.B. No. 1445), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 7, Chapter 1015 (S.B. No. 1445),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.72.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 521, Transportation Code, to
more closely conform to the law from which that subchapter was derived by
adding Section 521.005, relating to rulemaking authority.  

 Sec. 30.73.  Amends Section 521.022(d), Transportation Code, relating to
employment of school bus drivers, to conform to Section 55, Chapter 260
(S.B. No. 1), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends
Section 521.022(e), Transportation Code, relating to school bus drivers
certificates, to more closely conform to the law from which it was derived
and to conform to Section 55, Chapter 260 (S.B. No. 1) and Section 25,
Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 55, Chapter 260 (S.B. No. 1), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.74.  Amends Section 521.023(c), Transportation Code, relating to
exception from the section for certain registration certificates, to
conform to the transfer of motor carrier registration responsibilities
from the Railroad Commission of Texas to the Texas Department of
Transportation by Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.75.  Amends Section 521.101(d), Transportation Code, relating to
personal  identification certificate application procedures, to conform to
Section 2, Chapter 669 (S.B. No. 1252), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 2, Chapter 669 (S.B. No. 1252),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.76.  Amends Subchapter G, Chapter 521, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 669 (S.B. No. 1252), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 521.1425, relating
to information required to be furnished to department. Repeals Section 1,
Chapter 669 (S.B. No. 1252), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.77.  Amends Subchapter H, Chapter 521, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 26, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending Section 521.161, relating
to examination of license applicants, and adding Section 521.1655,
relating to testing by driver education school.   Repeals Section 26,
Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.78.  Amends Section 521.204, Transportation Code, relating to
driver's license restrictions on minors, to conform to Section 25, Chapter
1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
and to Section 80, Chapter 260 (S.B. No. 1), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 25, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.79.  Amends Subchapter J, Chapter 521, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 30, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 521.205, relating to
department approved driver education courses.  Repeals Section 30, Chapter
1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.80.  Amends Section 521.222, Transportation Code, relating to
instruction permits, to conform to Section 27, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No.
964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 27, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.81.  Amends Section 521.223(b), Transportation Code, relating to
requirements for instruction permit applicants, to conform to Section 31,
Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 31, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.82.  Amends Section 521.223, Transportation Code, to more closely
conform to the law from which it was derived by adding Subsection (f),
relating to the suspension of licenses. 

 Sec. 30.83.  Amends Sections 521.242(a), (b), and (d), Transportation
Code, relating to license suspension, to conform to Section 75, Chapter
318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 75, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.84.  Amends Section 521.246(b), Transportation Code, relating to
judicial restriction on the operation of a motor vehicle, to conform to
Section 76, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 521.247(b), Transportation Code,
relating to ignition interlock devices, to conform to Section 76, Chapter
318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 76, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.85.  Amends Subchapter L, Chapter 521, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 80, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 521.2465, relating
to restricted licenses.  Repeals Section 80, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.86.  Amends Subchapter L, Chapter 521, Transportation Code, to
conform to  Section 81, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 521.2475, relating
to ignition interlock device evaluation.  Repeals Section 81, Chapter 318
(S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.87.  Repeals Section 521.272, Transportation Code, to conform to
the repeal of the law from which it was derived by Section 3, Chapter 669
(S.B.  No. 1252), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 3, Chapter 669 (S.B. No. 1252), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.88.  Amends Section 521.293(d), Transportation Code, relating to
the scheduling of hearings, to more closely conform to the law from which
it was derived. 

 Sec. 30.89.  Amends Section 521.294(d), Transportation Code, relating to
license revocation, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 512 (H.B. No. 2035),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and to Section 2,
Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 512 (H.B. No. 2035), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 2, Chapter
434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Amends Section 521.294(e), Transportation Code, relating to determinations
for license suspensions or revocations, to conform to the repeal of the
law from which Section 521.294(d)(3) of that code was derived by Section
2, Chapter 434, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.90.  Amends Section 521.306(c), Transportation Code, relating to
reinstatement of licenses, to conform to the redesignation of Section
521.294(d)(6) of that code as Section 521.294(d)(5) by this Act. 
 Sec. 30.91.  Amends Section 521.310, Transportation Code, relating to
denial of license renewal after warning, to conform to Section 3, Chapter
434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 3, Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.92.  Amends Section 521.312, Transportation Code, relating to
revocation of license for medical reasons, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 640 (H.B. No. 2389), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, and to Section 3, Chapter 1039 (H.B. No. 2029), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals  Section 1, Chapter 640
(H.B. No. 2389), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 3, Chapter 1039 (H.B. No. 2029), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.93.  Amends Section 521.341, Transportation Code, relating to
requirements for automatic license suspension, to conform to Section 3,
Chapter 708 (S.B. No. 281), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995.  Repeals Section 3, Chapter 708 (S.B. No. 281), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.94.  Amends Section 521.342(a), Transportation Code, relating to
automatic license suspension, to conform to Section 77, Chapter 318 (S.B.
No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 77, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.95.  Amends Section 521.342(b), Transportation Code, relating to
automatic license suspension, to conform to Section 79, Chapter 318 (S.B.
No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 79, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.96.  Amends Section 521.344(d), Transportation Code, relating to
license revocation during probation, to conform to Section 78, Chapter 318
(S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 78, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.97.  Amends Section 521.345, Transportation Code, relating to
suspension on  order of juvenile court or on order of court based on
alcoholic beverage violation by minor, to conform to Section 2, Chapter
615 (H.B. No. 1375), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 2, Chapter 615 (H.B. No. 1375), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.98.  Amends Section 521.457(a), Transportation Code, relating to
driving without a license, to conform to Section 4, Chapter 434 (S.B. No.
1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 4, Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.99.  Amends Section 521.456(d), Transportation Code, relating to
penalties, to correct a reference to the Texas Department of Criminal

 Sec. 30.100.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 522, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 767 (S.B. No. 472), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 522.0235, relating
to a waiver of visual standards for intrastate driver.  Repeals Section 1,
Chapter 767 (S.B. No. 472), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995; and repeals Section 82, Chapter 318 (S.B. No. 15), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.101.  Amends the heading to Subchapter P, Chapter 521,
Transportation Code, relating to automatic suspension for certain drug
offenses, to more accurately reflect the content of that subchapter. 

 Sec. 30.102.  Amends Section 524.012(e), Transportation Code, relating to
determinations, to more closely conform to the law from which that section
was derived. 

 Sec. 30.103.  Amends Section 541.001, Transportation Code, relating to
motor carriers, to conform to the repeal of Section 2(o), Uniform Act
Regulating Traffic on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil
Statutes), by Section 31(a)(12), Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.104.  Amends Section 542.205, Transportation Code, relating to
conflict between Subtitle C, Title 7, Transportation Code, and an order,
rule, or regulation of certain agencies, to conform to the termination of
the Interstate Commerce Commission and the creation of the Surface
Transportation Board by the Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act
of 1995 (Pub. L. No. 104-88) and to the transfer of motor carrier safety
regulatory responsibilities from the Railroad Commission of Texas to the
Department of Public Safety by Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.105.  Amends Section 542.402, Transportation Code, relating to
fees collected by municipalities of less than 5,000, to conform to Section
1, Chapter 30 (H.B. No. 839), Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 56 (H.B. No. 840),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and to Section 1,
Chapter 992 (S.B. No. 20), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c)-(e).  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 30 (H.B. No. 839), and Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 56
(H.B. No. 840), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.106.  Amends Section 543.102, Transportation Code, relating to
notice of right to complete course, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 334
(S.B. No. 645), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Amends Section 543.103, Transportation Code, relating to mandatory
deferral, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 334 (S.B. No. 645), and Section
28, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 543.104, Transportation Code, relating to
permissive deferral, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 334 (S.B. No. 645),
and Section 28, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 543.111, Transportation Code,
relating to regulation by certain state agencies, to conform to Section
28, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 543.112, Transportation Code, relating to
standards for uniform certificate of course completion, to conform to
Sections 28 and  29, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 543.113,
Transportation Code, relating to fees for printing and supplying
certificate, to conform to Section 29, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends  Subchapter B,
Chapter 543, Transportation Code, to conform to Sections 28 and 29,
Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by adding Sections 543.115, relating to fees for driving
safety courses, and 543.116, relating to delivery of uniform certificate
of course completion.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 334 (S.B. No. 645), and
Sections 28 and 29, Chapter 1009 (S.B. No. 964), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.107.  Amends Section 545.251, Transportation Code, relating to
obedience to signal indicating approach of train, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 881 (S.B. No. 1513), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 545.252, Transportation Code, relating to
railroad grade crossings, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 881 (S.B. No.
1513), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d).  Amends Section 545.253,
Transportation Code, relating to fines, to conform to Section 3, Chapter
881 (S.B. No. 1513), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Subsection (e).  Amends Section 545.254, Transportation Code,
relating to fines, to conform to Section 4, Chapter 881 (S.B. No. 1513),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Subsection
(e).  Amends Section 545.255, Transportation Code, relating to fines, to
conform to Section 5, Chapter 881 (S.B. No. 1513), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Subsection (e).  Repeals
Sections 1-5, Chapter 881 (S.B. No. 1513), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.108.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 545, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 801 (H.B. No. 1124), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 545.2555, relating
to report and investigation of certain railroad crossing violations.
Repeals Section 1, Chapter 801 (H.B. No. 1124), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec.  30.109.  Amends Section 545.351(b), Transportation Code, relating
to the operation of vehicles at certain speeds, to correct a grammatical

 Sec. 30.110.  Amends Sections 545.352(b) and (d), Transportation Code,
relating to lawful speed limits, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 295
(H.B. No. 321), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 1, Chapter 295 (H.B. No. 321), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.111.  Amends Section 545.353(e), Transportation Code, relating to
establishing speed zones, to more closely conform to the law from which
that section was derived. 

 Sec. 30.112.  Amends Subchapter H, Chapter 545, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1, Chapter 900 (H.B. No. 835), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 545.3625, relating
to  confidentiality of violation information and fuel conservation speed
limit.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 900 (H.B. No. 835), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.113.  Amends Sections 545.410(a)-(d), Transportation Code,
relating to towing, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 842 (H.B. No. 3208),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 1,
Chapter 842 (H.B. No. 3208), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.114.  Amends Section 545.412(d), Transportation Code, relating to
child safety seats, to conform to Section 126, Chapter 751 (H.B. No. 433),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 126,
Chapter 751 (H.B. No. 433), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
 Sec. 30.115.  Amends Sections 545.413(e) and (g), Transportation Code,
relating to defenses to prosecution, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 580
(S.B. No. 706), and to Section  127, Chapter 751 (H.B.  No. 433), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. Repeals  Section 1, Chapter
580 (S.B. No. 706), and Section 127, Chapter 751 (H.B. No. 433), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.116.  Amends Section 545.422, Transportation Code, relating to
crossing sidewalks or hike and bike trails, to conform to Sections 1 and
2, Chapter 892 (H.B. No. 341), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 892 (H.B. No. 341), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.117.  Amends Section 547.611(c), Transportation Code, relating to
the use of certain equipment in motor vehicles, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 287 (S.B. No. 980), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 287 (S.B. No. 980), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.118.  Amends Section 547.613(b), Transportation Code, relating to
certain vehicle windows, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 408 (H.B. No.
3062), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 408 (H.B. No. 3062), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.119.  Amends Subchapter L, Chapter 547, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 56, Chapter 260 (S.B. No. 1), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 547.7015, relating
to rules relating to school buses.  Repeals Section 56, Chapter 260 (S.B.
No. 1), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.120.  Amends Section 548.001(5), Transportation Code, relating to
federal motor carrier safety regulations, to conform to the repeal of
Chapter 549 and the enactment of Chapter 644 of that code by this Act. 

 Sec. 30.121.  Amends Section 548.052, Transportation Code, relating to
vehicles not subject to inspection, to conform to Section 3, Chapter 443
(H.B. No. 1225), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 3, Chapter 443 (H.B. No. 1225), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.122.  Amends Section 548.001(1), Transportation Code, relating to
the definition of commercial motor vehicle, to conform to Section 25,
Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995.  Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 548, Transportation Code, to conform
to Section 25, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 548.203, relating to exemptions
for certain motor vehicles. Repeals Section 25, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.123.  Amends Section 548.256(c), Transportation Code, relating to
inspection certificates, to conform to Section 5, Chapter 34 (S.B. No.
178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 5, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 548.251, Transportation Code,
relating to inspection certificates and verification forms, to conform to
Section 8, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 548.301, Transportation Code,
relating to the establishment of emissions programs, to conform to Section
8, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 548.302, Transportation Code, relating to
the adoption of standards and requirements, to conform to Section 8,
Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995.  Amends Section 548.303, Transportation Code, relating to program
administration, to conform to Section 8, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 548.304,
Transportation Code, relating to licensing inspection stations, to conform
to Sections 6 and 8, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 548,
Transportation Code, to conform to Section 6, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section
548.3045, relating to the appointment of decentralized facility.  Amends
Section 548.505, Transportation Code, relating to decentralized inspection
stations, to conform more  closely to the law from which it was derived
and to Section 6, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsections (c) and (d) and adding
Subsections (e) and (f).  Amends Sections 548.603(b) and (c),
Transportation Code, relating to certain offenses, to conform to Section
7, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Sections 548.603(d) and (e), Transportation Code,
to conform to the repeal of the law from which those sections were derived
by Section 7, Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Sections 6, 7, and 8, Chapter 34 (S.B. No.
178), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.124.  Repeals Chapter 549, Transportation Code, to conform to the
repeal of the law from which it was derived by Section 31(a)(13), Chapter
705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.125.  Amends Section 550.065, Transportation Code, relating to
release of accident reports, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 894 (H.B.
No. 391), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 894 (H.B. No. 391), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.126.  Amends Section 601.007, Transportation Code, relating to
the applicability of Chapter 601 to government vehicles, to conform to
Section 29, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 29, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.127.  Amends Sections 601.052(a) and (c), Transportation Code,
relating to applicability of Section 601.051 to certain vehicles, to
conform to Section 4, Chapter 443 (H.B. No. 1225), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 4, Chapter 443 (H.B.
No. 1225), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.128.  Amends Section 601.340(a), Transportation Code, relating to
suspension of motor vehicle registration, to more closely conform to the
law from which it was derived. 
 Sec. 30.129.  Amends Sections 601.341 and 601.342, Transportation Code,
relating to evidence of financial responsibility, to more closely conform
to the law from which those sections were derived. 

 Sec. 30.130.  Repeals Section 5, Chapter 621 (H.B. No. 1487), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.131.  Amends Section 621.102, Transportation Code, relating to
the gross weight of certain vehicles, to conform more closely to the law
from which it was derived by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection

 Sec. 30.132.  Amends Section 621.206, Transportation Code, relating to
maximum extended length of load, by amending Subsection (a) to more
closely conform to the law from which it was derived and by repealing
Subsection (b) to conform to the repeal of the source law for that
subsection (Section 4, Chapter 42, General Laws, Acts of the 41st
Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929 (Article 6701d-11, Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes)), by the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways
(Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), revised as Subtitle C,
Title 7, Transportation Code. 
 Sec. 30.133.  Amends Section 621.353, Transportation Code, relating to
the county road and bridge fund,  to conform to Section 6, Chapter 624
(H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, and
to Section 1, Chapter 992 (S.B. No. 20), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding
Subsection (d).  Amends Section 621.506, Transportation Code, relating to
offenses and penalties, to conform to Section 8, Chapter 624 (H.B. No.
1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsections (b) and (d) and adding Subsections (f) and (g).  Repeals
Sections 6 and 8, Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.134.  Amends Section 622.011(a), Transportation Code, relating to
certain trucks, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section 622.042,
Transportation Code, relating to time of operation, to conform to Section
3, Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 622.062, Transportation Code, relating to
vehicles transporting poles or pipe, to conform to Section 4, Chapter 624
(H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Sections 2, 3, and 4, Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.135.  Amends Section 622.012, Transportation Code, relating to
axle-load restrictions, to more closely conform to the law from which it
was derived. 

 Sec. 30.136.  Amends Chapter 622, Transportation Code, by adding
Subchapter J, relating to certain vehicles transporting recyclable
materials, to codify Article 6701d-19c, Revised Statutes, as added by
Section 1, Chapter 826 (H.B. No. 2584), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Article 6701d-19c, Revised Statutes, as
added by Section 1, Chapter 826 (H.B. No. 2584), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.137.  Amends Section 622.902, Transportation Code, relating to
length exceptions, to conform to Sections 26 and 27, Chapter 705 (S.B. No.
3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Sections
26 and 27, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.138.  Amends Section 623.011, Transportation Code, relating to
weight permits, to conform to Sections 1, 6, and 7, Chapter 624 (H.B. No.
1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (d)-(g). Amends Subchapter B,
Chapter 623, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 6, Chapter 624
(H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
adding Sections 623.0111, relating to additional fees for operation of
vehicles under permit,  and 623.0112, relating to additional
administrative fees.  Amends Section 623.013, Transportation Code,
relating to department's notice to county, to conform to Section 5,
Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Amends Section 623.014, Transportation Code, relating to
transfer of permit, to conform to Section 6, Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.139.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 623, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 28, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 623.0155, relating
to indemnification from motor carrier prohibited.  Repeals Section 28,
Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 623, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 7, Chapter 624 (H.B. No. 1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 623.019, relating to offenses
under subchapter.  Repeals Sections 1, 5, and 7, Chapter 624 (H.B. No.
1547), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.140.  Repeals Section 623.051(e), Transportation Code,  to
conform to the repeal of the law from which it was derived by Section
31(a)(14), Chapter 705 (S.B.  No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.141.  Amends Section 623.075(c), Transportation Code, relating to
the delivery of farm equipment, to conform to Section 23, Chapter 705
(S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 23, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.142.  Amends Section 623.093, Transportation Code, relating to
application forms, to conform to Section 16, Chapter 978 (H.B. No. 785),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d).  Repeals Section 16, Chapter 978
(H.B. No. 785), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.143.  Amends Section 623.094, Transportation Code, relating to
certain permits,  to conform to Section 17, Chapter 978 (H.B. No. 785),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section
623.095, Transportation Code, relating to single-trip permits, to conform
to Section 17, Chapter 978 (H.B. No. 785), and Section 22, Chapter 705
(S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 17, Chapter 978 (H.B. No. 785), and Section 22, Chapter
705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.144.  Amends Section 623.096, Transportation Code, relating to
permit fees, to conform to Section 18, Chapter 978 (H.B. No. 785), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, 1995. Repeals Section 18, Chapter 978 (H.B. No.
785), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.145.  Amends Section 623.098(a), Transportation Code, relating to
manufactured housing, to conform to Section 19, Chapter 978 (H.B. No.
785), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 19, Chapter 978 (H.B. No. 785), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.146.  Amends Section 623.121, Transportation Code, relating to
manufactured housing, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 832 (H.B. No.
2754), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Subsection (c).  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 832 (H.B. No. 2754), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.147.  Amends Sections 623.150, and 623.200, Transportation Code,
relating to nonapplicability of the subchapter, to conform to the transfer
of motor carrier registration responsibilities from the Railroad
Commission of Texas to the Texas Department of Transportation by Chapter
705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.148.  Repeals Chapter 641, Transportation Code, to conform to the
repeal of the law from which it was derived by Section 31(a)(11), Chapter
705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.149.  Amends Section 642.003, Transportation Code, relating to
nonapplicability, to conform to Sections 24 and 31(a)(11), Chapter 705
(S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Repeals Section 24, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.150.  Amends Subtitle F, Title 7, Transportation Code,  to codify
Article 6675c, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter 705 (S.B.
No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Chapter 643, relating to motor carrier registration.  Repeals Article
6675c, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter 705 (S.B. No. 3),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.151.  Amends Subtitle F, Title 7, Transportation Code, to codify
Article 6675d, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 3, Chapter 705 (S.B.
No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Chapter 644, relating to commercial motor vehicle safety standards.
Repeals Article 6675d, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 3, Chapter
705 (S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.152.  Amends Subtitle F, Title 7, Transportation Code, to codify
Article 6675c-1, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 2, Chapter 705
(S.B. No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
adding Chapter 645, relating to single state registration. Repeals Article
6675c-1, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 2, Chapter 705 (S.B. No.
3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.153.  Amends Subtitle F, Title 7, Transportation Code, to codify
Article 911m, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 4, Chapter 705 (S.B.
No. 3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Chapter 646, relating to motor transportation brokers. Repeals Article
911m, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 4, Chapter 705 (S.B.  No. 3),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.154.  Amends Section 661.003, Transportation Code, relating to
medical exemptions, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 539 (S.B. No. 1363),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending
Subsections (d) and (e) and adding Subsection (f). Repeals Section 1,
Chapter 539 (S.B. No. 1363), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.155.  Amends Chapter 662, Transportation Code, to conform to
Section 1(38), Chapter 1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 662.011,  relating to the
motorcycle education fund account. 

 Sec. 30.156.  Amends Section 681.001, Transportation Code,  relating to
the definition of mobility impairments, to conform to Section 1, Chapter
929 (H.B. No. 2083), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Subdivision (5).  Amends Section 681.003(c), Transportation
Code, relating to medical requirements for permits, to conform to Section
1, Chapter 929 (H.B. No. 2083), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. Amends Section 681.006(b), Transportation Code, relating to
parking fee and penalty exemptions, to conform to Section 2, Chapter 929
(H.B. No. 2083), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.
Amends Chapter 681, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 3, Chapter
929 (H.B. No. 2083), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
by adding Section 681.0101, relating to the enforcement by certain
appointed persons.  Amends  Section 681.011, Transportation Code, relating
to penalties, to conform to Section 4, Chapter 929 (H.B. No. 2083), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by amending Subsection (g)
and adding Subsections (h)-(l).  Repeals Sections 1-4, Chapter 929 (H.B.
No. 2083), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.157.  Amends Section 683.002, Transportation Code, relating to
abandoned motor vehicles, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 863 (S.B. No.
896), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals
Section 1, Chapter 863 (S.B. No. 896), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.158.  Amends Section 683.032(b), Transportation Code, relating to
abandoned vehicles, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 572 (S.B. No. 560),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section
683.034, Transportation Code, to conform to Section 1, Chapter 572 (S.B.
No. 560), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding
Subsection (e), relating to taking vehicles into custody.  Repeals Section
1, Chapter 572 (S.B. No. 560), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.159.  Amends Chapter 685, Transportation Code, relating to rights
of owners and operators of stored vehicles, to conform to Section 1,
Chapter 360 (S.B. No. 1278), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 1, Chapter 360 (S.B. No. 1278), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.160.  Amends Section 702.001, Transportation Code, relating to
definitions, to conform to Sections 6 and 7, Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504),
Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends Section
702.003(b), Transportation Code, relating to intergovernmental contracts,
to conform to Sections 5 and 6, Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Section 702.004,
Transportation Code, to conform to the repeal of Sections 2(b) and 5,
Article 6687c, Revised Statutes, by Sections 5 and 7, Chapter 434 (S.B.
No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Amends
and renumbers Section 702.005, Transportation Code, relating to warnings
and citations, as Section 702.004 of that code to conform to the repeal of
Section 2(b) and the amendment of Section 3, Article 6687c, Revised
Statutes, by Section 5, Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  Repeals Sections 5 and 6, Chapter 434
(S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.161.  Amends Subtitle I, Title 7, Transportation Code,  to
codify Article 6687d, Revised Statutes, as added by Section 1, Chapter 434
(S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by
adding Chapter 706, relating to denial of renewal of  license for failure
to appear.  Repeals Article 6687d, Revised Statutes, as added by Section
1, Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.162.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 723, Transportation Code, to
conform to Section 1(15), Chapter 1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, by adding Section 723.003, relating to
the traffic safety fund account.  Amends Section 723.032(b),
Transportation Code, relating to payments from the traffic safety fund
account, to conform to Section 1(15), Chapter 1058 (H.B. No. 3050), Acts
of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.163.  Amends Sections 724.035(b) and (c), Transportation Code,
relating to suspension of licenses, to correct references. 

 Sec. 30.164.  Amends Section 724.041(g), Transportation Code, relating to
administrative hearings, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.165.  Amends Section 724.063, Transportation Code, relating to
admissibility of alcohol concentration or presence of substance, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.166.  Amends Section 726.001(b), Transportation Code, relating to
the applicability of the section, to conform to the transfer of motor
carrier registration responsibilities from the Railroad Commission of
Texas to the Texas Department of Transportation by Chapter 705 (S.B. No.
3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.167.  Amends Section 729.001(a), Transportation Code, relating to
violations by minor vehicle operators, to conform to the repeal of the law
from which Sections 502.408(b) and 502.409(c) of that code were derived by
Section 9(6), Chapter 34 (S.B. No. 178), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.168.  Amends Section 729.003(d), Transportation Code, relating to
actions or remedies available to the court, to conform to Section 8,
Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995.  Repeals  Section 8, Chapter 434 (S.B. No. 1504), Acts of
the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 30.169.  Repeals Section 750.001, Transportation Code, to conform to
the repeal of the law from which it was derived by Section 58(e), Chapter
260 (S.B. No. 1), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.170.  Repeals Title 8, Transportation Code, which was reserved
for the codification of certain laws relating to the regulation of motor
carriers, to conform to the repeal of those laws by Chapter 705 (S.B. No.
3), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.171.  Amends Section 48.03, Alcoholic Beverage Code, relating to
eligibility for permit, to conform to the abolition of the Texas
High-Speed Rail Authority by Chapter 401 (H.B. No.  2390), Acts of the
74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 
 Sec. 30.172.  Repeals Section 13A, Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as added
by Section 15, Chapter 165 (S.B. No.  971), Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, to conform to the repeal of Sections 4(b) and (c),
Chapter 559, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993, by Section 58(f), Chapter
260 (S.B. No. 1), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  

 Sec. 30.173.  Amends Section 41.03, Alcoholic Beverage Code, relating to
eligibility for permit, to conform to the revision of Article 6675c,
Revised Statutes, as Chapter 643, Transportation Code, by this Act, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.174.  Amends Section 67.01, Alcoholic Beverage Code, relating  to
authorized activities, to conform to the revision of Article 6675c,
Revised Statutes, as Chapter 643, Transportation Code, by this Act, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.175.  Amends Section 108.08(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code,  to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 

 Sec. 30.176.  Amends Section 2A.104(a), Business & Commerce Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.177.  Amends Section 9.302(c), Business & Commerce Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.178.  Amends Section 35.46(a)(1), Business & Commerce Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.179.  Amends Section 84.004(c), Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.180.  Renumbers and amends Section 87.005, Civil Practice and
Remedies Code, as added by Chapter 604, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a reference. 

 Sec. 30.181.  Amends the heading to Subchapter I, Chapter 56, Education
Code, to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.182.  Amends Section 51.02(16), Family Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.183.  Amends Sections 54.042(a) and (c), Family Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.184.  Amends Section 232.011(h), Family Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.185.  Amends Section 25.2293(c), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.186.  Amends Section 51.702(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.187.  Amends Section 56.001(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.188.  Amends Section 316.033, Government Code, to conform to the
abolition of the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority by Chapter 401 (H.B. No.
2390), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a

 Sec. 30.189.  Repeals Sections 325.0081 and 325.0082, Government Code, as
duplicative of Sections 451.453 and 452.453, Transportation Code. 
 Sec. 30.190. Amends Section 411.082(2), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.191.  Amends Section 411.0095(e), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.192.  Amends Section 415.082(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct  references. 

 Sec. 30.193.  Repeals Section 551.122, Government Code, to conform to the
abolition of the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority by Chapter 401 (H.B. No.
2390), Acts of the 74th  Legislature, Regular Session, 1995.  
 Sec. 30.194.  Amends Section 555.003, Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.195. Amends Section 612.001(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.196.  Amends Section 791.028(a)(2), Government Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.197.  Amends Section 2001.221, Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.198.  Amends Section 2002.023, Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.199.  Amends Section 2151.002(2), Government Code, to conform to
the abolition of the Texas High-Speed Rail Authority by Chapter 401 (H.B.
No.  2390), Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.200.  Amends Section 2155.387, Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.201.  Amends Section 2252.033, Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.202.  Amends Section 2305.071(b), Government Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.203.  Amends Section 45.001, Health and Safety Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.204.  Amends Section 361.003(19), Health and Safety Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.205.  Amends Section 361.014(a), Health and Safety Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.206.  Amends Section 365.011(7), Health and Safety Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.207.  Amends Sections 382.037(a) and (d), Health and Safety Code,
to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.208.  Amends Sections 382.0371(i), (j), and (l), Health and
Safety Code, to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.209.  Amends Section 382.0622(a), Health and Safety Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference.  
 Sec. 30.210.  Amends Sections 382.131(7) and (8), Health and Safety Code,
to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.211.  Amends Section 692.003(e), Health and Safety Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.212.  Amends Sections 692.014(a), (b), and (d), Health and Safety
Code, to  conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, to correct references. 

 Sec. 30.213.  Amends Section 51.015(a), Labor Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct
 Sec. 30.214.  Amends Section 106.002, Local Government Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.215.  Amends Section 130.002, Local Government Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.216.  Amends Section 142.006(c), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.217.  Amends Sections 157.042(c) and (d), Local Government Code,
to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.218.   Amends Section 216.0035, Local Government Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.219.  Amends Section 216.013(d), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.220.  Amends Section 216.015(a), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, and Chapter 191, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session,
1987, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.221.  Amends Section 216.902(c), Local Government Code, to more
closely conform to the law from which it was derived. 

 Sec. 30.222.  Amends Section 238.002(b), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.223.  Amends Section 238.003(b), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.224.  Amends Section 343.001, Local Government Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.225.  Amends Section 375.091(d), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.226.  Amends Section 375.112(a), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.227.  Amends Section 402.072, Local Government Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.228.  Amends Section 411.003(a), Local Government Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.229.  Amends Section 113.097(d), Natural Resources Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.230.  Amends Section 113.287(e), Natural Resources Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.231.  Amends Section 133.003(18), Natural Resources Code, to
conform to  Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.232.  Amends Section 12.114(b), Parks and Wildlife Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.233.  Amends Section 47.001(9), Parks and Wildlife Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 

 Sec. 30.234.  Amends Section 61.201(d), Parks and Wildlife Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.235.  Amends Section 66.014(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.236.  Amends Section 8.07(a), Penal Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.237.  Amends Sections 31.01(8) and (9), Penal Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.238.  Amends Section 31.03(c), Penal Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct
 Sec. 30.239.  Amends Section 31.11(e), Penal Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.240.  Amends Section 38.04(c), Penal Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.241.  Amends Section 38.15(c), Penal Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.242.  Amends Section 48.01(a), Penal Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.243.  Amends Section 322, Texas Probate Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.244.  Amends Section 21.042(e), Property Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.245.  Amends Section 42.002(b), Property Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.246.  Amends Section 61.001(2), Property Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.247.  Amends Section 70.005(a), Property Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.248.  Amends Section 70.006(a), Property Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct a reference. 

 Sec. 30.249.  Amends Section 23.121(a)(3), Tax Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.250.  Amends Section 151.428(d), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
  Sec. 30.251.  Amends Sections 152.001(2), (3), (4), and (15), Tax Code,
to conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.252.  Amends Section 152.027(a), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a

 Sec. 30.253.  Amends Section 152.0411(e), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.254.  Amends Section 152.043, Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.255.  Amends Section 152.061(b), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.256.  Amends Section 152.081, Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,  to correct a
 Sec. 30.257.  Amends Section 152.082, Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.258.  Amends Section 152.083(b), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.259.  Amends Section 152.087, Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.260.  Amends Section 152.121(c), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.261.  Amends Section 153.305(d), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.262.  Amends Section 154.001(3), Tax Code, to conform to the
revision of Article 6675c, Revised Statutes, as Chapter 643,
Transportation Code, by this Act, to correct a reference. 

 Sec. 30.263.  Amends Section 155.001(3), Tax Code, to conform to the
revision of Article 6675c, Revised Statutes, as Chapter 643,
Transportation Code, by this Act, to correct a reference. 
 Sec. 30.264.  Amends Sections 321.101(b), (c), and (e), Tax Code, to
conform to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session,
1995, to correct references. 
 Sec. 30.265.  Amends Sections 321.1025(a) and (b), Tax Code, to conform
to Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.266.  Amends Section 322.001(a), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.267.  Amends Section 322.002(1), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.268.  Amends Section 322.108(b), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.269.  Amends Section 322.110(a), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct
  Sec. 30.270.  Amends Section 322.302(b), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.271.  Amends Section 322.304(c), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.272.  Amends Sections 323.101(b) and (c), Tax Code, to conform to
Chapter 165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to
correct references. 
 Sec. 30.273.  Amends Section 351.001(2), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.274.  Amends Section 351.102(a), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a

 Sec. 30.275.  Amends Section 352.101(a), Tax Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.276.  Amends Section 30.003(3), Water Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.277.  Amends Section 53.029(c), Water Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.278.  Amends Section 60.246(b), Water Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a

 Sec. 30.279.  Amends Section 63.183, Water Code, to conform to Chapter
165, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, to correct a
 Sec. 30.280.  Repeals Sections 1-4, Chapter 370, Acts of the 74th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1995. 

 Sec. 31.01.  Renumbers or reletters, by reference provisions of enacted
codes and changes appropriate cross-references to eliminate duplicate
citations or to relocate misplaced provisions.  

 Sec. 31.02.  Saving provision for number, letter, or designation made by
another Act of the 75th Legislature, that conflicts with this article. 


 Sec. 32.01.  Effective date:  September 1, 1997.
 Sec. 32.02.  Emergency clause. 


Committee Amendment No. 1 to HB 1845 amends the Transportation Code to
correct technical errors in the bill that were discovered by the Texas
Legislative Council after the bill was filed. The amendment: 
 (1) corrects internal cross-references and references to certain sections
in the Code of        Federal Regulations; 
 (2) removes two unnecessary references to a date in 1996; and
 (3) restates one provision to more closely conform to the drafting style
of the Texas        Legislative Council (restates county as "entity
receiving the turnpike project").