C.S.H.B. 2014
By: Janek
Committee Report (Substituted)


A "perfusionist" is a health care professional licensed by the Texas State
Board of Examiners of Perfusionists (board) under the "Licensed
Perfusionists Act" (Article 4529e, Vernon's Civil Statutes).  These
professionals operate the heart/lung machine during open heart surgery,
and keep a surgical patient alive while the patient's heart is stopped.
The board is charged with determining the qualifications of applicants for
licensure, administering a licensure examination, awarding licenses, and
disciplining licensees. 

The Act authorizes the board to contract with the American Board of
Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP) to develop and administer the licensure
examination.  Section 9 of the Act currently specifies the maximum amount
that the board may impose for the examination and other fees. The cost of
the ABCP's examination now substantially exceeds the $100 maximum fee the
board may impose, and it is in danger of losing its ability to contract
for the uniform national test. 

The Act also authorizes perfusionists, qualified to practice in other
states, to practice in Texas for up to 30 days per year without securing a
Texas license.  It is believed that foreign perfusionists are practicing
in Texas in excess of the 30-day limit, but the Act provides no means to
determine whether a violation of the time limit has occurred. 


HB 2014 authorizes the Texas State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists to
set fees at levels sufficient to pay the costs of administering the
Licensed Perfusionist Act, including the licensure examination.  The bill
requires out-of-state licensees to notify the board and obtain its
approval for temporary practice in Texas.  HB 2014 also reduces the
permissible period of temporary practice by a foreign perfusionist from 30
to 10 days per year. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 17, Article 4529e, Revised Statutes, by
removing the words "the practice of" in subsection (4) to clarify that the
legally qualified perfusionist is who is being exempted; and adding
language in subsection (5)(B) regarding exemption for a nonresident who
notifies the board, as specified, and is approved by the board or its
designated agent, to perform as a perfusionist for not more than 10 days
per year. Reference to more than 30 days is deleted. 

SECTION 2.   Repeals Section 9(b), Article 4529e, Revised Statutes.

SECTION 3.  Establishes that this Act is effective September 1, 1997.
Provides that the repeal of Section 9(b), Article 4529e, Revised Statutes
applies only to fees that become due on or after the effective date; any
fees due before this Act takes effect are governed by existing law which
is continued in effect for that purpose.  

SECTION 4.   Emergency Clause.

CSHB 2014 renumbers and redrafts SECTION 1 of HB 2014 as SECTION 2 of the
committee substitute and repeals subsection (b) of Section 9 of Article
4529e by reference to the subsection rather than by setting out the full
language of the section and striking through the language of subsection
(b) to be repealed.  

CSHB 2014 renumbers SECTION 2 of HB 2014 as SECTION 1 of the substitute
bill. In SECTION 2, the substitute bill corrects a grammatical error in
the language of subsection (4) of Section 17 (Exemptions) of Article 4529e
to clarify that it is the perfusionist who is an employee of the federal
government who is exempt from licensure under the subsection and not the
"practice" of the perfusionist, since licensure is granted to an
individual and not to a "practice." Also, language of Subdivision (B) of
subsection (5) of Section 17 (Exemptions) is revised to clarify that a
qualified person who is not a Texas resident has a duty to notify the
Board of intent to practice and to receive approval before practicing
temporarily for a period not to exceed 10 days annually.   

Additionally, CSHB 2014 adds a new subsection (b) to SECTION 3 of HB 2014,
relating to the effective date of the act.