H.B. 2103
By: Turner, Sylvester
Committee Report (Amended)


Many lower income and minority communities support a disproportionately
high concentration of solid waste facilities which negatively affect air
quality and property values.  According to the Texas Environmental Equity
and Justice Task Force Report published in 1993, "Concern for the welfare
of low-income and minority residents of communities that are
disproportionately impacted by environmental hazards has been growing . .
."  The Task Force found that, "Texas laws and regulations are neutral on
their face and are moving in a favorable direction respecting pollution
prevention and risk-based decision making."  However, some feel that the
law should be amended to more clearly define the need for more precaution
in siting certain facilities. 


H.B. 2103 will prohibit siting solid waste facilities within one half mile
of a residence, school, church, day care center, certain bodies of water,
or public park and directs the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission to consider the cumulative impacts of multiple sources of
pollution on a community as part of the permit process 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill grants rulemaking authority
to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (commission) in
SECTION 7, Subchapter D, Chapter 5, Water Code, Section 5.123(c) 

It is the committee's opinion that although this bill does not expressly
grant rulemaking authority to the commission, existing rulemaking
authority is modified in SECTION 6 of the bill, Section 361.102(a) & (c),
Health and Safety Code. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 361.002, Health and Safety Code by adding
Subsection (c) which specifies that it is the State's policy to restrict
the siting of solid waste facilities so as to not be disproportionately
located in low-income, minority, or other communities.  The policy also
that the adverse effects on the communities where they are located will be

SECTION 2. Amends Section 361.020(a), Health and Safety Code, to require
the commission's strategic plan for the reduction of waste to include
provisions to restrict the siting of solid waste facilities so as to
minimize the adverse effects on low-income, minority, and other
communities, and to require the consideration of the cumulative effect of
the presence of multiple sources of pollution on the community. 

SECTION 3.   Amends Section 361.0201(b), Health and Safety Code, to
require the plan to assess historical trends regarding the siting of solid
waste facilities, and to include provisions to restrict the siting of
those facilities. 

SECTION 4.   Amends Section 361.0216, Health and Safety Code, to direct
the commission's Office of Pollution Prevention to coordinate
environmental justice activities of the commission. 

SECTION 5.   Amends Section 361.034(a), Health and Safety Code, to require
the commission to describe, as part of its report to the Legislature and
Governor each session, progress made in  accomplishing the state's policy
of restricting solid waste facilities. 

SECTION 6. Amends Section 361.102, Health and Safety Code as follows:
 Section 361.102 (a)  requires the commission to prohibit by rule the
issuance of  specified permits if the permit applies to a facility which
is to be located within one-half mile of an established residence, church,
school, day care center, surface water body used for a public water
drinking supply, or dedicated public park. 
 Section 361.102 (b)  The current language is deleted and the former (c)
becomes (b) with these amendments: "commercial hazardous waste management
facility" is changed to "solid waste facility."  For a subsequent areal
expansion of a new facility that was required to comply with (a),
distances shall be measured from the residence, etc. if, at the time the
distance was certified under (a) the property was being used for that
purpose, or if the property for a residence was zoned residential. 
 Section 361.102 (c) Requires the commission to prohibit the issuance of a
permit for a new solid waste facility or the areal expansion of the same
that is exempt from the requirement of the permit, or the disposal of
solid waste if the facility or site is located more than one-half mile
from specified establishments unless  the owner or operator demonstrates
that the facility or site will be operated properly. 
 Section 361.102 (d) Requires the measurement of the distances to be taken
toward the property line of the establishment and specifies when the
measurement must be taken. 
 Section 361.102 (e)  The restrictions do not apply to an establishment
located within the boundaries of a solid waste facility or disposal site,
or property owned by the owner or operator of the facility or disposal
 Section 361.102 (f) The measurements are required to be taken around the
perimeter of the facility or site.  Prohibits the perimeter to be more
than 75 feet from the edge of the proposed facility. 

SECTION 7.   Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 5, Water Code, by adding Section
5.123 as follows: 
  Section 5.123 (a) directs the commission to consider cumulative risks to
communities when facilities are sited, expanded or operated in areas with
existing facilities, including certain evidence.  
 Section 5.123 (b) requires the commission to develop and implement
policies to protect the public from multiple sources of pollution. 
 Section 5.123 (c) requires the commission to adopt rules to accomplish
the purposes of this section. 

SECTION 8.  Effective Date: September 1, 1997

SECTION 9.   Emergency Clause.


COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1 changes the bill from restricting the siting of
solid waste facilities disproportionately in low-income or minority
communities to ensuring that solid waste facilities are not located
disproportionately in preexisting low-income or minority communities, or
other communities.  In addition to making conforming changes, all
references to siting restrictions and the synergistic or cumulative
effects  of substances are removed.   

COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 2 adds a new SECTION 7 to the bill which adds
Section 361.0695 to provide for public meeting and notice for solid waste
facilities as follows: 
 Section 361.0695 (a) requires an applicant for a new municipal solid
waste facility to hold a public meeting before the 45th day after the
application if filed. 
 Section 361.0695 (b) requires the applicant to publish notice of the
public meeting. 
 Section 361.0695 (c) requires the applicant to present an affidavit to
the commission certifying that the notice was published. 
 Section 361.0695 (d) provides requirements for notice size and
information required in it. 
 Section 361.0695 (e) requires the applicant to pay the cost of the notice.
 Section 361.0695 (f) stipulates what must be included in the discussion
at the meeting. 
 Section 361.0695 (g) requires the applicant to mail a report of the
proceedings of the meeting to the commission.