Senate Research Center   H.B. 2133
By: Jackson (Ratliff)
Economic Development


Currently, Chapter 412, Labor Code, sets forth the guidelines for the
division of risk management. The Legislative Oversight Committee on
Workers' Compensation in its Biennial Report to the 74th Legislature and
the House Business and Industry Committee in its Interim Report to the
74th Legislature studied the methods by which the state provides workers'
compensation insurance coverage to its employees and risk management
programs to reduce costs.  Both reports concluded that changes in the
organization and management of the state risks and claims payments would
reduce injuries, improve loss control and claims handling, and otherwise
enhance the quality and effectiveness of the state's risk management and
claims processing programs.  Such changes included the providing of total
responsibility to state agencies for risk and claims cost; and providing a
more equitable funding mechanism for payment of workers' compensation
claim costs.  This bill would delete existing Chapter 412, Labor Code, and
add a new Chapter 412, Labor Code,  relating to the creation, powers, and
duties of the  State Office of Risk Management, to implement these
suggested changes.   

As proposed, H.B. 2133 replaces Chapter 412, Labor Code, relating to the
division of risk management, with a new Chapter 412, Labor Code, relating
to the creation, powers, and duties of the State Office of Risk


Rulemaking authority is granted to the risk management board in SECTION 1
(Section 412.031, Labor Code), and to the executive director of the State
Office of Risk Management in SECTION 1 (Sections 412.041(h)(1) and (3),
Labor Code) of this bill.   


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 412, Labor Code, as follows: 


Sec. 412.001.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "board," "director," "office," and
"state agency."   


Sec. 412.011.  OFFICE.  Provides that the State Office of Risk Management
(office) is created to administer the government employees workers'
compensation insurance and the state risk management programs.  Sets forth
the duties of the office.  Provides that the office is administratively
attached to the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (commission) and
the commission shall provide the facilities for the office, but the office
shall be independent of the commission's direction.   

Sec. 412.012.  FUNDING.  (a)  Requires the office to be administered
through money appropriated by the legislature and through interagency
contracts for the risk management program and the allocation program for
the financing of state  workers' compensation  benefits.   

(b)  Requires each state agency to enter into an interagency contract with
the office under Chapter 771, Government Code, to pay the costs incurred
by the office in administering this chapter for the benefit of that state
agency.  Sets forth the costs payable under the contract.  Provides that
the amount of the costs to be paid by a state agency under the interagency
contract is based on certain factors.   

(c)  Provides that the state is self-insuring with respect to an
employee's compensable injury.  Requires the legislature to appropriate
the amount designated by the appropriation structure for the payment of
state worker' compensation claims costs to the office. Provides that this
section does not affect the reimbursement of claims costs by funds other
than general revenue funds, as provided by the General Appropriations Act.
Requires the office to establish an allocation program for the payment of
workers' compensation claims paid from the general revenue fund that are
incurred by state agencies subject to Chapter 501.  Requires the money
appropriated by the legislature for workers' compensation for state
employees to be allocated under that program as provided herein.  Requires
the office, at the beginning of each state fiscal biennium, to determine
which state agencies accounted for 90 percent of the state's general
revenue claims for workers' compensation claims for the preceding state
fiscal biennium.  Provides that those state agencies are required to
participate in the allocation program for the next state fiscal biennium.
Requires the office to establish a formula for allocating the state's
workers' compensation costs amount those agencies, based on the claims
experience of the agencies and the related costs incurred by administering
the claims.  Requires a state agency that is required to participate in
the allocation program to be rewarded or penalized for its actual
performance against expected workers' compensation losses as provided by
Subsection (c).  Requires the office to receive the amount appropriated
for workers' compensation claims.  Requires the office to perform certain
actions in regard to the workers' compensation expenses.  Provides that if
the office determines that an agency's performance resulted in workers'
compensation claims costs that were higher than the amount allocated to
that agency, the agency is not entitled to additional state funds for
those costs beyond the initial allocation and shall pay the additional
costs from the agency's regular appropriated funds.  Requires the agency
to reimburse the office for the additional costs through interagency
contracts, from the agency's regular appropriated funds.  Provides that if
the office determines that an agency's performance resulted in workers'
compensation claims costs that were lower than the amount allocated to
that agency, the agency is entitled to retain a portion of the savings.
Requires the office toe determine the amount of the savings that the
agency may retain.  Requires a state agency that is determined by the
office to be exempt from participation in the allocation program to
receive full coverage for workers' compensation costs incurred by that
agency from the office.  

(d)  Requires all money recovered by the director from a third party
through subrogation to be deposited into the state workers' compensation
account in general revenue. Authorizes funds deposited under this section
to be used for the payment of compensation and other benefits to state


Sec. 412.021.  RISK MANAGEMENT BOARD.  Provides that the office is
governed by the risk management board (board).  Requires the members of
the board to have demonstrated experience in the field of workers'
compensation and risk management administration.  Sets forth the
composition of the board.  Sets forth the terms of the members of the
board. Requires the lieutenant governor or speaker of the house of
representatives to designate one member of the board as presiding officer
on an alternating basis.  Requires the presiding officer to serve in that
capacity for a two-year term.  Provides that the board is subject to
Chapters 552 and 2001, Government Code.  Provides that the board is
subject to Chapter 325, Government Code, regarding the Texas Sunset Act.
Provides that the board is abolished and this section expires September 1,
Sec. 412.022.  TRAINING PROGRAM FOR BOARD MEMBERS.  Requires a person
appointed to the board to complete at least one course of a training
program that complies with this section to be eligible to take office as a
member of the board.  Provides that the training course is to be completed
within six months from the date of appointment, failure of which
constitutes grounds for removal from the board.  Requires a training
program established under this section to provide certain information to
the member.   

Sec. 412.023.  EFFECT OF LOBBYING ACTIVITY.  Prohibits a person from
serving as a member of the board or acting as the general counsel to the
board if the person is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter
305, Government Code, because of the person's activities for compensation
on behalf of a profession that is regulated by or that has fees regulated
by the board.   

Sec. 412.024.  GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL FROM BOARD.  Sets forth the grounds for
removal of a member from the board.  Requires the executive director
(director) of the office, if the director knows that a potential ground
for removal exists, to notify the presiding officer of the board of the
potential ground.  Requires the presiding officer to then notify the
lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the
attorney general that a potential ground for removal exists.  Requires the
director, if the potential ground for removal involves the presiding
officer, to notify the next highest officer of the board, who shall notify
the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and
the attorney general that a potential ground for removal exists.   


Sec. 412.031.  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.  Requires the board to adopt rules as
necessary to implement this chapter and Chapter 501.   

Sec. 412.032.  BOARD'S REPORT TO LEGISLATURE.  Requires the board to
report to each legislature relating to methods to reduce the exposure of
state agencies to the risks of property and liability losses; the
operation, financing, and management of those risks; and the handling of
claims brought against the state.  Sets forth the required contents of the

Sec.  412.033.  Requires the board to hire a qualified person to serve as
director of the office. Provides that the director serves at the pleasure
of the board. 


Sec. 412.041.  DUTIES; RESPONSIBILITIES.  (a)  Requires the director to
serve as the state risk manager.   

(b)  Requires the director to supervise the development and administration
of systems to identify the property and liability losses; to identify the
administrative costs of risk management incurred by each state agency; to
identify and evaluate the exposure of each state agency to claims for
property and liability losses; and to reduce the property and liability

(c)  Sets forth additional duties of the director.  

(d)  Authorizes the director, with the approval of the board, to secure
and provide for services that are necessary and to employ and compensate
within available appropriations professional consultants, technical
assistants, and employees on a full-time or part-time basis.   

(e)  Provides that the director also serves as the administrator of the
government employee workers' compensation insurance program.   

 (f)  Authorizes the director, in administering and enforcing Chapter 501,
to act in the capacity of employer and insurer.  Provides that this
subsection is effective for dates of injury before September 1, 1995.
Requires the director to act as an adversary before the commission and
courts and present the legal defenses and positions of the state as an
employer and insurer.  Entitles the director to the legal counsel of the
attorney general. Provides that the director is subject to the rules,
orders, and decisions of the commission in the same manner as a private
employer, insurer, or association.   

(g)  Requires the director, in administering and enforcing Chapter 501, to
act in the capacity of insurer.  Provides that this subsection is
effective for dates of injury on or after September 1, 1995.  Requires the
director to act as an adversary before the commission and courts and
present the legal defenses and positions of the state as an insurer.
Entitles the director to legal counsel of the attorney general.  Provides
that the director is subject to the rules, orders, and decisions of the
commission in the same manner as an insurer or association.   

(h)  Requires the director to prepare for adoption by the board
procedural rules and prescribe forms necessary for the effective
administration of this chapter and Chapter 501, effective for dates of
injury before September 1, 1995; to prepare for adoption by the board and
enforce reasonable rules for the prevention of accidents and injuries; and
to prepare for adoption by the board procedural rules and prescribe forms
necessary for the effective administration of this chapter and Chapter
501, effective for dates of injury on or after September 1, 1995.         

(i)  Requires the director to hold hearings on all proposed rules and
provide reasonable opportunity for the officers of state agencies to
testify at hearings on all proposed rules under this chapter and Chapter

(j)  Requires the director to furnish copies of all rules to the
commission and to the administrative heads of all state agencies affected
by this chapter and Chapter 501.   

Sec. 412.042.  REPORTS TO THE LEGISLATURE.  Requires the director to
report to the legislature at the beginning of each regular session.
Requires the report to be dated January 1 of the year in which the regular
session is held.  Sets forth the required contents of the report.
Requires the director to report to the legislature a state agency that
fails to meet its obligation regarding the prevention of accidents and
injuries to state employees.  


Sec. 412.051.  DUTIES OF STATE AGENCIES.  Require each state agency
subject to this chapter to actively manage the risks of that agency by
developing, implementing, and maintaining programs designed to assist
employees who sustain compensable injuries to return to work.  

Sec. 412.052.  EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN STATE AGENCIES.  Provides that this
chapter does not apply to a state agency that had medical malpractice
insurance coverage, workers' compensation insurance coverage, or other
self-insurance coverage with associated risk management programs before
January 1, 1989.   

Sec. 412.053.  ANNUAL REPORT BY STATE AGENCY.  Requires each state agency
to report to the director for each fiscal year certain information.
Requires the information to be reported on or before 60 days after the
close of each fiscal year.  Deletes existing Chapter 412, relating to
division of risk management.   

SECTION 2. Amends Section 501.001, Labor Code, by amending Subdivisions
(3) and (4) and by adding Subdivision (7), to redefine "director" and
"office" and to define "board."   

SECTION 3. Amends Section 501.002(c), Labor Code, by providing that for
the purpose of applying the provisions listed by Subsection (a) to this
chapter, "insurer" or "employer" means,  among other items, "office" or
"state agency."   

SECTION 4. Amends Section 501.003(a), to provide that the provisions of
this chapter and the rules of the board, rather than the director of the
workers' compensation division of the attorney general's office, affecting
an employee also apply to the legal beneficiary of a deceased employee.  

SECTION 5. Amends Section 501.046, Labor Code, to require the director of
the State Office of Risk Management, in addition to other reports required
by the board, rather than the commission, to file a subsequent report no
later than the 10th day of the termination of the injured employee's

SECTION 6. Repealers:  Sections 501.023, 501.041, 501.042, 501.043,
501.047, and 501.049, Labor Code (State Self-Insuring; Workers'
Compensation Division, Director; Director as Insurer; Director's Powers
and Duties; Reports to Legislature; and State Workers' Compensation

SECTION 7. Amends Section 402.021(a), Labor Code, to delete text requiring
the commission to have, among other divisions, a division of risk
management.  Makes conforming changes.  

SECTION 8. Amends Section 403.003(b), Labor Code, to prohibit the
commission, in setting the rate of assessment, from considering revenue or
expenditures related to the State Office of Risk Management, rather than
the division of risk management; the research and oversight council on
workers' compensation, rather than the research center; or any other
revenue or expenditure excluded from consideration by law.   

SECTION 9. Makes application of this Act prospective. 

SECTION 10. (a)  Provides that the division of workers' compensation in
the office of the attorney general and the division of risk management in
the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission are abolished on the effective
date of this Act.  Requires all employees, records, equipment, and
supplies in the custody of those divisions, as those divisions existed on
August 31, 1997, to be transferred to the State Office of Risk Management
no later than December 31, 1997.   

(b)  Requires the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of
representatives, in making the initial appointments to the risk management
board, to each appoint one member for a term expiring February 1, 1999;
one member for a term expiring February 1, 2001; and one member for a term
expiring February 1, 2003.   

(c)  Requires the lieutenant governor to appoint the first presiding
officer to serve in that capacity for a term expiring February 1, 1999.  

SECTION 11. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 12. Emergency clause.