SRC-CDH H.B. 2509 75(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center H.B. 2509 By: Hilderbran (Zaffirini) Health & Human Services 5-5-97 Engrossed DIGEST Alzheimer's is a disease that destroys the brain, leaving afflicted people incapable of mental or physical self-reliance. Currently, there are over 265,000 Texans with Alzheimer's disease, and as the elderly population of Texas increases, the demands placed upon Texas' resources and its citizens due to Alzheimer's will also increase. Estimates indicate that one out of every eight people over the age of 65 will be stricken with Alzheimer's, and that 50 percent of Texans over the age of 85 will be stricken with this illness. Presently, the Medicaid system provides nursing facility care for people who meet specified medical coverage and financial eligibility requirements. Additionally, the Community-Based Alternatives (CBA) program is a Medicaid waiver program which provides community care services to elderly or disabled individuals who wish to delay nursing home entry. These programs, however, do not adequately address the specific medical conditions, functional needs, and behavioral characteristics of most Alzheimer's patients. Individualized, community-based services such as nursing care, attendant care, or respite care would allow an Alzheimer's patient to live more cost-effectively in a less restrictive environment. H.B. 2509 directs the Department of Human Services, in coordination with all appropriate state and federal agencies and an advisory committee, to develop and implement a pilot program for the treatment of Alzheimer's patients, as well as for the education and support of their family members and caregivers. PURPOSE As proposed, H.B. 2509 establishes a pilot program for the treatment of Alzheimer's patients. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 32B, Human Resources Code, by adding Section 32.0246, as follows: Sec. 32.0246. PILOT PROGRAM FOR TREATMENT OF ALZHEIMER'S PATIENTS. Requires the Texas Department of Human Services (DHS), in cooperation with all appropriate state and federal agencies and with the advisory committee established in Subsection (b), to develop and implement a pilot program for the treatment of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease which meets certain requirements. Sets forth the terms by which DHS is required to appoint an advisory committee to assist in developing and implementing the program. Prohibits the pilot program from making an individual eligible for medical assistance who is not otherwise eligible for medical assistance. Sets forth the terms by which DHS is authorized to seek and accept a gift, grant, or donation. Requires DHS to submit a report to the legislature concerning the program's effectiveness not later than January 15, 1999. SECTION 2. Emergency clause. Effective date: upon passage.