H.B. 2541
By: Kuempel
Committee Report (Amended)


A Scientific Breeder's Permit issued under Chapter 43, Subchapter L, Parks
and Wildlife Code, allows an individual to engage in the business of
holding white-tailed and mule deer in confinement for breeding,
propagation, management, and scientific purposes;  transporting them
across the state; releasing them from their facility into the wild; and
buying and selling them in Texas.  However, Scientific Breeders must
obtain their animals from legitimate out-of-state sources, or from other
Scientific Breeders in Texas. 


HB 2541 will simplify and streamline some of the requirements and
procedures of Scientific Breeders, and protect their rights of ownership
of legally obtained deer, while protecting the rights of Texans to the
ownership of wild white-tailed and mule deer. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or
institution.  This bill does expand the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Commission's scope in making regulations, in SECTION 2 [Sec. 43.357 (b)]. 


SECTION 1: Amends Sec. 43.356 (b), Parks and Wildlife Code, by removing
the requirement that an ear tag be made of metal, and clarifies that the
Parks and Wildlife Commission may require other identification markings. 

SECTION 2: Amends Sec. 43.357 (b), Parks and Wildlife Code, to clarify
that the Parks and Wildlife Commission may make regulations that provide
for the recapture of lawfully possessed white-tailed or mule deer that
have escaped from a Scientific Breeder facility. 

SECTION 3: Amends Sec. 43.358, Parks and Wildlife Code, to clarify that an
authorized employee of the Parks and Wildlife Department may inspect
records required of Scientific Breeders. 

SECTION 4: Amends Sec. 43.359, Parks and Wildlife Code, to clarify that
Scientific Breeders must keep accurate records of transactions on a form
provided by the Department, and make a report to the Department in a time
and manner required by commission proclamation. 

SECTION 5: Amends Sec. 43.362, Parks and Wildlife Code, to clarify that
Scientific Breeders may not purchase or accept a white-tailed or mule deer
unless it is properly marked; and may not release white-tailed or mule
deer from their facility into the wild unless all visible markings
required by Sec. 43.356 (b) have been removed. 

SECTION 6: Amends Sec. 43.363 (a), Parks and Wildlife Code, to remove the
requirement that Scientific Breeders shipping white-tailed or mule deer
during and 10 days before a hunting season, remove the antlers of male
deer when they are being shipped to another Scientific Breeder.  This
section also clarifies that a Scientific Breeder must notify the
Department of the  sale of deer from their facility, but removes the
specific language in the statute as to what constitutes notification. 

SECTION 7: Amends Sec. 43.365, Parks and Wildlife Code, to make failure to
provide records required under Sec. 43.359 (a) to a game warden for
inspection, a violation. 

SECTION 8: Effective date:  September 1, 1997.  Transition clause.

SECTION 9: Emergency clause.


Committee amendment no. 1 adds a new SECTION 1 and renumbers the
subsequent sections appropriately.  Committee amendment no. 1 makes the
license period for a scientific game breeders license consistent with
other Department licenses (yearly period beginning on September 1 or on
another date set by the commission and extends through August 31 of the
next year or another date set by the commission). 

Committee amendment no. 2 makes no substantive changes, it only clarifies
the language in SECTION 6.