H.B. 2703
By: Stiles
Committee Report (Amended)


The manufactured housing industry has been regulated by the Texas
Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) since 1995; prior to
1995, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation regulated the
industry.  The purpose of the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act is
to protect the citizens by imposing regulations on the construction and
installation of manufactured housing, to provide economic stability of
housing manufacturers, retailers, installers and brokers, and to provide
for consumer remedies.  Currently, manufacturers, retailers, brokers,
installers and rebuilders are required to post bonds or other security as
a condition of licensure.  This bond or security is liable for, and must
provide reimbursement to the recovery fund for claims made by consumers
against a license holder.  The amount of the retailer bond is currently

An inspection fee is imposed on every manufactured home sold.  However, a
backlog of inspections is growing.  According to the TDHCA, unless more
money and staffing resources are provided, a backlog of manufactured homes
that have been installed but not inspected will reach 44,640 by the end of
FY 97. 

Of the 22,983 installation inspections performed in FY 96, 2,803 improper
inspections were found.  Construction-related violations, including minor
violations such as windows broken during transportation, totalled 1,190
during that period. 

Manufactured housing is constructed to a national building code
promulgated and enforced by the federal Department of Housing and Urban
Development.  The code is preemptive of all state and local building codes
because of the interstate shipment and transportation of homes.  On July
13, 1994, a more stringent HUD regulation became effective requiring
substantial additional construction standards for manufactured homes
designed for Wind Zone II. 

The TDHCA recently proposed rules for Wind Zone II (coastal) counties
which would prohibit the relocation within the Wind Zone II area of
manufactured homes not meeting Zone II standards.  A series of public
hearings was held around the state to solicit comments on the rules. One
objection raised about this proposal is that not allowing the relocation
of existing homes would dramatically reduce the value of those homes.  The
Department has since withdrawn the proposed rule and plans to present a
modified proposal.   


This legislation would prohibit homes constructed on or after July 13,
1994 from being installed in Wind Zone II unless they meet Zone II
standards, and grandfather homes currently installed in Zone II.  The
inspection program would be changed to a random program.  Local
governments would be required to justify a need for standards different
from those promulgated for the area by the agency.  The amount of the
required retailer bond would be increased from $30,000 to $100,000.  Sales
of nonhabitable homes to consumers would be permitted with proper notice.


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or

SECTION 1. Amends Section 3, Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act, by
alphabetizing the definitions provided in that Section. 

SECTION 2. Amends Section 3A, Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act, by
requiring the definition of "mobile home," "HUD-code manufactured home,"
and "manufactured housing" provided by Section 3 to be binding on all
persons, agencies, local political subdivisions, and home-rule cities in

SECTION 3.  Amends Sections 4(g) - (i), Texas Manufactured Housing
Standards Act. 
 (g)  Requires local governments to justify by substantial evidence public
need for construction or installation standards different from those
promulgated by the director for the construction or installation of
manufactured housing within the local government unit.  
 (h)  Requires the director to publish a notice and conduct a public
hearing following Section 9 of this Act before altering or approving
different standards than those authorized by this Act. 
 (i)  Requires the director to state an effective date for requirements,
modifications, or repeals of requirements as provided by Section 9 of this

SECTION 4. Adds Section 4B, Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act. 
 (a) Requires the department to establish a random inspection program
requiring inspections for at least 25% of all manufactured home
 (b) Prohibits manufactured homes constructed on or after July 13, 1994
from being installed in Wind Zone II, unless the home was designed and
constructed to meet or exceed federal construction and safety standards
developed for that area. 
 (c) Requires sellers of used manufactured homes constructed before July
13, 1994, to give notice to purchasers that the home was constructed
before the effective date of federal construction and safety standards for
hurricane zones and that the purchaser may not be able to install the home
in Wind Zone II. 
 (d) Allows manufactured homes installed in Wind Zone II before September
1, 1997, to remain and relocate in Wind Zone II. 
 (e) Specifies Wind Zone II counties. 

SECTION 5. Amends Section 6(e) - (h), Texas Manufactured Housing Standards
Act, by amending subsections (e)-(h) and adding subsection (l). 
 (e)-(h)  Substitutes "licensed" for "registered." 
 (l) Prohibits a salesperson from providing, or assisting a consumer in
providing, false or misleading information on credit applications. 

SECTION 6. Amends Section 7, Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act.
 Section 7. Substitutes "license" for "certificate of registration" and
"registration", "license holder" for "registrant", and "licensed" for
"registered"; adds Subsection (r) which provides a specific procedure for
the department to follow for license renewal.  

SECTION 7. Amends Section 7(A), Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act. 
 Section 7(A). Provides a new title for the section; authorizes the
director to recognize, prepare or administer certification programs;
requires the director to issue a certificate to a person who completes a
certification or continuing education program. 

SECTION 8. Amends Sections 8(b), (d), (e), (f), (h), and (i), Texas
Manufactured Housing Standards Act. 
 (b)  Adds an exception to the prohibition against selling a home that is
not habitable; changes from 60 to 90 days the period in which a consumer
is required to notify the seller of any defects making the home
uninhabitable after a sale, exchange, or lease-purchase agreement; deletes
provision requiring uninhabitable homes to be sold only for business use.  
 (d)  Deletes language relating to transfer of used homes for business use.
 (e)  Allows the sale of used homes on an "as is" basis provided proper
notice is given to the buyer; deletes current provision requiring
inspection by the department. 
  (f)  Deletes language relating to transfer of used homes for business
 (h) Deletes language relating to procedure for transfer of uninhabitable
 (i) Designates current subsection (i) as subsection (h).

SECTION 9. Amends Section 9(d) - (g), and (m), Texas Manufactured Housing
Standards Act. 
 (d)  Defines the word "rule" for purposes of Section 9; deletes current
requirements for publishing of proposed changes in rules and regulations. 
 (e)  Requires rules to be adopted as provided by Chapter 2001, Government
Code, and this section. 
 (f)  Provides publishing requirements for proposed rules, amendments to
rules and repeal of rules; provides notice requirements for hearings on
rules; requires the director to allow people to participate by providing
written comments. 
 (g)  Provides publishing requirements for adopted rules and repeal of
rules; requires effective dates relating to installation standards to be
not less than 60 days following the date of publication of notice;
requires the effective date for any other rule to be as provided by
Chapter 2001, Government Code or later. 
 (m)  Substitutes the word "licensed" for "registered".

SECTION 10. Amends Sections 11(c) and (d), Texas Manufactured Housing
Standards Act. 
 (c) and (d) Substitutes "license" for "certificate holder" and

SECTION 11. Amends Section 13(a) and (f) - (i), Texas Manufactured Housing
Standards Act. 
 Section 13(a) and (f) - (i). Substitutes "license" for "certificate of
registration" and "registration", "licensed" for "registered", and
"license holder" for "registrant"; increases the amount of the retailer
bond from $30,000 to $100,000. 

SECTION 12. Amends Section 13A(e) - (g) and (k), Texas Manufactured
Housing Standards Act, 
 Section 13A (e) - (g) and (k). Substitutes "licensed" for "registered",
"license holder" for "registrant", and "license" for "certificate of

SECTIONS 13. Amends Section 14, Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act,
by amending subsections (f) and (k) and adding subsections (n) and (o). 
 Subsections (f) and (k).  Substitutes "license" for "registration". 
 (n)  Provides that when a new HUD-code manufactured home is permanently
affixed to real estate, the manufacture's certificate of origin is
canceled, a certificate of attachment must be filed in the deed records of
the county, and the seller may give the purchaser a combined manufacturer
and retailer warranty. 
 (o)  Provides that separate written warranties by the manufacturer and
retailer are not required if a combination warranty is given; Makes the
manufacturer, retailer, and seller of real estate jointly liable to the
purchaser for the performance of the respective warranty responsibilities. 

SECTION 14.  Amends Section 17(b), Texas Manufactured Housing Standards
Act, by substituting "license" for "registration". 

SECTION 15. Amends Section 18(d), (f), and (g), Texas Manufactured Housing
Standards Act. 
 Section 18(d), (f) and (g). Substitutes "license" for "certificate of
registration", "unregistered" for "unlicensed", and "licensed" for

SECTION 16.  Amends Section 19(k), Texas Manufactured Housing Standards
 Section 19(k). Substitutes "license" for "registration".

SECTION 17.  (a) Effective date: September 1, 1997. 
   (b) Provides for continuity of certificates of registration valid
immediately before the effective date of this Act until the expiration of
the registration. 

SECTION 18.  Emergency clause.


Committee Amendment No. 1 requires local government entities, in order to
obtain board approval from the Texas Department of Housing and Community
Affairs for standards that are different from those promulgated by the
director, to demonstrate that public health and safety require the
adoption of the different standards; (2) requires the department to adopt
a samplebased installation inspection program whereby at least 25% of the
homes installed are inspected with priority placed on multi-section homes
and homes installed in Wind Zone II; (3) increases the retailer's bond
from $30,000 to $50,000; and, (4) deletes Section 8, in its entirety, from
the bill. 

Committee Amendment No. 2 provides for wind zone regulations and
restrictions regarding the placement of manufactured homes built after the
effective date of this Act in Wind Zone II counties (15 counties located
along the Texas Gulf coast), and grandfathers all manufactured homes built
prior to the effective date of this Act.