Senate Research Center   H.B. 2923
By: Coleman (Ellis)


The Urban Academic Village Program at Texas Southern University is part of
the on-campus residency for freshmen and sophomores that begins in the
fall of 1998.  Texas Southern University's current medical service
facility will not be able to meet the expected increase in medical service
needs due to the on-campus residency program. The number of students
currently being served and the anticipated increase in resident students
will cause the present facility to be overwhelmed with service requests.
New resources to expand services and staff are required.  Charging a
medical services fee to be used for capital improvements to the medical
services facility would help meet current and anticipated needs for
medical services at Texas Southern University.
H.B.  2923 would allow Texas Southern University to levy and collect a fee
from each student to finance capital improvement projects for the medical
services facility.

As proposed, H.B. 2923 authorizes Texas Southern University to levy and
collect a fee from each student to finance capital improvement projects
for the medical services facility.             


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 54E, Education Code, by adding Section 54.5222,
as follows: 

the board of regents (board) of Texas Southern University (university) to
levy and collect a medical services fee not to exceed $35 per student for
each semester of the regular term or $17.50 for each term of the summer
session from each student enrolled in the university for the sole purpose
of operating, maintaining, improving, and equipping a medical service
facility at the university, acquiring and constructing additions to the
medical services facility, and providing medical services to students
registered at the university. Provides that a fee collected under this
section is in addition to any other use or service fee authorized to be
levied.  Requires the fees collected under this section to be deposited to
the credit of an account known as the "Texas Southern University Medical
Services Fee Account" to be under the control of the student advisory
committee established under Section 54.5031.  Requires the student fee
advisory committee annually to submit to the board a complete and itemized
budget for the medical service facility with according to certain
provisions.  Authorizes the board, after approving the budget, in
accordance with this section, to levy a medical services fee for that year
in certain amounts.  Authorizes the board, if the budget approved by the
board contains an expenditure for the construction of a facility, to
contract for the construction of the facility. 

(d)  Prohibits the board from increasing the amount of the medical
services fee by more than 10 percent in any academic year unless the
amount of the increase is approved by a majority of the students voting in
an election held for that purpose or by a majority of the student
government of the institution. 
(e)  Prohibits a fee levied under this section from being considered in
determining the maximum student services fee that may be charged under
Section 54.503(b).  Requires the board, before a fee is initially charged
under this section and at other times as determined by the board, to
provide students at the institution and employees of the institution an
opportunity to make recommendations to the board about the type of or
scope of services the medical facility should offer. 

SECTION 2. Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.
  Effective date: upon passage.