H.B. 3092
By: Jones, Jesse
Committee Report (Substituted)


A school district or county is not required to provide transportation for
children living within a two mile radius of the school they attend. The
school district or county may petition the commissioner of education for
funds to transport children living in a hazardous condition. School
children who live within the two mile radius can use public transportation
to and from school. Current hazardous condition along the route lines of
some public buses has cause some parents and school officials to be
concerned about the safety of these school children. The two reported
death of school children riding public transportation have heighten these


C.S.H.B. 3092 would require public transportation, acquired on or after
Sept. 1, 1997, to be equipped with two or more flashing amber hazard
lamps, which are visible from 500 feet away, mounted on the rear of the
bus. The lamps must be operated when loading or unloading a person age 18
years old or younger. The bus also must have a "Caution--children may be
exiting" sign on the rear of the bus. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or


SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter L, Chapter 547, Transportation Code, by
adding Section 547.7011. 

 (a) Requires a public transportation bus, acquired on or after September
1, 1997, to be equipped with two or more flashing amber hazard lamps,
which are visible from 500 feet away, mounted on the rear of the bus. 

 (b) Requires the operator of the bus to activate the hazard lamps if the
bus stops to load or unload a person under 18 years of age. 

 (c) Requires the bus to have a "Caution--children may be exiting" sign on
the rear of the bus.   
SECTION 2. Effective Date -- September 1, 1997.

SECTION 3.  Emergency Clause.


The substitute changes the caption of the original to conform to the body
of the bill. 

SECTION 1. Subsection (a) of the original required a public transportation
bus, other than a school bus, to be equipped with a visual signal to warn
other drivers that the bus may be stopping to load or unload persons under
the age of 18. The original allows the bus owner to design the signal,
which  must be conspicuous and require other vehicles to stop. The
substitute deletes Subsection (a) in its entirety and adds new language
requiring buses acquired on or after September 1, 1997, to be equipped
with two or more flashing amber hazard lamps, which are visible from 500
feet away, mounted on the rear of the bus. 

 Subsection (b) of the original requires the bus operator to activate the
warning equipment if the bus stops to load or unload a person under the
age of 18 at a location within two miles of  a school during the two-hour
period before and after school. Subsection (b) of the substitute retains
the provision requiring the bus operator to activate the hazard lamps if
the bus stops to load or unload a person under the age of 18, but deletes
the requirements that the signals be operated within two miles of a school
and during the two-hours before and after school. 

 Subsection (c) of the substitute is new and was not contained in the
original. It requires the bus to have a "Caution--children may be exiting"
sign on the rear of the bus. 

SECTION 2. The substitute deleted Section 2 of the original entirely.
Section 2 of the original amended Sec. 545.006 (a) and (b), Transportation
Code, referring to circumstances where a driver of a vehicle would be
required to stop while approaching a bus stopped on the road to load or
unload school children.  Section 2 of the substitute is now the effective
date, which was contained in Section 4 of the original. 

SECTION 3. The substitute deleted Section 3 of the original entirely.
Section 3 of the original required buses to add warning signals by January
1, 1998. The  is changed to the effective date in the substitute. Section
3 of the substitute is now the emergency clause. 

SECTIONS 4 and 5. The substitute deleted Sections 4 and 5 of the original
entirely. Section 4 of the original set the effective date, which is now
contained in Section 2 of the substitute. Section 5 of the original set
the emergency clause, which is now contained in Section 3 of the