GEC H.B. 3137 75(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 3137
By: Solomons
Committee Report (Unamended)


Chapter 410 of the Labor Code currently allows insurance carriers engaged
in a workers' compensation lawsuit to settle their case and then claim
that the settlement agreement reverses or modifies an Appeals Panel
decision awarding benefits.  Carriers also use judgments based on default
or on an agreement of the parties to accomplish the same end.
Additionally, carriers sometimes attempt to use these settlement
agreements and judgments to seek reimbursement through the Subsequent
Injury Fund for any benefits they may have provided to a claimant.  This
proposed legislation prevents both of these practices.  It also applies
some of the Section 410.256 requirements with regard to court approval of
settlements to a new Section 410.257 on court approval of judgments.
Finally, this proposed legislation would make any judgment entered or
settlement approved without complying with Sections 410.256, 410.257, or
410.258 void.  This places the burden of compliance with these provisions
on the litigating parties rather than the Commission. 


HB 3137 prevents the use of settlement agreements, and judgments based on
default or on an agreement of the parties, to overturn Appeals Panel
decisions.  HB 3137 also prevents carriers from using these types of
judgments and settlements to seek reimbursement from the Subsequent Injury
Fund for benefit payments made to a claimant.  HB 3137 also ensures that
the Commission has notice and an opportunity to intervene in a workers'
compensation lawsuit to explain why a judgment or settlement should not be
approved by a court. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or


SECTION 1.  Amends and renumbers Section 410.256, Labor Code.

 Section 410.256.  Court Approval of Settlement.  Establishes that an
appeals panel decision cannot be modified or reversed by settlement of a
claim or issue reached by the parties in a workers' compensation lawsuit
unless a party to the proceeding has first filed for judicial review under
Subchapter F or Subchapter G, Chapter 410, Labor Code.  Denies
reimbursement from the Subsequent Injury Fund in cases where a claim or
issue is settled and not adjudicated. Makes a settlement void if it does
not comply with all appropriate provisions of the law including Section

SECTION 2.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 410, Labor Code by adding a new
Section 410.257 and a new Section 410.258. 

 Section 410.257.  Judgment After Judicial Review.  

(a)  Establishes that a judgment entered by a court on judicial review of
an appeals panel decision under Subchapter F or Subchapter G, Chapter 410,
Labor Code, must comply with all appropriate provisions of the law. 

(b)  Establishes that a judgment entered into under this section may not
provide for  (1) payment of benefits in a lump sum except as provided by
Section 408.128, or (2) the limitation or termination of a claimants right
to medical benefits under Section 408.021. 

(c)  Establishes that a judgment resolving an issue of impairment may not
be entered before a claimant reaches maximum medical improvement.
Requires a judgment resolving an issue of impairment to adopt an
impairment rating under Subchapter G, Chapter 408, Labor Code, except to
the extent that the claimant has experienced a substantial change of
condition such that Section 410.307 applies. 

(d)  Establishes that a judgment under this section may not order
reimbursement from the Subsequent Injury Fund. 

(e)  Establishes that a default judgment or a judgment derived through an
agreement of the parties does not constitute a modification or reversal of
an appeals panel decision awarding benefits for the purposes of obtaining
reimbursement from the Subsequent Injury Fund under Section 410.205. 

(f)  Establishes that a judgment that on its face does not comply with
Section 410.257 is void. 

Section 410.258.  Notification of Commission of Proposed Judgments and
Settlements; Right to Intervene. 

(a)  Requires a party who initiates judicial review of an appeals panel
decision under either Subchapter F or Subchapter G, Chapter 410, Labor
Code, to file with the executive director of the Commission any proposed
judgment or settlement made by the parties to the proceeding, including a
proposed default judgment, not later than 30 days before the court is
scheduled to enter the judgment or approve the settlement.  Requires that
the proposed judgment or settlement be mailed to the executive director by
certified mail, return receipt requested. 

(b)  Authorizes the Commission to intervene in a proceeding under
Subsection (a) not later than the 30th day after the date of receipt of
the proposed judgment or settlement. 

(c)  Requires the Commission to review a proposed judgment or settlement
received under Subsection (a) to determine compliance with all appropriate
provisions of the law.  Authorizes the Commission to intervene as a matter
of right in the proceeding not later than the 30th day after the date it
receives a proposed judgment or settlement if the Commission determines
that the proposal is not in compliance with the law.  Authorizes a court
to limit the extent of the Commission's intervention to providing the
information described in Subsection (e). 

(d)  Authorizes a court to enter a judgment or approve a settlement if the
court determines that the proposed judgment or settlement is in compliance
with the law, and the Commission has not intervened before the 31st day
after receipt of the proposal. 

(e)  Requires the Commission to inform a court of each reason why the
Commission believes a proposed judgment or settlement is not in compliance
with the law, if the Commission chooses to intervene in a proceeding.
Requires a court to give full consideration to the information provided by
the Commission before entering a judgment or approving a settlement. 

(f)  Establishes that a judgment entered or a settlement approved without
complying with the requirement of Section 410.258 is void. 

SECTION 3.  Establishes the effective date of the Act as September 1, 1997.

SECTION 4.  Suspends the three-day rule.