Senate Research Center   H.B. 3189
By: Kuempel (Armbrister)


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (department) receives dedicated
revenue from tax on certain sporting goods.  The amount is capped at $27
million for fiscal years 1994  and 1995, and $32 million for fiscal years
1996 and 1997.  Of the first $27 million of dedicated sporting goods sales
tax received by the department, 50 percent goes to the state parks (state
parks account) and 50 percent goes to the local parks (Texas recreation
and parks account).  The additional $5 million received from the sporting
goods sales tax in the current biennium is allocated as follows: 40
percent to state parks, 40 percent to local parks, and 20 percent  to the
Texas parks and wildlife capital account.  The capital account is
authorized for use to pay debt service on department bonds, as well as for
use on parks, fisheries, and wildlife projects.                    

The Committee on State Recreational Resources conducted an interim study
on the deferred maintenance needs of our state parks and reviewed several
of the critical infrastructure needs.  In addition, the department
established an Infrastructure Task Force to assess the current
infrastructure situation, and provided recommendations to reduce the
backlog.  The task force identified a total infrastructure need of $161
million.  Of this amount, $75 million was determined to be critical.
Critical needs are those considered imminently necessary for the health
and safety of the public, to bring facilities into compliance with
regulatory requirements, or necessary to avoid serious facility/resource
This bill authorizes the department  to request the Texas Public Finance
Authority to issue up to $60 million in revenue bonds to renovate parks
and wildlife facilities.                      

As proposed, H.B. 3189 authorizes the Parks and Wildlife Department  to
request the Texas Public Finance Authority to issue up to $60 million in
revenue bonds to finance the repair, renovation, improvement, and
equipping of parks and wildlife facilities. 

This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 11.043, Parks and Wildlife Code, to provide that
the Texas parks and wildlife capital account (account) consists of the
amount of credits made to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
(department) under Section 151.801, Tax Code, after allocations to the
state parks account and the Texas recreation and parks account, proceeds
of revenue bonds issued under Section 13.0045, or any other source
authorized by law.  Sets forth an exception.  Authorizes the proceeds of
bonds issued under Section 13.0045 and deposited to the account to be
spent to finance parks and wildlife projects, including the repair,
renovation, improvement, and equipping of parks and wildlife facilities.
Authorizes the comptroller, rather than the treasurer, to invest money in
the account.  Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 2. Amends Section 13.004(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, to set forth
an exception. Makes a conforming change. 

 SECTION 3. Amends Chapter 13A, Parks and Wildlife Code, by adding Section
13.0045, as follows: 

the department, by resolution of the Parks and Wildlife Commission, to
request the Texas Public Finance Authority (authority) to issue revenue
bonds or other revenue obligations to finance the repair, renovation,
improvement, and equipping of parks and wildlife facilities for an
estimated project cost not to exceed $60 million.  Requires the authority,
upon receipt of the department's request, to promptly issue the bonds or
other obligations under and in accordance with Article 601d, V.T.C.S.
(Texas Public Finance Authority Act).  Requires the department to deposit
the proceeds of bonds issued under this section to the credit of the Texas
parks and wildlife capital account and authorizes the department to use
the proceeds only to finance the repair, renovation, improvement, and
equipping of parks and wildlife facilities. 

SECTION 4. Effective date: September 1, 1997.

SECTION 5. Emergency clause.