PMWJ H.B. 3588 75(R)BILL ANALYSIS JUDICIAL AFFAIRS H.B. 3588 By: Lewis of Tarrant 4-28-97 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND Criminal district courts and districts courts that give preference to criminal cases in Tarrant County currently are currently authorized to employ magistrates, with the approval of the commissioners court. The statutory county criminal court judges of Tarrant County have requested the authority to appoint magistrates. The appointment of one or more magistrates will enable the statutory county criminal court judges to better manage their dockets and bring matters to trial in a more timely manner. It will allow the Tarrant County Criminal Courts to handle more criminal cases in a cost effective and efficient manner, reduce the growing backlog of cases and delay the need to seek authority from the state to establish additional courts. PURPOSE H.B. 3588 grants the Tarrant County Criminal Court Judges the authority to appoint magistrates with the consent of the Commissioners Court, allows criminal cases involving occupational drivers licenses to be referred before the magistrate, and clarifies that a party may request a court reporter to record proceedings before the magistrate only in a felony case. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or institution. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1 amends Section 54.651(a), Government Code, to grant the Tarrant County Criminal Court Judges the authority to appoint magistrates with the consent of the commissioners court. SECTION 2 amends Section 54.656(a), Government Code, to allow criminal cases involving occupational drivers licenses to be referred before the magistrate. SECTION 3 amends Section 54.659, Government Code, to clarify that a party may request a court reporter to record proceedings before the magistrate only in a felony case. SECTION 4. Effective date. Emergency clause.