C.S.H.B. 3589
By: Keel
Committee Report (Substituted)


Lakeway Municipal Utility District was created in 1972.  Its boundaries
include more than 3357 acres.  A tract of 1300 undeveloped acres that lies
within the District has recently been purchased by a new owner who would
like to develop the tract immediately.  The District does not have bonding
capacity sufficient to construct the facilities to serve the tract, and
voter approval of a new bond election is highly unlikely.  Granting the
District the authority to exclude land from its boundaries, contingent
upon the landowner paying their pro rata share of the bonds and debt
service due on previously issued tax-supported bonds, provides a solution
that is beneficial to both the district and the landowner and would allow
development of this land. 


To grant Lakeway Municipal Utility District the authority to exclude land
from its boundaries, provided that the landowner pays its pro rata share
of the previously issued tax-supported bonds and debt service payments


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or


SECTION 1. Defines terms used within the Act.

SECTION 2.  Authorizes the board to choose to hold or not to hold a
hearing to consider excluding land from its boundaries and to grant
exclusion of land from its boundaries on any of the grounds for exclusion
included in Section 49.306, Water Code,  provided that (i) the board
received a petition, signed by the owners of the land to be excluded and
consented to by all persons holding liens on the land, requesting
exclusion of the land as described by metes and bounds, and (ii) the
owners of the land pay to the district a payment and any other fees or
costs required by the district. 

SECTION 3.  Provides requirements for notice of a hearing held pursuant to
this Act. 

SECTION 4.  Provides that an exclusion of land under this Act may be done
contemporaneously with a refunding of the district's outstanding bonds and
that, if the exclusion is done in that manner, the only notice required is
the notice specified under Section 49.304, Water Code. 

SECTION 5. Provides that Sections 49.307 and 49.308, Water Code, apply to
all exclusions under this Act. 

SECTION 6. Emergency clause.


SECTION 2. The original did not provide the option of a public hearing at
the board's discretion, and the substitute does.  Further, the substitute
deletes Section 2(a)(2) of the original which authorized the board to
exclude land from its boundaries on any of the grounds for exclusion
included in Section 49.306, Water Code, provided that the district does
not have sufficient remaining authorized but unissued bonds to construct
the facilities necessary or advisable to allow the land or other property
to be fully developed.  The substitute also deletes Section 2 (b) and (c)
of the original which defined the pro rata share of the debt and debt
service attributable to the land as the percentage determined by dividing
the total assessed value of the land excluded by the total assessed value
of all land within the district in the year of exclusion and provided that
the payment made to the district shall be treated by the district as tax
revenue pledged to payment of the previously issued tax-supported bonds. 

SECTION 3 of the original, which provided that an exclusion of land under
the Act does not impair the rights of the holders of the previously issued
bonds or other obligations of the district or the obligation of the board
annually to adjust the district's tax rate to provide sufficient tax
revenues for debt service on all outstanding bonds, is deleted in the
substitute.  The new Section 3 in the substitute provides for notice of

SECTION 4 of the original, which provided that an exclusion of land under
the Act does not invalidate a bond election held prior to the exclusion,
and that the district may continue to rely of such an election and issue
the remaining authorized but unissued bonds without holding another
election, notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, is deleted in the
substitute.  The new Section 4 of the substitute provides for exclusion
and bond refunding. 

SECTION 5 of the original provided that Chapter 49, Water Code, applies to
the exclusion of land or other property under this Act to the extent that
Chapter 49 is not inconsistent with this Act.  Section 5 of the substitute
provides that Sections 49.307 and 49.308, Water Code, apply to all
exclusions of land under this Act.