SRC-CDH    H.C.R. 132 75(R)                                       
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Senate Research CenterH.C.R. 132
By: Counts (Sibley)
Criminal Justice


There were over a million reports of crimes committed against 
Texans in 1995.  Although the crime 
rate is improving and violent offenders are serving longer 
sentences, the recidivism rate is almost 
50 percent within the first three years of an offender's release 
from prison.  All Texans benefit when 
inmates reenter society as contributing, responsible, law-abiding 
citizens, and research illustrates the 
ability of religious faith and commitment to overcome criminal 
behavior.  This bill will encourage 
the use of faith-based programs in Texas correctional facilities.


As proposed, H.C.R. 132 submits the following resolutions:

To urge the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, the Texas Youth 
Commission, the Texas 
Juvenile Probation Commission, and all Texas county 
commissioners and sheriffs to 
recognize and permit faith-based correctional programs, 
facilities, and initiatives to play a 
more significant role in the rehabilitation of criminal 
offenders by encouraging more use of 
faith-based programming in public prisons and jails; 
facilitating the operation of private, 
faith-based correctional facilities for willing inmates who 
are nearing release; and utilizing 
one-on-one, faith-based programs that encourage positive 
behaviors by offering a structured 
and re-adjustive program of education and spiritual nurture.

Requires the secretary of state to forward an official copy 
of this resolution to the chairman 
of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, the chairman of the 
Texas Youth Commission, the 
chairman of the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, and the 
county judge in each Texas 