Senate Research Center   S.B. 13
By: Galloway
Natural Resources
As Filed


Currently, Mont Belvieu is a city located in northwestern Chambers County,
about 40 miles east of Houston.  Part of the city rests atop a geological
formation known as the "hill," whose salt dome has developed into a
petrochemical industrial complex of great value to the city and county.
Some residents of the city live near production facilities, storage tanks,
and transmission lines of dangerous petrochemicals.  While the industrial
entities of the area have taken measures to ensure safety, a risk still
exists for residents and property owners due to the volatile nature of the
materials produced in the area.  An industrial district would allow for
zoning powers which could help relocate residents and businesses to create
a safer environment for Mont Belvieu citizens.  This legislation creates
the Chambers County Improvement District No. 2 and establishes its powers,
administration, duties, and financing, in an effort to better meet the
needs of Mont Belvieu citizens. 


As proposed, S.B. 13 establishes the creation, administration, powers,
financing, and dissolution of the Chambers County Improvement District No.
2; provides for the power of certain entities to contract with the
district; and grants the authority to issue bonds. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


Improvement District No. 2 (district), which is a governmental agency, a
body politic and corporate, and a political subdivision of the state.
Sets forth the terms by which the name of the district may be changed.
Provides that the creation of the district is essential to accomplish
certain purposes. Sets forth certain legislative declarations.
Establishes that the district will not act as the agent or instrumentality
of a private interest.  Requires this Act to be liberally construed in
conformance with the legislative findings and purposes of this Act. 

SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS.  Defines "board," "city," "county," "district,"
"nonconforming property," "purchase program," and "zoning regulations." 

SECTION 3. BOUNDARIES.  Provides that the district includes all of the
territory contained within a certain area.  Authorizes boundaries of the
district to be adjusted after a hearing. 

SECTION 4. FINDINGS RELATING TO BOUNDARIES.  Sets forth the terms by which
the legislature finds that the boundaries and field notes of the district
form a closure, and provides that if a mistake is made, it does not affect
the district. 

SECTION 5. BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  Sets forth the terms by which the district
is governed by a board of directors. 

SECTION 6. PURPOSES.  Provides that the district is created to regulate
land use; acquire, sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of property; exercise
certain regulatory authority over businesses within the district; and
contract with the city, county, or any other political subdivision to
provide police  power regulatory services and to aid and assist those
entities with one or more projects. 

SECTION 7.  POWERS.  Provides that the district has all of the rights,
powers, authority, and functions conferred by the general laws of this
state applicable to districts created under Chapter 375, Government Code,
which are necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in SECTION 6.
Establishes that if any provision is in conflict with or is inconsistent
with this Act, this Act prevails. 

district's additional specific powers and duties. 

SECTION 9. TORT CLAIMS.  Provides that the district is a unit of
government, and that the operations of the district are essential
governmental functions for all purposes and not proprietary functions.   

SECTION 10. EXCLUDING TERRITORY.  Establishes the conditions under which
the board is authorized to exclude territory from the district if the
exclusions are practicable, just, or desirable.  

SECTION 11.  AD VALOREM TAXES.  Sets forth the terms by which the district
is authorized to levy ad valorem taxes to pay the costs of acquiring
property; to pay principal, interest, and the redemption price on certain
bonds, notes, or other obligations; and to levy and collect an annual ad
valorem tax on taxable property in the district.  Prohibits the board from
levying or collecting assessments. 

conditions under which the district is authorized to issue its bonds or
other obligations secured by revenues, by the levy of ad valorem taxes,
grants, gifts, contracts, leases, or other combination.  Sets forth the
terms by which the obligations of the district are authorized to be issued
in the form of bonds, notes, certificates of participation, or other
obligations.  Authorizes the proceeds from the sale of the bonds or other
obligations, if so provided in the bond order or resolution, to be used
for certain purposes. 

SECTION 13. ELECTIONS.  Requires an election to be called and held to
confirm establishment of the district.  Prohibits the board from calling
another confirmation election for six months, in the event a majority of
the votes cast at a confirmation election are against the creation of the
district. Prohibits the district, prior to a successful confirmation, from
issuing bonds or levying taxes or assessments, but provides that the
district has the power to carry on such other business as the board may
determine.  Sets forth other provisions regarding elections. 

SECTION 14. CITY APPROVAL.  Requires the district to obtain the prior
approval of the governing body of the city for issuance of bonds for
certain improvement projects, and for plans and specifications of certain
improvement projects.  Provides that the city shall never be obligated to
pay any bonds, notes, or other obligations, with certain exceptions. 

SECTION 15. ANNEXATION.  Authorizes the district to annex land upon
petition of the owners and subject to city approval. 

SECTION 16. CONTRACTS WITH DISTRICT.  Sets forth the terms by which the
district is authorized to contract with a city, county, or other political
subdivision, corporation, or persons to carry out the purposes of this

SECTION 17. DISSOLUTION.  Establishes the conditions by which the board
may elect by majority vote to dissolve the district.   

SECTION 18. POWERS OF THE CITY.  Provides that the creation of the
district, the exercise of its powers and duties, the issuance of bonds, or
the levying of taxes within its boundaries will have no effect on the
power or authority of the city. 

SECTION 19. NOTICE AND CONSENT.  Sets forth legislative findings regarding
notice and consent. 

 SECTION 20. Severability clause.

SECTION 21. Emergency clause.
  Effective date:  upon passage.