MMA S.B. 128 75(R)BILL ANALYSIS HIGHER EDUCATION S.B. 128 By: Haywood (Hirschi) 3-14-97 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND Currently, Midwestern State University (MSU) offers radiological sciences degrees via teleconference to military personnel stationed out-of-state at residential tuition rates if they began the program while stationed in Texas. The military often reimburses these students for their tuition, but not their fees. Because public institutions in Texas charge fees as well as tuition per enrolled hour, many of the military students cannot afford to enroll in the radiological sciences degree programs at MSU. PURPOSE As proposed, S.B. 128 authorizes the governing board of Midwestern State University to set the tuition rates and exempt from fees the United States military personnel enrolled in the bachelor of science or master of science degree program in radiological sciences at Midwestern State University. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency or institution. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 54.058(h), Education Code, to authorize the governing board of Midwestern State University (board) to set the resident and nonresident tuition rates for United States military personnel enrolled in the bachelor of science or master of science degree program in radiological sciences at Midwestern State University at rates the board considers appropriate. Authorizes the board to exempt those military personnel from paying all or part of the required fees. Prohibits the total amount of tuition charged to a resident member of the armed forces under this subsection to be less than the total tuition and fees charged to resident students in the same program. Provides that military personnel enrolled in these programs by instructional telecommunication are entitled to pay tuition and fees as provided by the board under certain conditions. SECTION 2. Effective beginning with the 1997 fall semester. SECTION 3. Emergency clause.