JLM S.B. 280 75(R) BILL ANALYSIS PUBLIC EDUCATION S.B. 280 By: Zaffirini (Tillery) 5-18-97 Committee Report (Amended) BACKGROUND During the 74th Legislative Session, S.B. 1 deleted a provision in law that was being used as the basis for the State Board of Education to adopt rules concerning creditable years of service for salary increment purposes. When the provision went through the sunset process, it was not readopted and, therefore, there are no current rules regarding what counts as a year of experience for salary purposes. PURPOSE As proposed, Senate Bill 280 requires commissioner of education, in consultation with the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) to adopt rules for determining the experience for which a public school teacher or librarian is to be credited in placing a teacher or librarian on the state minimum salary schedule. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill grants additional rulemaking authority to the commissioner of education in Section 1 and Section 2. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 21.403(c), Education Code, to require the commissioner of education, in consultation with the State Board for Educator Certification, to adopt rules for determining the experience for which a teacher or librarian is to be given credit in placing the teacher or librarian on the minimum salary schedule. Requires the district to credit the teacher or librarian for the number of years of experience. Makes nonsubstantive changes. SECTION 2. Requires the commissioner to adopt rules for determining the experience for which a public school teacher or librarian is to be given credit in placing the teacher or librarian on the state minimum salary schedule, as required by Section 21.403(c), Education Code, as amended by this Act, not later than January 1, 1998. SECTION 3. Emergency Clause. Effective Date: upon Passage. EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENTS Amendment 1. Amends Section 1 of this bill by striking ",in consultation with the State Board for Educator Certification," thus, allowing the commissioner to adopt rules regarding the provisions of SB 280 without consulting the SBEC.