Senate Research CenterS.B. 358
By: Brown
State Affairs
Committee Report (Amended)


The Credit Union Commission (commission) was created by the 61st
Legislature in 1969.  The commission adopted rules regarding the
chartering, examining, and supervision of state-chartered credit unions
under the authority of the Texas Credit Union Act.  Additionally, the
commission acts as an appeal board for the decisions and orders so the
credit union commissioner, may oversee the daily activities of the Credit
Union Department. 

The Credit Union Commission is subject to the Sunset Act and will be
abolished September 1, 1997, unless continued by legislation.  This bill
provides for the constitution of the commission for four years as
recommended by the Sunset Advisory Commission.   


As proposed, S.B. 358 provides for the continuation of the Credit Union
Commission for a four-year period and makes statutory modification
recommendations by the Sunset Commission.  


Rulemaking authority is granted to the Credit Union Commission in SECTIONS
3, 9, 10, 13, and 17 (Sections 10.03(g), 11.06(e), 11.061(b), 11.10(i),
and 12.03(b), Article 2461.1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S.) of this bill. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 2.03, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S. (Texas
Credit Union Act), to delete a provision requiring the Credit Union
Commission (commission) to adopt rules establishing procedures concerning
notice of application to incorporate and conditions under which a hearing
may be available.  Authorizes the credit union commissioner (commissioner)
to consider the availability and adequacy of financial services in the
local community and the effect that the incorporation of the credit union
would have on the local community.  Deletes the time frame in which the
commissioner is required to approve an application and report the
findings.  Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 2. Amends Section 2.06(b), Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., to
delete the time frame in which the commissioner is required to approve or
disapprove an amendment in writing.  Deletes Subsection (e) from a list of
subsections of Section 2.03 under which the commissioner is required to
make certain findings and may take certain actions. 

SECTION 3. Amends Section 10.03, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Subsections (g) and (h), to require the commissioner to consider
the availability and adequacy of financial services in the local community
and the effect that the merger or consolidation would have on the local
community.  Requires the commission, by rule, to establish other
appropriate criteria that the commissioner must consider in making the
determination.  Requires the rules adopted under this section to specify
in detail certain procedures. 

SECTION 4. Amends Sections 11.01(b) and (c), Article 2461-1.01 et seq.,
V.T.C.S., to update standard language developed by the Sunset Commission
regarding annual financial reports.  Updates the Credit Union Commission's
sunset date to September 1, 2009. 
SECTION 5. Amends Section 11.02, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., to
provide that four, rather than six, members of the commission must be
individuals who meet certain requirements. Provides that five, rather than
three, members of the commission are representatives of the general
public.  Updates standard language developed by the Sunset Commission
prohibiting appointment as a public member under certain conditions.
Updates standard language developed by the Sunset Commission prohibiting
commission members or  their spouses from being compensated under certain
conditions.  Defines "Texas trade association."   Prohibits a person from
serving as a member of the commission or acting as the general counsel to
the commission or the Credit Union Department (department) if the person
is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code.
Makes conforming changes.   

SECTION 6. Amends Section 11.03(a), Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S.,
to update standard language developed by the Sunset Commission regarding
the appointment of commission members.  

SECTION 7. Amends Chapter 11, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Section 11.031, to add standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission regarding training requirements for commission members. 

SECTION 8. Amends Section 11.04, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., to
delete language providing that an office of the commission becomes vacant
under certain circumstances. Updates standard language developed by the
Sunset Commission regarding removal of a commission member.   Makes
conforming changes.   

SECTION 9. Amends Sections 11.06(a), (c), and (e), Article 2461-1.01 et
seq., V.T.C.S., to update standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission regarding open meeting and administrative procedure laws.  Adds
standard language developed by the Sunset Commission regarding a presiding
officer.  Deletes a provision requiring the commission to annually elect a
chairman and vice chairmen from among its members.  Requires the
commission to adopt rules relating to recusal of members, requiring a
member who has a personal or private interest in a measure, proposal, or
decision pending before the commission to publicly disclose the date to
the commission at a meeting held in compliance with Chapter 551,
Government Code.  Prohibits a member from voting or otherwise
participating in the decision.  Requires the disclosure to be entered into
the minutes of the meeting. Makes nonsubstantive changes.   

SECTION 10. Amends Chapter 11, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Section 11.061, to add standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission regarding public appearance before the commission.  Requires
the commission to adopt rules providing for public notice of department

SECTION 11. Amends Section 11.07, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Subsections (d) and (e), to add standard language developed by the
Sunset Commission regarding competitive bidding or advertising by a credit

SECTION 12. Amends Chapter 11, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Section 11.071, to add standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission regarding policy-making and management responsibilities of the

SECTION 13. Amends Section 11.10, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., to
update standard language developed by the Sunset Commission regarding the
department's funds.  Adds standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission employment qualifications and responsibilities. Updates
standard language developed by the Sunset Commission regarding complaint
information, and the preparation and distribution of information to the
public concerning department functions and complaint procedures.  Adds
standard language developed by the Sunset Commission regarding state and
federal program and facility accessibility laws. 

SECTION 14. Amends Section 11.18, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., to
update the standard language developed by the Sunset Commission regarding
career mobility and advancement and  annual performance evaluations.   

 SECTION 15. Amends Chapter 11, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Section 11.19, to add standard language developed by the Sunset
Commission regarding an equal employment opportunity policy.   

SECTION 16. Amends Section 12.01, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., to
update standard language developed by the Sunset Commission regarding
credit union hearings before the State Office of Administrative Hearings.

SECTION 17. Amends Chapter 12, Article 2461-1.01 et seq., V.T.C.S., by
adding Section 12.03, to provide that this section applies to a request
for approval by the commissioner for certain matters. Requires the
commissioner to submit a notice of the request to the secretary of state
for publication in the Texas Register.  Requires the commission, by rule,
to provide for other appropriate public notice of the request.  Sets forth
the conditions for a public notice and any subsequent hearings resulting
from the notice.   

SECTION 18. Charges the Sunset Advisory Commission, in its reviews in
2001, to evaluate the structure of the state's financial regulatory
agencies and to study the potential effects of placing the Credit Union
Commission under the jurisdiction of the Finance Committee. 

SECTION 19. Requires the Credit Union Commission and the Finance
Commission of Texas to jointly review state law, including rules,
governing financial institutions in this state.  Requires the review to
contain certain information and be submitted to the Sunset Advisory
Commission before September 1, 1999. 

SECTION 20. Provides that a vacancy which exists after the effective date
of this Act is required to be filled by appointment of an individual
described by Section 11.02(b) of this Act until the number of public
members and members who represent credit unions are as prescribed by those

SECTION 21. Effective date:  September 1, 1997.

SECTION 22. Emergency clause. 


Amendment 1.

Page 6, strike lines 26-27, and Page 7, strike 1-7 and substitute
identical language formatted in certain manner.   

Page 7, lines 7 and 14, strike "the department" and replace with "any
financial institution regulatory." 

Page 7, lines 8 and 15, strike "the department" and replace with "such

Amendment 2. 

Strikes proposed SECTION 8 and substitute the following:

Sec.  11.04.  VACANCIES; REMOVAL.  Delete a provision relating to
procedures regarding a vacant office of a member of the commission.
Delete a provision relating to extended absences which constitute a ground
for removal under this section.  Delete proposed Subsection (d) and (e)
relating to the validity of an action of the commission with regard to
removal and notification of certain officials of a removal under this

Amendment 3.

Page 20, SECTION 17, strike proposed Subsection (c) and replace with a new
Subsection (c), relating to commentary accepted by the commissioner and to
approval or disapproval of  certain applications by the commissioner.  

Amendment 4.  

Page 12, line 23, strike "affect [and specifically relate to]" and replace
with "and specifically relate to." 

Amendment 5.

Page 5, lines 25-26, strike "September 1, 2001" and replace with
"September 1, 2009." 

Amendment 6. 

Page 7, lines 15 and 25, strike "Texas."

Page 7, lines 18 and 25-26, strike "in the credit union industry" and
replace with "representing or affiliated with a financial institution
group or any entity affiliated with financial institutions." 

Page 8, line 4, strike "Texas."

Page 8, line 6, strike "in this state."

Amendment 7.

Page 10, line 3, add "(10) the basic principles and responsibilities of
credit union management."