JKM S.B. 503 75(R)BILL ANALYSIS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S.B. 503 By: Ellis (Olivo) 4-24-97 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND Currently, the School Child Care Services Program (program) is not in effect because it was eliminated during the 74th Texas Legislature. The program encouraged school districts to study and to act with community input regarding the need for child care services in Texas schools. This fund provided for approximately 10 grants of $40,000 each to accredited independent school districts and served 900 children per year. In order to restore the program, legislative action is necessary. This bill re-establishes the program. S.B. 503 allows the Texas Work and Family Policies Clearinghouse in the Texas Workforce Commission to provide grants to local school districts for the purpose of implementing school child care services before and after the school day for a school district's schoolaged students. PURPOSE As proposed, S.B. 503 authorizes the Work and Family Policies Clearinghouse to distribute money appropriated by the legislature to school districts for the purpose of implementing school-age child care before and after the school day and during school holidays and vacations for a school district's school-aged children. In addition, this bill sets forth guidelines regarding the use of the money. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY Rulemaking authority is granted to the Texas Workforce Commission under SECTION 1 (Section 33.902(d), Education Code) of this bill. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 33.902, Education Code, by amending Section (c) and adding Section (d), as follows: (c) Makes conforming changes, and adds "prekindergarten" to program information the commission shall distribute to school districts. (d) Authorizes the Work and Family Policies Clearinghouse (clearinghouse) to distribute money appropriated by the legislature to any school district for the purpose of implementing school-age child care before and after the school day and during school holidays and vacations for a school district's school-aged students. Requires eligible use of funds to include planning, development, establishment, expansion, or improvement of child care services and reasonable start-up costs. Authorizes the clearinghouse to distribute money to pay fees charged for providing services to students who are considered to be at risk of dropping out of school under Section 29.081. Requires the Texas Workforce Commission, by rule, to establish procedures and eligibility requirements for distributing this money to school districts. SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 1997. SECTION 3. Emergency clause.