Senate Research Center   S.B. 572
By: Fraser
As Filed


Currently, the University of Central Texas does not operate as part of the
Texas A&M System.  This bill would transfer governance of the university
to the Texas A&M University System and rename the school the "Public
University for Central Texas."  The university would be an upper division,
public university empowered to grant baccalaureate and master's degree,
and would focus on local student needs.  This bill provides for the
transference of the university to the Texas A&M System and sets forth
provisions regarding the transference and the creation of the Public
University for Central Texas.    


As proposed, S.B. 572 transfers the governance of the University of
Central Texas to the Texas A&M University System, and renames the Public
University for Central Texas.   


Rulemaking authority is granted to the board of regents of the Texas A&M
University System in SECTIONS 2(c) and 8 (Section 87.822(a), Education
Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1. TRANSFER OF GOVERNANCE.  Sets forth provisions regarding the
transfer of the University of Central Texas to the Texas A&M University
System.  Provides that if certain conditions are met the transfer is
effective September 1, 1997, and is governed by SECTIONS 2 through 7 of
this Act.  Requires the institution, when the transfer takes effect, to be
known as the Public University for Central Texas until the board of
regents assigns the institution a different name. 

responsibilities of the board of regents of the Texas A&M University
System for the university.  Authorizes the university to continue to award
degrees in the same disciplines and same academic standing as the
University of Central Texas.  Provides that new degree programs at the
university are subject to the approval process applicable to other public
institutions of higher education.  Provides that rules and policies
adopted by the board of regents of the University of Central Texas that
are in effect when the transfer takes effect are continued until amended
by the board of regents of the Texas A&M University System.  Requires the
board of regents of the Texas A&M University System to adopt rules and
policies applicable to the Public University for Central Texas in
anticipation of the transfer authorized by this Act. 

applicable after the transfer regarding contracts and written obligations
entered into by the board of regents of the University of Central Texas. 

SECTION 4. EFFECTS OF TRANSFER ON EMPLOYEES.  Requires a person who is an
employee of the University of Central Texas as of the effective date of
the transfer to be treated the same as any other new employee of the Texas
A&M University System with the exception that each employee be given
credit for all prior years of service at the University of Central Texas
for the purposes of annual leave accrual rates as state employees. 

 SECTION 5. CURRENT FUNDING.  Sets forth provisions regarding funding
after the effective date of the transfer. 

SECTION 6. EFFECT OF TRANSFER ON STUDENTS.  Provides that the transfer of
the University of Central Texas to the board of regents of the Texas A&M
University System does not affect the credit hours earned by students at
the University of Central Texas before the effective date of this Act. 

SECTION 7. LEGISLATIVE INTENT.  Provides that it is the intent of the
legislature that the effect of this Act is to transfer governance of the
existing University of Central Texas from the board of regents of the
nonprofit corporation to the board of regents of the Texas A&M University
System. Provides that this Act does not create an institution of higher
education entitled to funds under Section 17 and 18, Article VII, Texas
Constitution.  Provides that on and after the effective date of the
transfer, the Public University for Central Texas is not eligible to
receive funds under Section 17 or 18, Article VII, Texas Constitution,
until otherwise provided by law. 

SECTION 8.  AMENDMENT.  Provides that if the transfer authorized by
SECTION 1 of this Act takes effect, effective September 1, 1997, Chapter
87, Education Code, by adding Subchapter J, as follows: 


Sec. 87.821.  PUBLIC UNIVERSITY FOR CENTRAL TEXAS.  Provides that the
Public University for Central Texas is a coeducational upper-level
educational institution located in the city of Killeen.  Provides that the
institution is a component institution of the Texas A&M University System
and is under the management and control of the board of regents of the
Texas A&M University System.  Provides that the board of directors of the
Texas A&M System (board) has the same powers and duties concerning the
Public University for Central Texas as are conferred on the board by law
concerning Texas A&M University.   

Sec. 87.822.  POWERS OF BOARD.  Sets forth the powers of the board in
respect to prescribing courses, awarding degrees, entering into an
affiliation or coordination agreement with another entity, making joint
appointments, and adopting rules.  Requires the salary of a person who
receives a joint appointment under Subsection (a)(4) to be apportioned
among the institutions to which the individual is appointed on the basis
of the services rendered. 

SECTION 9. REPEALER.  Repealer:  Chapter 1255, Acts of the 71st
Legislature (Central Texas University), as amended by Chapter 37, Acts of
the 71st Legislature (Central Texas University), and Chapter 800, Acts of
the 72nd Legislature (Central Texas University). 

SECTION 10. Emergency clause.
  Effective date: upon passage.