JLC S.B. 874 75(R)BILL ANALYSIS APPROPRIATIONS S.B. 874 By: Wentworth (Coleman) 5-9-97 Committee Report (Unamended) BACKGROUND Currently, every board under the Texas Department of Health reimburses its members for meals, lodging, and transportation expenses. However, the comptroller has interpreted a line in the governing statute for the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists (board) as prohibiting reimbursement for any expenses other than transportation expenses. This bill would change the language of the governing statute for the board to allow reimbursement of board members for each day that the member performs functions as a member of the board, as provided by the General Appropriations Act. PURPOSE As proposed, S.B. 874 authorizes the reimbursement of expenses to members of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 7, Article 4512c-1, V.T.C.S. (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Act), to prohibit a member of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists from receiving compensation for serving on the board. Provides that a member is entitled to the per diem as set by the General Appropriations Act, rather than the legislature, for each day that a member performs functions as a member of the board and is entitled to reimbursement for expenses as provided by the General Appropriations Act. Deletes existing text prohibiting reimbursement to a member for travel expenses other than transportation expenses. Deletes text providing that a member is entitled to reimbursement for transportation expenses. SECTION 2. Makes application of this Act prospective. SECTION 3. Emergency clause. Effective date: upon passage.